Week three of the lockdown is complete. And, sanity wise, I am fine.
While I normally travel extensively for my work, I have now been working from home for a full three weeks. This feels unusual, and I must admit that I really feel the need to be back on the road again.

But being home with the wife is nice. And, so far at least, we are not growing sick of each other.
We are seeing and experiencing the impacts of the economic decline however. My wife has been stood down from her work, so for the indefinite future we are now a single income household again.
I’m a little frustrated by this given that my plan to be debt free in 2 years looks unlikely to eventuate. But I also need to remind myself that I am fortunate enough to be on a very decent income while many people around me are struggling to survive on government subsidies while our country deals with this very unique economic and public health disaster.
For example, my closest friend has been growing his Air BnB business for the past few years which has involved a very careful balancing of debt to income ratios while allowing him to draw a 6 figure income from the business.
He now has very little income coming in and has had to apply for government support. Thankfully his wife is still working and can keep their house paid for and food in their fridge.
Most importantly, my family and friends are healthy and none of us have (so far at least) contracted the virus. And this is the most important thing to remind myself of during these very strange times.
So sure, I should probably change my account name to @debtfreein3 but the most important things are that:
- I still have my work
- we still have our health
How about all you? Are you OK? How are you coping during these times?