I Am Your Conscience: Feed Me! (An Original Poem)

in #life9 years ago (edited)

The voice of conscience is the voice of guidance. It should never be ignored. While I was searching through the depths of my mind, I was inspired by the owner of the well and I come up with this poetic contribution to the steemit community. I hope it makes a difference.

Image credit: human conscience

I am you conscience, your voice of reasoning
Your path to life and awesome living
Your partner through life’s journey, closer than a brother,
Closer than a friend, even closer to you that your thin skin!
I am your conscience, feed me!

I know you! Wanting to feed your cravings always
Your desires to satisfy, through the days
But when I prompt, please, listen to me for a moment,
And I might just be saving your life
Because I am your conscience, feed me!

When there are a thousand and one voices in your head,
A multitude of thoughts encroaching your mind,
I get buried deeper and deeper in that trash, still I rise
I’m gagged like a prisoner, hands in chains behind the back, yet still, out I cry
And when they all desert you after they are done, I remain, because I am you conscience, feed me!

Image credt: refe99

When I say “go right”, your cravings drag you left
When I shout "restraint!” you slap me into silence
Piling on me heaps and tons of emotional dead weight, just to keep from hearing my voice
I'll be patient, because when your wild oats come back to bite, you will but listen to me
Because I am your conscience, feed me!

You and your fellow mortals, you sacrificed truth on the altar of deceit
You exchanged the glory of honesty for the price of a piece of bread
Thirty pieces of silver to betray integrity into slavery in the court yard of selfishness
Courage has gone into hiding, leaving terror to strike fear in the hearts of weaklings
But I choose to always rise up in your hearts for the truth, I am your conscience, feed me!

Image credit: refe99

When I hunger, it is not for a morsel of bread,
It is not to crave for food that litters the tables of kings or men of means
My hunger is for justice, to rescue justice and restore truth back to its place
I hunger for that which makes it fair to all, for justice and righteousness I will adore
Just remember that I am your conscience, please feed me!

But I know it shall all come to this, to the days....
When your grinders are but a few and even the keepers of the house tremble
When the windows grow dim and the strong men can do nothing but stoop
When the sound of grinding fades and even your desires are no longer stirred
Then you will wish you had listened to me, the voice of your unfed conscience!

An original poem by delphia16

Kindly make your comments below. Upvotes will be appreciated.

You can please follow me @delphia16 for more

Happy Steeming!


I love your post today. It's really a great reminder to people to keep their conscience despite what the majority of people are doing and what the state wants you to do.

Thanks a lot @rutheniumjuice, for your comment. And for the appreciation. Thank you.

I put my heart on the chopping block daily! Love it!!

Thanks @mindhunter, that is really inspiring. Comments like these help to keep going whether or not you get rewarded for your posts. Thank you so much

To not love putting ones heart on the chopping block daily is like a series of small deaths.

I agree @thecentreofitall I look forward to more chopping block poetry from the heart :)