Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow…

in #life7 years ago

If I can’t change my past,

I will inscribe my story with caution. 

I will revisit the days of ignorance to make wiser decisions.

In this life,

At many crossroads I had made many terrible choices

Some angelic demons I had trusted 

Some disguise friendship I had foolishly ruined.

Now I acknowledge this mortal sadly. 

Some wounds will never heal 

Some scars will go 

Some tears will never stop 

Some choices cannot be undone, 

The past will never change. 

I can be a child, but once! 

Never younger again   

The road of life stretches farther still 

Errors of yesteryear will guide my steps  

As the rudder directs the vessel 

If you plant a wheat of breeze today, 

You will harvest stacks of fierce wind later  

The mistake of today are the ruins of tomorrow.