Hi everyone!
I will show you my mechanical pencils today!!! Yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Lol sorry... I know it's just mechanical pencils but I'm hoping some of you could relate to my obsession 😁
They are mostly Japanese brand of mechanical pencils and a few of them are German brand but the ones I have are made in Japan.
I'm only writing the list of them. Sorry, too many to write about at once! I'll talk about the detail some other time.
Here is the list...
Pentel Smash
Pentel Graph1000 for pro and cs
Pentel Graphgear1000
Staedtler Night Blue Series, Tokyu Hans ( Japanese department store) limited edition and Staedtler Japan colour edition
Rotring 500
uni Kuru Toga
Zebra DelGuard
Pentel Kirari
Pilot Furefure sprinter
Orenz nero, standerd with metal grip
Kokuyo enpitsu mechanical pencil
Pentel Graphgear500
Pentel Graphgear800
Pilot S20
Zebra Tect 2 Way
Pilot Dr. Grip Haikyuu design
Pilot Opt
Here you have it! All of my beautiful mechanical pencils. I think I bought enough for now😆
今日は私のシャーペンコレクションを紹介しようと思います!イェェェェェーーーーーーイ!!! 😆
はい、ワタクシ、シャーペンオタクでもあります😁 集めて集めてこんなにたくさんになっちゃいました。
とりあえず、リストです。詳しいお話はまた今度😊 興味のある方がいたら嬉しいのです。
ぺんてる スマッシュ
ぺんてる グラフ1000 フォープロとcs
ぺんてる グラフギア1000
ステッドラー ナイトブルーシリーズ、東急ハンズ限定、ジャパンカラーコレクション
uni クルトガ
ゼブラ デルガード
ぺんてる きらり
パイロット フレフレ スプリンター
オレンズ ネロ、 メタルグリップ
コクヨ 鉛筆シャープ
ぺんてる グラフギア500
ぺんてる グラフギア800
パイロット S20
ゼブラ テクト2ウェイ
パイロットドクターグリップ ( ハイキューデザイン)
パイロット オプト
これで全部です! あ~~~ リストアップしただけで疲れちゃいました😅
100% own work.
Have a good day / night :)
nice post @djynn. nice drawing tools.
Thanks! 😁
I have been wondering about your collection. These are the ones that you do not use, right? Impressive collection. : )
Thank you but I use them! ;)
Collectors aren't supposed to use their collection. You are to admire them. Seriously, it doesn't matter. At least they make you happy so enjoy them! : )
I admire them by using them. They are tools after all. I think it worth more for me anyways... when it works well as a tool ;)
Wow! it's nice to finally meet you my sis' collection! ^^ I've been waiting for this day... hihihi :)
it's never enough, sis... jkjk~ you've got a great collection there!! ^^
I know, never enough!!!😆 Thanks sis!
Hahaha... I feel the same.. :) You're welcome... ^^
私は製図用のシャーペンが好きです。ステッドラーのナイトブルーシリーズ(シルバーシリーズもあります) は凄く気に入っています。ロットリングとぺんてるのグラフ1000も描きやすいです。ガシガシ描くならぺんてるのスマッシュかな😊
ありがとうございます✧ ( °∀° )/ ✧ガシガシ派なのでペンテルのスマッシュ買ってみようかなと思います!
Nice Drawing Tools ^ ^ upvoted! <3
ill be happy if you would check my work of drawing ^ ^
Thanks for stopping by!
Sure ^ ^
That's a very nice collection - great variety!
Thank you!
I like all the blue ones!
Blue ones are all nice! Thanks for stopping by!
You're welcome???
Great post with lots of information. Thank you for sharing
Thank you!
Nice collection. It was my go to tool when I used to draw. Check out my recent post created with one of thouse and tell me what you think.
Cool! Thanks for stopping by!