Food Can Make You Healthy or Be The Cause of Health Problems

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hippocrates was to thank for the famous quote, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. There is absolutely a direct link between diet and health and it is common knowledge that junk food causes health problems including obesity.

Processed foods are the main culprit and of course the pesticides, hormones, sodium, and antibiotics that are added to food supply also contributes to many health issues we see surfacing all across the U.S.

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Not to mention GMO's that are Genetically Modified Organisms many of which are banned in numerous foreign countries. Is there a correlation between the rise in Diabetes and Cancer and fast food, processed food, GMO's etc?

Overall, seeing your food as medicine helps you make better decisions about what (and how) to eat in order to make the best decisions for your own wellbeing.
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I encourage you to buy organic whenever possible, shop in the produce section more than the middle isles (where the processed food is primarily stocked), and prepare your own food as often as possible.

Here are some tips for Healthy Cooking and Healthy Eating:
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As we know, in this world of ours, everything we have or do comes in pairs. It's either you choose the right direction or the wrong one. So is food, you just have to understand your genetic make up and eat the right balanced food. My thoughts though.

As I watched a lot of documetaries about food and how it can poison or heal you. I ve started to pay more attention to it.
When I even started to read about it I became even more strict.

I am not this strict anymore but I still pay a lot of attention to it most of the time but I make sure I dont eat fast food. I have self made burger once in a while fe.

Since this my mood got way better, I have more energy and as I had always a bit to struggle with depression this got better also.