I Noticed This No Smoking Sign In A Parking Lot

in #life5 years ago


Of course this is not in any parking lot. This sign was in the Kaiser Permanente parking lot. You see I took my mom to Kaiser so she can get her lab work.

So I was wondering about this sign, cause usually there is no smoking 20 feet away from the door of a public building in California.

The parking lot is more than 20 feet away from the door, then I thought about the patients. Sometimes I see older people rolling their oxygen tanks with them as they walk to and from the building, plus the people with other lung diseases.

So in my mind I'm thinking that is why there is no smoking even in the parking lot for the patients with some kind of lung disease.

Of course smoking is no good for the people and people know it is not good for them, but they will still smoke as they are addicted to it.

Well, of course they are addicted to it as as the cigarette companies put more than 7000 different chemicals in these cigarettes to make sure one gets hooked on it.

Well, I still try to get my friends and family that smoke to stop their smoking. I can't believe that a pack of cigarettes are almost $10 a pack after tax.

My neighbor that does smoke sometimes complains that he doesn't have much money. Well, I tell him if he would give up his smoking and give up his drinking, he would save a lot of money.

Now can you imagine taking all that cigarette and alcohol money and channel all of that money into silver? Talk about remedies for a lean purse. I got that from the book called, Richest Man In Babylon by George S Clason. It would be a book worth reading.

So let's get back to smoking. I remember one of my friends that would smoke a lot. She was about the same age as me, but she passed away back in 2011. She was only 53 years old at the time. I am sure that her smoking had something to do with her illness. I remember bringing my mom to see her on her death bed in a local hospital as an air tube was in her mouth helping her breathe. She was unconscious at the time. That is a sad memory.

I am so glad that I really never liked smoking, I mean, I tried smoking a cigarette butt from the sidewalk when I was a kid and thought it didn't taste good at all. I told this story to someone that does like smoking and he told me to try it again only with a fresh cigarette, that I would like it better. No, I don't want to like it better.

Of course smoking will cause one to have more wrinkles in the skin over time as opposed to someone that does not smoke at all. You see the smoke will pull out what ever vitamin C that is in the body, out of the body. I told my friends that if they have to smoke, that they should at least take large amounts of vitamin C.

Also, one might consider that to the believer, the body is the temple and we are not to defile that temple. As it is written, If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 1 Corinthians 3:17.

Let's end with some scripture from the old testament, as it is written, And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not. And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD. Leviticus 10:1-2.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.


Jehova nos dice: que si lo Amamos Deuteronomio:6:4-7 y lo escuchamos no hagamos daño al regalo que nos dio, en deuteronomio: 30:11 -14. No hay leyes que regulen esto pero los principios inculcados desde el hogar evitara que el joven mas adelante arriesgue su salud y las de los demas, claro esta que somos imperfectos pero el NO nos pide algo, si no lo podemos hacer ya que conoce nuestras limitaciones.Dedemos cuidar nuestra y la vida de los demas . Te felicito.