This is so special... You have the bonds that are beautiful and I am happy to see such real love.. I am very happy that you two are together and spending every day trying to enjoy all that life has to offer. I am sorry that you have your bad days, and there is not much more I can say. The only thing I know is you two have the deepest love I've ever seen.
I hope tomorrow is a beautiful day for you and Lynn! I hope God gives you a big smile to enjoy your day with your lovely lady!
Thank-you for resteeming this 🖤
Thank you for noticing Jill!
Thank you so much Dave for your words...please don't ever think that you are lacking because what you say is perfect. It warms our hearts that you can see the unique bond that Brian and I share. We feel fortunate for every day that we are given; I too am hoping for a good day tomorrow because when Brian can smile, I can too. Thank you again!
I agree... I hope you both had a huge smile today! And an even bigger one tomorrow!!!
Thank you so much Dave! That's what all of us should ever hope for I think :)
Dave it took me a while to respond as You my friend are one of the most gueniune peole I have ever got to know. As before you definately would be a peep I would hang out with. Today so far is a good day but tiring day. Between you and me the truth is I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of saying goodbye to her. Thanks again
I understand that completely. And that is an amazing thing because it defines true love.
I'm glad to hear you had a good day and I hope you have many more and enjoy each one!
You are an amazing guy and I'm happy to be one of your "peeps"!