China Unveils New Elevated Bus Design

in #life8 years ago

A new transit elevated bus (TEB) design has been unveiled in China's Hebei province, that straddles ordinary road traffic by traveling along both sides of the road, rather than traveling along the road traditionally with the other cars. Road tests have recently been conducted and the elevated bus is designed to carry around 300 people at a time.

The bus was designed by the Beijing-based company TEB Technology Development and it features an elevated midsection that allows it to glide over two lanes of traffic. The bus is able to receive electricity through the tracks the tracks on the road and it is designed to get going up to about 40-60 km an hour. The green-friendly design also allows it to be powered partially by solar energy. The length of the entire vehicle itself is expected to run about 60 meters in length.

Many in the area are hoping that the new bus design is going to help eliminate traffic jams and help to play a role in reducing air pollution. And China might not be the only ones looking to transform their roads in this way. Other nations, like India, France, and Indonesia, have also expressed an interest in possibly moving in this direction and adopting this system. Each system is estimated to cost around $4.5 million. Not everyone is a fan of the design though and many concerns have been raised, among them are that the design is too high, too heavy, too costly, and will infringe upon driver visibility.



I wonder what happens if a truck or a car that is not low enough to pass under it? Do they end up blocking all the traffic behind it?

Yeah I thought about that also. The small cars only can pass below while the larger are not

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