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RE: Maybe It's Because He's a Londoner

in #life3 years ago

Lol accents. I love to collect them up, so varied and wonderful. Tho I'd expect a Fat cockney'd not say apples and pears (as he probably never uses them, choosing lifts, thus fat) now "pigs ear" might have been apropos for the occasion.

One of my favourite things to ask a Soct to say is "Purple Burglar Alarm"'ve just tried, eh? I wish this had sound :)

Of course we Americans butcher the language, what's left of it when we're done chewing our way thru it. However we in my state LOVE to laugh (under our breath and behind backs of course, we are polite after all) when out of 'staters' try to pronounce our very old English town names. Having a person ask directions to Worcester or Leicster Gloucester haha of course I'm amuse by simple things.

Oh and congrats on a crate of beer, now that sounds like a fun afternoon!


Haha, I keep saying people burglar alarm and it sounds weird! We utterly mangle that one!

Worcester, Leicster Gloucester are quite hilarious to hear people saying. We have a few in Scotland like Milngavie which always confuse folk as you pronounce it Mull-guy! 🤣

Yes in 'Bostonian' Worcester is 'woostah' :) I find it all pretty fascinating...I love that your family must be looking at you odd as you walk about saying "Purple burglar alarm" LOL love it.

We say woostah too but probably not with quite the same twang!