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RE: Our Life on Planet Earth – Part 3: What happens after death?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

actually the afterlife in religions and what will happen has always been a conflicted question. In one sense, you need people to hope for an afterlife, but you don't want them either to make suicide to get faster in the afterlife.
That's why religion don't send you directly to heaven (and the idea of heaven is also relatively recent (beginning middle age I think))


The sad thing is that there has always been conflicts between religions and no one really cared to compare the roots. It has always been about 'who is right' and still is. And I agree, e.g. the church makes you want to believe that you have to deserve to be in heaven. Obviously it works. Thank you @djim34 for your reply!

You're exactly right! The oldest trick in the book was played by the devil ( a sneaky serpent that has a venomous bite ). Jesus did not come to set up churches but to set up "the church" of one truth. Religion is hocus pocus and there is only one God , he is all of our God. :D