Do more, Say Less

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I can't remember how many times I have wasted my time arguing with people in real life, especially during my nomadic days when I was exposed to this diabolic world. Lately, I realized that I should not be wasting my precious time and energy on petty things anymore. There would be far less damage if only I have learned to shut up and not give in to my need to react. I don't bother arguing with people unless they are my friends I've known for a long time or I seriously have a good feeling about them. Proving your point to someone can be useless. Most of the time, words don't matter, actions do. People only hear what they want to hear.

When I decided to travel, I received opinions from people who have never even traveled. Even though those were coming from some of my friends, I thought that I no longer have to explain why I needed to do it. Being from a culture of non-travelers, I understood that most people would not understand. It was the time to be good at my career, make more money, settle down and have a family. But those were not for me yet and I didn't need to explain myself or justify my decisions. If my life would be based on the opinion of others, then I would probably never have traveled or done anything on my own.

I've collected photos and captured memories now saved somewhere in my mind. I've amassed knowledge and met a lot of people along the way who changed the way I think. Now I have ideas on what else I should do in this life. Those were just the result of my actions. If I have preached to my friends, I travel because of this and that... it would really make no sense to them. In reality, I don't really make any sense to people. But who cares? I do what I have to do without explanations, without arguments. As long as there are no animals that would be harmed. Show to the world what you want to do first then let your actions do the talking. Talk is cheap.

I was more of an idealist when I was younger with a lot of free time to argue. As I get older, I learned to see through people and all the ways of this world. I guess unlimited mistakes and bad experiences in life will give you that kind of wisdom. I realized that the less I talk, the better. Having to explain or defend myself sound really unsophisticated. Arguing with strangers online is the worst. It's like arguing with this self-righteous, idealist younger version of myself with a lot of free time in her hands. In reality, there's no point. Even in real life, you don't even know how it's going to affect the people you're arguing with, you might think they agree with you, and that you have won the argument. But deep down they resent you. They are just preparing to your take your words against you in the future. It's like these days, you have to be careful with everything. Be careful with a man's ego, be careful with an insecure female friend, be careful not to act superior, be careful not to step on a great man's shoes... like what is this world I'm living in? It seems like it's better not to say anything anymore. People will hurt you intentionally if you hurt them unintentionally.

If an argument is just based on feelings, forget about it. It would only be formed with contradictions, statistics, and other unverified facts just to defend the self. People are really more interested in themselves. Every time there's a remark or comment about something, they always think about their own case or what affects them personally. Words can be interpreted according to the insecurities and mood of the other person. It seems that everything you say is about the other person. It is very human to react and feel. It is diabolic to think and not to react. But the human tendency to react angrily can be very disastrous. And so that's why there are many trolls out there making fools of themselves. And also that's why there are toxic relationships and broken marriages. The result of giving in to feelings is rushing to actions and making mistakes. People have mistaken aggressive action as an effective action, but it is not. It just creates more damage to relationships.

You can actually do more by saying less or by not doing anything. Or if you really want to prove to people that you are right, then just win them through your actions. Don't bother to argue with those who are not open-minded enough to understand. An argument would only feel like a personal attack anyway. Take the high road. Walk away and save your energy. Or let things be resolved on their own. Learn to see if people are worth your time first. If not, don't bother to explain anymore. Just do what's best for you.


Very well said, I definitely agree to this. I really hate arguments, instead of making things clear it just makes it worst. Whenever I hear something I don't like specially negative opinions about me, I just let it be, like you said who cares anyway? I don't, let them think what they want because I know myself enough not to be bothered by those things. If you are confident with yourself, no words can make you doubt yourself and what you do.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful thoughts of yours. 😊

If you are confident with yourself, no words can make you doubt yourself and what you do.

I agree! Thanks for reading.

Such a trove of wisdom in this post, @diabolika...

Arguing with strangers online is the worst. It's like arguing with this self-righteous, idealist younger version of myself with a lot of free time in her hands.

I have made this same journey, and came to the same self-awareness. lol

...if you really want to prove to people that you are right, then just win them through your actions.

One of the core truths in this life. It's what you do that matters. All the talk in the world will accomplish exactly nothing.

Your path through this world so far has imbued you with great insight.

Thank you @braveboat!

You're welcome. Caught the typo I made in your handle just now and corrected it... lol Sorry!

True words; I think in general trying to preach, argue, or complain about things makes life far less enjoyable. People don't really care or want to really listen and if they do, you will realize it or they will genuinely ask, so there's no point in wasting your energy.

trying to preach, argue, or complain about things makes life far less enjoyable.

True, and a real waste of time.

Yes it's wise to abstain from arguing people. People who don't understand your silence can't understand your argument. Some time during argument people become personal with you so avoiding argument is a good choice. Your action speaks louder than your words. so keep doing your business. Thanks for sharing :) @diabolika

People who don't understand your silence can't understand your argument.

I agree @kamchore. Thanks for reading!

Spot on @diabolika something I need to do more. I don't argue as such but like a good debate. Sometimes I pick the wrong person, who isn't as comfortable sharing their views... maybe I should say discussing their view or having them cHolland. I love it and embrace it but need to be more aware many people are not awake to this. Thanks I can see this more now 💯🐒

A good debate can be good as long as the other person is open-minded to listen to differing views. Sometimes they are not comfortable sharing theirs and I usually just don't bother lol.

This is what I need to learn better haha 💯🐒

My favourite ever response to a question about adventure: Why do we do it? If you have to ask the question you won't understand the answer. It's not that easy to explain to people haven't tasted even a little bit.

It's not that easy to explain to people hasn't tasted even a little bit.

I actually don't bother trying to make people understand. I just understand if they don't understand why I go on an adventure.

Nice post , really true saying !!!

less words more relief friend, thanks for sharing

Awesome post I like your post thanks for sharing"Without the head, the human body can not be imagined, so there is nothing that is absolute without patience or patience."