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RE: How I went from rags to riches - leaving the rat race behind

in #life7 years ago

Not to be rude, but I don't think either of us will live long enough for that! Aside... you screwed up your chance to have my friendship 5 years ago... and you keep screwing up with other good people since... And you have that tendency to not only turn people against you but also to enrage them.... Never saw someone as polarizing as you in my entire life...


Well, I just dont get why people are so jealous of me. All we do is make daily videos of our lives. Anyone can do the same thing.

Troy no one is jealous of you.

You must be the only person on the whole of Youtube - there must be millions of channels - who as a forum dedicated to their channel. Your scams, begging, crulty to animals, dangerous practices, failed projects, an association with a known sex offender. The list goes on.

Troy, Let me have a civilized conversation with you... ONE (of many) problems you have is your perception of things... People are NOT jealous of you. At the risk of sounding rude, I can fit your trailer in my garage and your chalet in my greenhouse... It is in no way jealousy from ANYONE... People gets aggravated with you because you are in shit knee high, they offer you a branch or advice to help you straight up your life and you then reply with crap like "I studied it for yeeeeeeeeeears... Heavily" then next thing... instead of being knee high, you are up to your neck....

Does that start to make a little more sense to you what I am saying?

I do not know of anyone on .sucks or elsewhere (and as you probably suspect, I know A LOT of people that you call trolls) that wishes you ill will (well... let me rectify that... I know of one that would rather see you dead, but that's not my point) When people tell you "GET A JOB" they freaking mean it... They do not want to get you "fired" or whatever... You have that pipe dream of being an internet sensation and we both know that it is not going to happen....

Now, I saw somewhere that you asked for a "Second chance" ... Troy, c'mon man.... you are getting 50 years old in months .... Who the hell will believe that an old dog will learn new tricks? You had that "second chance" in your own hands when you moved to Michigan... All you had to do is fly under the radar, get a job, provide for your family and make your entourage proud.... What did you do? You hurried up to upload videos and that's what gave your location...

Anyway... I am pretty sure you won't give a crap at my opinion but there, you have it...

You know, sometimes it doesn't hurt to admit you are wrong... that's my 2 cents.

Problem is in that thread where he asks for a second chance he goes on to accuse "Trolls" of sabotaging his truck all in one sentence! Translation...What I got out of that request for a "second chance" is he wants the make believe trolls to go away so he can have a second chance to con a new group of deceived people following his channel. 45 watts of Harbor Freight panels tossed on the ground in front of his trailer and he claims to be 95% off-grid? WTF ya I am jealous...I have enough solar to power every fridge in his neighbourhood, I paid 27 thousand dollars for my system and I am extremely jealous that Troy as he claims did it for under 5000...

@timcat100 Well, that's definitely a good example... I am not even sure why I even try to make Troy understand anything that would make perfect sense to about everyone else....

Wow!!!! Really? So when you guys turn me in for crimes I did not commit (its all on sucks) you mean well for me. Oh gee, thanks man.

And when you guys turn me in for code violations I was not guilty of you meant well for me. Awe thanks man.

And when you guys turned me in for arson it was meant for good?

Wow, I love you guys. You are the best friends a man could have.

I was actually one of the few that was against "Turning you in for Arson" I did not want it to happen because I knew you being the dick you are if the charges didn't stick you would play that sympathy card for ever after that. Shove it up your ass... the thanks I got from you was a monetised drama video of you telling me to scatter like a mouse. Seriously dude get a job pronto and get off the inter webs of e-begging. You suck at this Job...YOU ARE FIRED!!! I am telling you right now, get a real job, buy some real food and not Deer bait (Todays video) and start looking after your family. If you don't you will lose Ming Ming and the Baby and it will be all your fault. If you are un-employable as you claim because of the trolls (you lying prick), the least you could do is get Ming Ming a drivers license and let her go to work. You could be a stay at home dad and operate your T-Shirt/coaster business all you want. My Pilipino girl is one of the hardest workers around. she has worked her way up to manager.

By the way, I want to thank everyone who thumbed up timcats confession of the fact that I was set up for arson.

All those thumbs up make his confession stand out loud and clear to the World.

Thank you.

I have no idea at all how you took anything personal from me. I had no idea of your involvement in the arson thing, for or against. So I could not have attacked you afterward.

I am not even sure what you are referring to anyway. All I did was to show on video the police and dec leaving my home.

Funny you say that if the charges did not stick I would play the sympathy card.

I just dont even know what to say about that one.

An innocent man gets framed for arson. I show the police at my home. And you well.... oh boy.

Oh oh...

And all the slanderous comments about baby raping and the like - those are meant with good intentions?

Well thanks man. Thats so kind of you guys.

Oh, and all those comments about my church. And homo comments. And talking about us doing some pretty strange things in church.

That was all meant for good?

Wow, thats so swell.

Ok, there we go again... You put everyone in a troll basket and throw accusation in right? I do not know who turned you in and for what. But I will have the honesty to tell you that I did contact the Oklahoma police, who in turn sent the FBI to your place after you bragged about Tim Carrey sending you trip wires. So on that one, don't accuse the planet, it was me and I have no shame about it.

Code violations: Troy... it was not a violation it was a bloody monstrosity... The "tiny thing on bricks" had absolutely nothing made to code or with any sense of safety in mind... C'mon... even you have to know that.

As for the Arson, I do not know all the details as I was taking vacations of the .sucks at that point. But from my understanding, if law enforcement indeed came to your place following some tips they received, it would be fair to assume that they had reasons to investigate. The result of the investigation did not lead to charges pressed against you so it seems to me that it is case closed.

I can see your sarcasm about the "best friends" thing.. But to be honest with you, I don't think any of them has any interest into being friend with you ever again... You just burn too many bridges... I guess it is in your nature...

If you ever were to go get a job, you can rest assure that I would use the little influence I have and ask people to leave you alone. Actually I truly believe I wouldn't even have to ask anyone... They all would on their own.

Now... can you take a few minutes of reflection and think about what you may be doing wrong before replying again with accusations...