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RE: Smoke

in #life6 years ago

Firstly, I'm an American and I do say fags, but of course I spend a LOT of time in England so people usually excuse my odd jumble of England, New England, American words all higgedly piggedly tossed like a fresh Spring salad!

I have never been addicted to fags, in that I never smoked like a chimney, but I do have them occasionally. Particularly when I AM in England as I find myself more in cities and at sidewalk cafes or behind the local and a fag just suits me then. I make it worth my while though and get good Dunhills or French cigarettes. And if I can't find filterless, I cut that bit right off.

Sometimes I picture you, in your Scottish ways, in the mix of one of my favourite shows, Still Game. I was so excited to see there were two more seasons I had not seen, but sad to see that season 9 shall be there last :(

Well this was an odd sort of rambling comment, see what becomes of one when their daily steemit schedule is interrupted?

Oh, and sorry about the 'wee one' I hope she gets over her cough.


Still Game! What an excellent show. I use to love it but haven't caught the last season yet.

Hehe, that's how I used to show, I think it's the reason I can stop quite easily!