How To Avoid The Plague Called Divorce?

in #life6 years ago

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Chatting with somebody about cheating and marriage, I found some interesting statistics. The one on Wikipedia shows divorce is a real plague in the developed world. In some countries, more than half of the marriages terminates with a divorce, in others, 20-40 percent. Even in some Islamic countries happens in 10-20 percent of the cases.

In the so-called developed world, in the European Union and North America, I estimate, the 40-45 percent of married people get divorced sooner or later. (Divorce/marriage ratio on Wikipedia is something different, is the number of divorces to the number of marriages in a given year. That depends also on the age of people, or the ratio of younger and older people.)

Secondary effects

A large number of divorces has many secondary, deteriorative effects. For example, many people are living lonely in their elderly years. By other statistics, lonely people die earlier or get ill more often. (Your spouse cares about you…) Divorced parents maintain and educate children much more difficult. Maintaining two separate homes, paying the bills is much more costly in family terms.

Children in divorced families have often psychological problems, disorientation in life, troubles in school, sometimes disorders in their whole life.

Marriage is protecting you

As for example, the American Psychological Association (APA) wrote:

In Western cultures, more than 90 percent of people marry by age 50. Healthy marriages are good for couples’ mental and physical health. They are also good for children; growing up in a happy home protects children from mental, physical, educational and social problems. However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce.

Unhappily ever after

And who stayed married but are unhappy (APA):

And for those that stayed married, many are in unhappy marriages, which, research shows, is a risk factor for poorer mental and physical health and is associated with an increased risk for relationship aggression.

We can estimate that more than half of people are unhappy? I think so. Why are people divorcing so often? I’m sure there are many answers and sources, I found this one, relatively new, made in 2017, in the United Kingdom:

The three most common reasons for the breakdown
of marriages have not changed in the last four years. They are (figures for 2017):
growing apart/falling out of love (25%)
extra-marital affairs (21%)
unreasonable or controlling behaviour (20%).
Grant Thornton

What is the midlife crisis?

A statistics about the causes on Wikipedia, from the year 2004, also UK:

Adultery; Extramarital sex; Infidelity – 27%
Domestic violence – 17%
Midlife crisis – 13%
Addictions, e.g. alcoholism and gambling – 6%
Workaholism – 6%
Other factors - 31%

Some causes, like “adultery” (infidelity), “midlife crisis” or “falling out of love” remind me to another common reason: boredom. Not very romantic, I know, but... isn't that a problem? Did you never get bored with somebody?

There is a common sense of wisdom, where people say: In earlier times, some centuries ago, as most people were living only 30-40 years, it was easier to stay together. Actually, as many people are living 75-85 years in most developed counties, it is much more difficult. (Scientifically not proved.) At least for many of us.

Do you really do all possible for your spouse?

Seems to be very probably that It’s easier to tolerate, love, esteem and respect your spouse a 10-20 years time period, than 50-60 years. I know it sounds horrible, cynical, cold-blooded, but is that a reason not to talk about it?

Let’s suppose I don't want to lose my spouse, I love him/her. But she/he can’t be faithful, needs, sometimes, an affair. In the modern world, I can decide to tolerate this unfaithfulness to maintain my marriage. “I love you so much I could sacrifice my life for you” – are saying many lovers. Really? Would you do all? Also tolerate unfaithfulness? Or “all” doesn’t include this?

Adultery as medicine?

Perhaps divorces would be less frequent if people had more freedom in their relations? I know people are very different, some can’t even think about this and will call me a pervert or something. For others, polygamy is totally natural. Read about the swingers’ life…

There is a phrase circulating here in Europe: “Many of us are living in polygamy, but we can’t have several spouses at the same time. So we have them one after the other.”

Thousand-year-old rules

As laws and religion don’t tolerate adultery very well, many have no parallel relations at the same time. But they are changing to another girlfriend/friend/spouse every 3-5-10 years. But by this method, many people are suffering. Mainly, the children and divorced mothers, but often also the husbands, expelled from their homes for a one-night stand.

Anyway, I think we are making something wrong, the mentioned numbers are showing this clearly. Can’t we make it better? Is it really necessary to live according to the rules of one thousand or two thousand years? What do you think? Please, comment.

Please answer my poll: Why Would You Divorce?



Thank you @deathcross For sharing this educational blog. I think this theme should teach in schools.

I have a friend very close to me, more specific my cousin Javy who suffered the consequences of a horrible relation of a nightmare, and divorce with a woman who he met online through friends The craziest thing is she always pretend to be a different person.

This woman suffers from mental illness, the first day he meets her she moves with him. And the story of horror star, this gentleman is a great human being, and she takes advance of his humble, and a good heart.

She is a very crazy person, and as a human being in the interior, she is a very evil person. She tries to destroy his life but today he is very successful in his business and his personal life.

Javy married again super happy, with a beautiful born baby name Lucy and thankful for his new life. But again we need more education about this theme. Absolutely, I agreed with you.

Please choose your couple with time, don't despair.

I will like to write the story here, so I can help people don't make the same mistake.

Have a lovely day @deathcross

School education could help a lot. Instead of math, geography, a little more of "life" and "people" or psychology, relationships.
Thank you.

@deathcross I'm sorry for not answering before, I was traveling and with a lot of work. But finally, I have free time to enjoy @steemit today! :)

I absolutely agreed with you. I grew up in Europe and we all have all can the social classes, even cooking classes, art, theatre, music, etc.

Adults and children need a better sense of what happening in the world and society today!

Children with better and high education, equal, a better quality of life and better decisions.

This is my point of view...

@deathcross Hope you enjoy and relax this weekend! :)

Thanks. I hope you enjoy your weekend, too.

As is with anything, if you make a commitment, stick with it the best you can.

If two people make a commitment to live out their lives with each other, then both should take equal care to meet that commitment, however, life happens and people fail to see temptation as a challenge to strengthen the relationship they are already in, so they opt to cheat. And then again, there are those who agree to have an open marriage!

People can come back from infidelity and be stronger for it however, it takes both people in the relationship to regain that couple power.

My advice to my own children, do not get married unless you can picture yourself with that one person for the rest of your days, being friends, lovers, parents, grandparents through all that may come up in life... in sickness, health, death & possible financial struggles. If the doubt is there you shouldn’t even bother.

Besides all of this, does any couple’s commitment really need to be acknowledged by a religion or a government in order for that commitment to be valid? I believe, absolutely not!

Great post btw! Food for thought, especially for our younger generations!

(Good) Marriages are made in the heaven.
Thank you.

I think that marriage is about discipline. It is so easy for people to quit when things get difficult.

The best part of marriage is that helping your spouse become a better person helps them make you a better person. It’s recoprical, and the modern selfish culture is antithetical to this.

The joy of working for a lifetime to strengthen a bond is priceless for the rewards that it will give a married couple.

Marriage is difficult and must always be worked on. Thanks for posting about this topic. I’m a teacher and I see a very strong correlation to success in life and school associated with a strong two parent household.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Typically, whether one realizes it or not, like attracts like. Many people marry people who closest reflect their parents' marriage/adult relationships without realizing it.

This helps explain why 'sane' people oftentimes seem like magnets to insanity in relationships. Believe it or not, a whole lot of cra' goes on behind closed doors; thus, a lot of little children grow up modeling how their parents act/what they tolerate in relationship.

The divorce rate is high; because, a lot of times people have to accept the horrific mistake they made. And, if they're super blessed, God will grace them with a second chance to get it right.

And millions do go on to enjoy a healthy relationship; but sadly, some don't learn, and seven marriages later, find themselves deeper in the same doo/just different faces.

Lastly, food for thought far more females are born than males…last check 12:1, making it quite obvious that women who practice monogamy shouldn’t be presumptuous about a life as a wife...jmho...


like attracts like

Not always. Also opposit personalities can attract each other.
Some people want to copy exactly the life of their parents.
Some people are eager to do something totally different, make the opposit than their parents.

In the book
Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples
Harville Hendrix
Has a theory that we want to play the same games our parents played, to heal our wounds. We choose relationship with persons which have the same errors our parents have.

opposit personalities can attract each other.

Yes, so truth…people who seek their opposite are attempting to fulfill something within themselves they lack; i.e. an introvert with low self-esteem might like the confident extrovert who keeps ‘the party going’…

play the same games our parents played, to heal our wounds.

Again, very true…in an effort to show parents how to do it the right way…(healing) they end up in a similar disaster as the parents…thus…a recipe for divorce.

Apologies for the delayed reply...low on RBCs...;+)


Your article helps families who are on the verge of divorce.

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hi I agree with you

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