
I actually don't think so. Stefan Molyneux usually says something along the lines of "I'd rather have to pay 99% income tax than having to spend time with my mother", and I can't do anything other than agree. Taxes don't screw with your mind and entirety of your personality which is the foundation of who you are. They just rob you of money. If you don't have personal freedom within the realm of your relationships, freedom can't exist.

I run a small bed and breakfast and I cheat on my taxes so I can go to the local food bank to get food instead of paying for it. It really increases my margins. It also helps keep the food bank in business, I bet.

Yes, but the question is what effect parents have on an individual. For me, having them in my life would equal complete and total psychological slavery and 100% suppression of my personality and being, which is what makes me me. Compared to this, no tax is too expensive.

Of course, as an anarchist, I want to strive to achieve a stateless society. And that's basically what we're doing here with the help of crypto ;)

I read that kids don't develop emotions until they are ten. So I wouldn't be too concerned for the first 9 years.