There was a man walking in the jungles of the Amazon with a wonderful view of nature and tall trees, which has never seen before, and the beautiful blossoms with refreshing smells.
While enjoying the spectacular scenery and pleasure of the trip, suddenly he heard a quick fast sound coming from behind him.
The man turned to the back and saw in front of his eyes a frightening and massive lion heading towards him at lightning speed; the lion was clearly very hungry.
The man was running very fast and the lion was chasing him.
When the man felt the lion was approaching him, He watched a well near an abandoned house;the man jumped immediately and without hesitation and clung to the rope where the water was drawn.
The man was leaning in the center of the well. A short time later the lion's voice calmed down then the man picked up his breath and settled his fear, but soon heard another voice but this time it was correct snake large head and very long is down the well.
When he was thinking of some way to get rid of the snake inside the well and the lion at the top,
He watched two mice, one of them white and the other black climbing from the bottom of the well through the rope and start with the loan it.
The man was very frightened and began to move the rope with his hands right and left to scare the mice, and while he swinging, collided with one side of the well, and felt a wet sticky in the back.
The man turned back and found honey, Taste the man from the honey, and the intensity of honey sweetness forgot the man in which the positions of difficult.
Suddenly his wife awakened him from his sleep, and then he knew that it was just an annoying dream.
In the morning, the man decided to go to the interpreter of dreams to explain to him what he saw,
Narrated the dream to the interpreter, the interpreter laughed saying:
- Did not know the interpretation?
- The man said: No.
- The interpreter said: The lion that is behind you is death, and the well by which the serpent is your grave. The rope that you are related is your age, and the black and white mice are the night and the day are less than your age.
- The man: but Honey?
- The interpreter said: Life has lost its sweetness, that behind you a death.
by @djouad
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