like attracts like
Not always. Also opposit personalities can attract each other.
Some people want to copy exactly the life of their parents.
Some people are eager to do something totally different, make the opposit than their parents.
In the book
Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples
Harville Hendrix
Has a theory that we want to play the same games our parents played, to heal our wounds. We choose relationship with persons which have the same errors our parents have.
Yes, so truth…people who seek their opposite are attempting to fulfill something within themselves they lack; i.e. an introvert with low self-esteem might like the confident extrovert who keeps ‘the party going’…
Again, very true…in an effort to show parents how to do it the right way…(healing) they end up in a similar disaster as the parents…thus…a recipe for divorce.
Apologies for the delayed reply...low on RBCs...;+)