
in #life7 years ago

The story continues- for those who missed yesterdays post on this song be sure to check in on my feed and i am sure you will enjoy it.
Unobtainium is a song i wrote in 2010 i wrote the music first as a solid guitar riff and i used that first on a Happy Birthday song for my son. The week after i was thinking i want to use that riff in a proper complete recorded and produced song. I was contemplating the rhythm and ideas for lyrics, i knew i had to get the lyric idea sorted before i could complete the song with a chorus section of music.
My luck turned when i went to see 'Avatar' i was amazed when i saw the screen image for the mineral they where calling Unobtainium. I recognised it instantly from my collection of semi precious gems and crystals, it was Galena a crystaline form of lead.

I was delighted that they used a rare but real crystal and that it was one in my collection. In the movie the mineral Unobtainium had a value of millions of dollars and was used for the main source of fuel to power a future world.
It was funny over the next couple of days my thoughts kept returning to the Galena and Unobtainium and i had a good feeling everytime i thought of it.
Soon enough i realised it made a great lyrical hook for the chorus of the Happy birthday song i written earlier.
I looked up Unobtainium in google and found it was term given by scientists in the 1950s for substances they knew existed but hadn't yet found, i knew then it was regular word and not something that could be under copywrite by the script writers of Avatar.
Well soon enough, i wrote the basis of the lyrics and posted me singing and playing it on electric guitar onto Youtube to see how it went over. Wow heaps of response and i got some links from a couple of famous people as i have outlined in the previous story i did on this song- be sure to read that one too.

Here is the song recorded and you can hear now for free on this link to my Reverbnation Daydreams4rock account, their is some other great songs i wrote and released on that site too, if you want to hear a few for free and you can buy the Mp3s for a dollar also. Just click on this link.

Here is the artwork for the completed single as released through itunes and amazon

I knew i had a great song (ego) and thought it would make a better album title song than single, i recorded it with my producer and put it aside for the completed album, so that it would create interest for the album release.
For reasons that i will keep personal, my producer pulled out of the project before all the songs where finished and i never released the album, i was emotionally drained and so depressed that i stopped recording and releasing music.
I put the finished Unobtainium song out through CDbaby but i had lost my momentum and couldn't raise the energy and enthusiasm to video a Youtube posting as the music video so it did nothing and i never really tested if it was a good song in the market.

Thanks everyone who has stuck with me to hear my story of Unobtainium and i hope you can understand why i had such high hopes for it. Anyway life pulls and pushes us in various directions and i ended up going down a different path. The music time, with the writing and recording was some of the most enjoyable parts of my life, and it only lasted around 8months.

I got married and needed to get serious about income and went into Landscaping.
Still though my music drew me heaps of followers on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter and now i can slowly bring them into Steem and help build my following here and build the whole network for everyone. I am connected to a large number of wonderful and some famous musicians too and hope i can influence them to coming into Steem and adding value with exciting new content and stories.


Follow me back !!

Interesting story and we will welcome your friends to Steemit.

following both assem and team

I like your style. I'm a music lover. Listening to Unobtainium right now. I like! :) You just can't go wrong with good music.

thnx so much for listening -- i am grateful you for you reading my story --check out the other one from yesterday and lady gaga and unobtainium - it really happened


thnx Juan - i am following you now