What is life...

in #life7 years ago

There are many people in this world who are living on the basis of their thinking. Everyone is involved in the race of life! Falling out to each other has become the motto of life! No one has the time today! Not even for ones! All lives are living, but there is no comfort anywhere else! Far away from knowing about God, today even today God is within the scope of doubt! Many have become one from God! Now there is a fight on which divine is superior?

Is this life? Should we just struggle from birth to death? What is the meaning and purpose of life?

What should we do for a quiet and relaxed life? The lines below were heard from a crazy mouth!

Do not earn that way

Do not spend like that

Do not eat like this

Do not say that

Do not let this happen late

Do not think that worry


But nowadays human beings do it! Sometimes I wonder who is crazy?

Human life is an ego boon! This is an invaluable opportunity to know about God! This is a huge loss to the occasion!

Man's life would be meaningful if he came from someone else's work! The purpose of human life is to know about God, that is salvation!

In order to know about God, there must be a strong desire in the mind of man first of all! That desire will not come unless the heart of man is holy! The heart is sacred from the service of others! Everyone has won for himself but those who have won for others are always remembered!

Two times to eat, the clothes, meal, required a house is a minimum requirement for living! Those who do not have this fortune, they are in need of help, and those who have more than this should help them!

Charity is a sacrament to sanctify a heart! Joe gave it!

The purpose of life of man is to know God! For this purpose, man should try!

There will be many obstacles in this! But constant effort brings success! Slowly a stream drops in the stone! Should be continued effort! If you stand for any purpose, then stand like a tree! And if it is to fall then fall like seeds, so that it can grow again to fulfill that purpose! Do not give up when falling, defeat happens when no more effort

That's why we should be a good person before all!


amazing philosophy you have in life!