What do you write about when in isolation?

in #life4 years ago

Day 16 of my isolation... I suspect they assume I spend all day sleeping

I've been in isolation for a couple of weeks now. While I have no symptoms or any likelihood of having this fucking virus, my employer has asked all personnel who can work from home to work from home.

I'm OK with this, it gives me a chance to travel less and spend more time with my wife. And working from home can be great, but oddly I still find myself being distracted by my team on quite a frequent basis. On a mildly entertaining note, others in the leadership who cannot work from home keep accusing me of sleeping in and slacking off. They're not always wrong. Working from home sometimes feels like a holiday, so I occasionally find myself staying up late while sipping on a nice whiskey or two.


But the restrictions on time spent with family and friends and the pathetic hoarding behaviour that we are seeing from our fellow "Australians" makes my time spent at home a little less enjoyable.

Thankfully, my family is doing OK during this time of isolation and pandemic. We've had a couple of scares with my wife and sister getting something resembling symptoms of the virus. Both came back clean though, which was a massive relief.

As we approach an Easter holiday, I suspect that the isolation will become more difficult. I greatly doubt that I am alone in looking forward to this time. My family would normally rent a house on the beach and spend the extended weekend with each other. It is normally an extremely happy and enjoyable time for us all. And I get to spoil my niece and nephew with lots of gifts which is something I really look forward to.


I suppose we'll just have to make do with what we have available though. And enjoy the quiet time at home instead. Unsurprisingly, my garden is looking incredible and my chilli plants are looking incredibly healthy. Soon I'll have an abundance of ripe chillies to make use of. I still haven't decided what this use will be however I'll be sure to show you all some of my creations.

Stay healthy, Hive people! I hope you are all well in this very strange time.
