Well, I did find the garbage can I wanted even though the garbage can that I wanted was in the outside garden center. I had to ask one of the Walmart guys working in that area.
He told me I was in the right place, but they decided to put that particular garbage can that I wanted in the garden section. Funny that when I went to the garden section there was less traffic there than where the garbage cans were supposed to be.
In my opinion they should have at least put two or three of them where they were supposed to be, then if they want to spread the product around to the place of the garden section they can.
Well, I would have just left, thinking that they sold out, if I didn't talk to that Walmart guy.
The only reason I even knew that they were selling this 20 gallon garbage can was that I checked for 20 gallon garbage cans on a Google search.
The last time I bought a 20 gallon garbage can was at Home Depot for about $15.95. Well the thing is that when I checked for a 20 gallon garbage can, I was also checking for price. The one at Walmart cost me $8.97 plus $0.74 sales tax or $9.71 out the door. Now I like that price better. Like they say on the wall, Save money, live better.
So anyway I was waiting in line at the number 15 check out line. There was a couple ahead of me. One of the products that they were buying was a Fellows paper shredder. The girl clerk wanted to know if they wanted product insurance of $6 for that Fellows paper shredder.
At first the guy says $6 is not that much, but he changed his mind to not get it. So the girl had to clear it out at that registrar. So she had to call for help. It is OK with me as I like to observe things.
You see I won't buy insurance for certain things. I expect the product to work the first day out of the box. If not then I take it back, but to pay for insurance. That makes me have a bad taste in my mouth.
You see now I remember a store called, Zody's I believe. They were closing, but they were still selling insurance on their products that they were selling. Well, when they do go out of business how would the customer even try to do a claim with the business not there.
So at this Zody's store that was to close, I believe this was in the 80's, a woman wanted to buy a radio clock, but the man wanted to put insurance on the radio clock. Well, if I remember it right the woman didn't even want the insurance. She said, Can't I just buy this for $7 like it's sale price? You see the retail clerk put the insurance on the product without the permission of the customer. I see it like that every once in awhile. So no I don't want to buy extra insurance, the product usually has some kind of warranty and that is good enough for me.
So back in line with the guy buying the Fellows paper shredder who decided to not have the insurance and I am glad for him that he said no for the extra insurance, they finally got that insurance off the registrar. Now I get to pay for my 20 gallon garbage can.
Don't we always have to pay for insurance on out health, on our cell phone, on our home, on our car and who knows what else we have to pay insurance for. I would rather not have insurance on certain things.
Ever think about the cell phone insurance? I had to pay $5 a month for cell phone insurance and when my cell phone broke down then I still have to pay a $50 deductible before I get my new phone.
So lets think about it, a cell phone might last for two years before breaking. That is 24 months of paying $5 a month or $120 for the two year time period, then the phone breaks, then you have to pay the $50 deductible to get the new phone. So to get the new phone you have to pay a total of $170 for the insurance and deductible. To me that cost too much money.
In 2017 I bought a used Moto G for $54.99 on Amazon. I thought I would buy another one this year just in case the one I have now breaks down. So I looked for another Moto G in good condition only this time it cost me $30 used on ebay. So I bought a second Moto G and put it away for insurance in case the one I have breaks down.
So let's weigh it in the balance, buy cell phone insurance for $5 a month and paying a potential of $170 to get a new phone or me just buying another used phone for $30 for my own insurance? Well, I save a potential $140 not choosing cell phone insurance and the $50 deductible option. I like my own option better. What is that saying on the wall again? Yes, save money, live better. Yes I like saving money.
Let's end with a scripture, The way of a fool right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel wise. Proverbs 12:15.
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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.
Way to go David ! I just googled How far can the Statue of liberty be seen on a clear day and your Steemit blog came up at the top of the first page. It Said "60 MILES but should be concealed by over 2000 feet of curve and your blog was there, Google let out a boatload of FE truth answering that query. : D
Thanks for letting me know Dave! I looked up that blog I wrote about a year ago. I had to bookmark my sources in it as Google is making it harder and harder to find things that I use to find so easily back in 2017. I get mostly the anti-flat earth articles and videos in my Google searches now days. Google is really 666 like their logo. I am glad my blog showed up for you. Thank you @brotherdave!