This is a message to go out to all my followers to try to help a man named Brian Courteau. He has terminal cancer and is living out his last days in Mexico with his true love @lynncoyle1. Both of them are fantastic people, and I like many, have found their love story both sad and beautiful at the same time.
click hereFor an idea of what they are going through, here is @lynncoyle1's last post

The situation
I made contact with @briancourteau last night. He has run out of money for his meds. He is trying to sell 50 sbds ($150) to get enough to cover the medicine needed to help him with his seizures. He made a plea not to ask for money, but to ask how to expedite the selling of sbds for money he could use for medicines.
I actually am in need a few prescriptions and wanted to withdraw what i have in savings. The rest i will give to lynn. I am on a crappy pension and honestly need the meds more to make life bareable even if temperary. I have the prayer already from lynn as she sent it to me. Thank you

I don't want him to wait
So here is what I plan on doing. And if any of you want to help, then I'm sure Brian and Lynn would also appreciate it.
I am going to write this post and see how much we can raise from steemit in either upvotes or outright donations of steem/sbds. Whatever I receive from the post and donations will be converted by me into usd's (up to the US$150) and be sent to him via paypal tonight. Anything over the $150 will be send directly to Brian in the form it is received.
I want him to have the medicines he needs now. To me every day is important!

He will get the money either way
I have no idea whether people will respond or not to this post and I don't want Brian to be in limbo. This one is not a game, it is real life. I will backstop the whole thing and make sure that he receives the $150 tonight even if no one responds.
I also want to note that Brian (or Lynn) did not ask for a donation. I am the one asking on their behalf.

He still needs help with a steem trading account
My plan today will solve the problem for today, but if someone can help him set up a steem account so that he can convert in the future, that would also be appreciated. I don't know how to do that as I haven't sold anything and haven't had the need.

If you want to contribute
If you plan on upvoting, then that's easy. If you want to donate either steem or sbds, then please put "For Brian" in the memo to me so that I can track it. I want to make sure to get him every penny, so please don't forget that.

Does anyone want to help?

Dave . OH MY. You continue to amaze me my friend. I have tears streaming and am so shaken by the support. I actually just wanted to withdraw and wait for the funds but you have done me a big favor. A lovely person @spiritualmatters send be 5 sbd and I sent to you so it gets to this fund. another sent me some also but i had put it in savings. I am sorry I cant figure this out to send to you some how some way,
Ok Brian, I have sent you the $150 USD... There will be way more than that coming in the future, but that is my contribution to you. I always planned on sending you the $150, I am frankly blown away at the support of all the others here! I want you to have the meds you need and enjoy every day you can!
I will make a post and detail all the other donations and get them sent to you/Lynn directly so that you can also convert them to cash. @abh12345 has turned me onto @pennsif that can help you liquefy... Also @beeyou will help too!
I am so overwhelmed and no idea what to say right now. Lynn is balling. please send to my account as i will be the one that has the withdrawel hopefully someday set up. Lynn has my access info, Thank you my brother, very very much appreciated.
I will do as you wish... You might want to talk to @pennsif about doing it easily... According to @abh12345 he can send you usd direct without going through the exchange. I will hook you up with him... I also think @beeyou said she would take 50 sbds and convert it and send you the money through paypal too. I want to make it as easy as possible for you guys. So I will try to not overwhelm you/Lynn.
ok please as that will help so much. will you deal with @beeyou. I do not want her to have extra costs and thanks, yes I see @pennsif can send paypal
I sent you $61 with a note, please have a nice meal or night out on me. :-)
Ahh @deliberator, your note made me cry (tears of gratitude:), and Brian was very thankful as well! When the money always goes to meds and necessities, it was unbelievably thoughtful of you to do what you did :) It is something neither of us will forget, and in fact, we'll cheers with a drink over dinner just to you!! Thank you again my friend, from both Brian and I.
what a cool thing to do delib! Awesome, simply awesome!
I will do on both! Just take it easy and sit back and enjoy your evening with Lynn!
You tell him Dave!! :) Thank you so very much!!
I will also be able to send to paypal account. so confused.........no idea about coinbase and the others. its hard to concentrate but hopefully i can get it set up I think or hope lol
coinbase is an place where you can sell your bitcoin/litecoin for usd. But it would be easier with a confirmed account to sell. If you need any help just tell us :)
I am lost all ready. the cancer makes my head all screwy and yes Dave I was a numbers guy too before lol.
how do I get a confirmed account or use someone elses
Now to sound offensive but where do you live...i might need that to know to set up coinbase
I am from Vancouver canada but live now in mexico to end my time
I think the easiest way for you is to work with @pennsif and @beeyou... They will get you the money through paypal like how I sent it to you.
ok beeyou said for you to just contact her
will do! :)
@davemccoy I wanted to do something the other day when I commented on @lynncoyle1 post with a poem. I don't know how the money works on this site, and I don't have very much anyway onsite as far as I can see. However if you would like to post me an email stm1155@gmail.com with a secure address for you or Lynne, I'm sure I could wire some cash or buy a Bank Cheque or Western Union. Thank-you. Keep on keeping on.
Hi @simon62 that is a wonderful offer! I am happy to see you make that kind of offer... I have checked your wallet and you have some Steem Dollars in there... You have 2.414... What I would suggest (and I think it is the gesture more than the money) is that you send me $0.414 of your steemdollars in Brian's name and I will add them to the next batch I send him. That way you can keep 2 of your steemdollars for other things in the future (and I will explain what you can do with them later).
I'm sure @lynncoyle1 will be touched that you even offered to send money from your personal account. But in my opinion I think this gesture by you is worth more than any money you can send.
If you want to take my suggestion, then let me know if you need my help in how you can send the $0.414 in steemdollars to me.... I can walk you through it really easily! :)
You're good! thank you very much! :)
Goodo, one reason I offered Bank dollars is that I don't know how to this stuff on steemit. And, I've just found out someone is messing with my ability to curate. Yesterday after some very short posts in my morning, I suddenly had no bandwidth, and the reason I post at that time is because then is when bandwidth is greatest. Now I can't Vite, without an error message, so I can't earn by curation. All this time I've been putting up two to four blog-posts Abd a couple resteemed and all of a sudden I can't blog, but two early our morning, and then can't Resteem and now can't curate. I did look at wallet and have as far as I can see after nearly four months a whole $5US. If I knew there were going to be bullies I could have given cash weeks ago. A bit money isn't the worry, but bullies not even letting a bloke learn how the site really works.
So where is the post to tell me in DUMMY how to send you 0.414 whatever?
I am not liking steemit more and more. I never did see much point in internet to begin with because as far as I can see it steals people's time and gives very little back but fast comm. If you do buy something it still has to be slow-mail posted and delivered by such as I in a truck¿
We 4th h nil authority, then there isn't freedom only bullying chaos and nothing worthwhile will result from such. Freedom is having restrictions and knowing what they are then entering into discussion and negotiation, not arbitrary silent BS like the Witness us doing to me. She needs to meet someone like me on the street, and she would think again real quickly. I've spent over fifty years stopping bullies, and to hack this, I think I might have to leave.
--I wrote a plan to another, in saying if one got ten AU$2 red sim from vf, then started ten IP addresses with different 118Ed mail addresses, then passed posts back and forth to each for thirteen weeks, one might be in a better position to flag all her posts, but if course she has not made one all the time I've been attacked, and logic@ needs reading to. He has a bad attitude and no actual logic not having studied Pythagoras nor his student Aristotle, in any depth. Querying me on Pythagoras, he didn't appear to know that all language was numbers and logic and mathes are related. And anyway since 1954, and friend Einstein, there is nothing certain. How can someone of his emotional stance be called upon to partake in steemckeaners@ and wield authority over persons of a differing opinion? Soon we'll have religious fundamentalists raving on steemit, and already I've read some pretty ungenerous Christians, but surprisingly, none from other beliefs. Mist people will allow others their own beliefs so how do two, a witness and a steemcleaner get to be police¿
May the blessings be.
If you would write me a simple 1234 direction, that would be cool. Thanks @davemccoy. Or email¿ 😇
RPCError: Assert Exception:_db.head_block_time() < comment.cashout_time - STEEM_UPVOTE_LOCKOUT_HF17: Cannot increase payout within last twelve hours before payout.DISMISS
This was six days and would not accept a vote, and then a few hours later after I found I could post reply to you it wouldn't take it again and then it was seven days. I've voted for posts after a week even if there is nothing but bits involved. It's still a vote. It us not all time and money surely. What's going on? Please.
the system has been acting up... there was a virus that hit and it knocked all the servers for a loop... I am still seeing those messages a lot too... Just hang in there, they have to deal with the virus and then it will be back!
OK, so there are people attacking the blockchain. Why, whatever did authorities here ever do to be considered for attack 😆😆😆😆
Oh @simon62, what a beautiful offer!! You really do make my heart smile :) I agree with @davemccoy ...your gesture is so loving and that alone is all you have to do!! If you would like to send Dave the 0.414 both Brian and I would be genuinely happy about that. What would make me even happier, is if you continue doing all you do on steemit and one day when you are more able, use your steem to help someone else in need. You have such a kind heart my friend! I will not forget this :)
One by one the vets passed on, and all my elder Bros got cancer or drugs, legal and illegal, and burned out early. I've asked Dave for a heads-up on the how. I never wanted to do this for money, so logic@ is all off-beam, and I just don't get most of computers, having only about one month more than my steemit experience since analogue, when I had secretaries. 😆No worries @lynnecoyle1, this week I'm feeling great, even with a witness and an emotional geek on my back, because this morning I marched at the Parade and I was with a beautiful lady and her daughter who both love me, and, and, I'm the last man standing of my school class here in Oz. Just my old sergeant left and I left England before the end of Vietnam so all those back in the old country don't count. I didn't actually go to SEAsia, but we were on the airfield on the way to Blue-hat Cyprus, but when the Greeks and Turks heard we were coming, they quit fighting 😂
Keep on keeping on. 😇My father always taught me that money is round to go round, not flat to stack. If you are ever in need, and I am well and in sufficiency, what's the problem from giving you of excess? People make a big deal of money, but I have lived without very much all my life, and with faith in the Holy Spirit there is always a sufficiency. If I 'want' something and have not the resources for it, I have to ask myself, 'is it a need or a desire?' If a desire I may or may not get it depending I suppose on my attitude of giving, or more rightly my karma, but if it is a need, then by my faith it is always provided, even if, like rain from a clear blue sky. I see sense in some insurance because we have to deal with other people, but I see no sense in much because that is betting and gambling my faith in Spirit, or asking God for an accident 😂 Just because one knows the angels will catch one if one falls, is no reason to jump. One has no necessary need to prove one's faith to oneself or to any other person, and anyway, one's karma will put enough proofs before you without gambling. I find joy and appreciation in every action I see my gratefulness evidenced. Keep on keeping on. I have yet to learn how to upsteem, or do anything in the wallet at all. I don't understand that stuff, so I just leave alone. You may have a Bank cheque if you ever have a need for meds and find a shortfall in finance. @davemccoy has my email. May the blessings be.
I love your father's saying there @simon62! He must be a wise man ;)
I too have always lived my life distinguishing between wants and needs and never worry about the "wants" too much.
Thank you again for your generosity and your kindess!
You are welcome. Some help one on this site and some get their kicks from trying to be a hindrance, thinking possibly that their righteousness must be right for everyone and not just them. 😉
Sorry to bother you with more, but I opened fb, and my brother sent me this old post. I used to do alot of pastry-cooking as we both grew up with sugar-cane. Worth a thought. Be well. 😇
should I withdraw the savings still in my wallet now so its avalable in three days. again overwhelmed
yes you should withdraw that and just put it into steem dollars (sbd)... we will figure out the next steps together!
I am thinking maybe you can just sell it and send to my paypal. As for my account I can transfer it all to Lynn when I need too
Hey @briancourteau what's that Paypal address, brother ??
very thankful my friend
Thank you. I saw what you did in paypal and here. I am forecer grateful and I will pay it forward. Again I am proud to say you are a friend. God Bless
Having your paypal address makes it a little easier for me to just send regular fiat, so thanks for putting that in here, @briancourteau.
Blessings & Light to you and Lynn, Brian. <3
Thank you so much. where are you from. Lynn and I are forever gratehul.....hugs
yes that is what we essentially are going to do... you will be getting it via paypal I believe... I will verify with them both tomorrow.
btw dave can you reach out to pennsif...its ny birthday today and you gave me the best present ever. you. A great friend and all my friends here
yes I just reached out to @pennsif to see if he can do some more today. He is probably out right now, so I'm sure he will be back in touch when he can. Happy Birthday today! I hope you and Lynn have a wonderful relaxing day! :)
thank you. i got meds but its taking few days to withdraw so hats all i wanted to know
Prayers to you @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1!
8 going on 9 years cancer free!
God Bless
I am so happy your wife won the fight. I am so blessed by you all here on Steemit and Thank you so much
Thank you so very much @coolfish, I appreciate you thoughts and prayers! I too am so happy that your wife has been cancer free for so long!!
oh dear, be strong and get over it
Don't worry Brian, we will figure it out with you... There are many that want to help you and I'm just trying to get a handle on how to take care of it all... I will for sure be getting you the $150 and since we are over then I will figure out how to get you the rest (either via sbd/steem or usd)... Also some are sending you money directly via paypal... I have giving out your paypal email to at least 3 people and posted it here in a comment. fortealley@gmail.com
You have made an impact on us that we will never forget, so if we can help you then we will! Hang in there, help in on the way my friend! :)
Yes i saw Stevenwood help on paypal for 12.00 cdn. most grateful Dave, I am at a loss for words. My gofundme was short 300 for my total costs. so this is so helpful.....
I'm glad to see so many people coming to support you. We are going to be way over the $150 so I will get you that and we will figure out the best way to get you everything else. At least you will be able to get your meds you need for tomorrow and hopefully the extra amounts will help with other medical needs you have.
You have a lot of fans here, feel free to stop by and say hi to them! I'm sure they will be happy to hear from you! :)
Dave I am so proud to call you a great friend. all of you are great friends. I am going to nap as this has definately overwhelmed me in a good way
I hope you have a great nap... get some rest and no worries! Many have come to help you out!
This makes me think of Treebeard when the Entmoot is happening. :)
I have to say the extra however you want but usd is best I think as who knows when I will get something figured out. but no matter I have given Lynn my info
Dave a person @stevenwood sent me a small amount to my Paypal. I just wanted you to know. Thank you again
Yes I think you will be getting a few more too... I have been giving out your paypal email and a few would rather send you support directly! :)...
Beautiful .. well done, wonderful work
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing
THANK YOU @yabapmatt, @abh12345, @apolymask, @danielsaori, @carlgnash and all other red fishes and minnows showing their support.
There are so many supporters that I can’t name them all because I don’t know everyone. Being part of a community means showing our support to each other when we can. It could mean an upvote, donating SBD or SP. I don’t believe method is of importance as long as the heart is there. Lynn and Brian deserves happiness and we can all show our support in our small ways. So THANK YOU everyone and to @davemccoy for always helping others.
Edited to included Carl who also donates to Asher’s curation and engagement leagues. I know Carl! 🙂
Thank you so much @beeyou for taking care of the things that I missed... You are absolutely right that it is awesome to see so much attention paid by the "big boys/girls" to us littler fish... And since your comment, we can now add in @paulag @canadian-coconut @ethandsmith @eturnerx and @denmarkguy to that group too.
are a community and there are people out there supporting us and helping us with a hand when we need one! :)And that doesn't include the wonderful people that swim with us of course... The point you are making about them showing their support for the community and for people like @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1 is a great point. I hope to encourage involvement of all sizes and species of fish in the wide open ecosystem that we have here developing. This response was truly motivating to see and I hope one of the lessons learned is we
Thanks again @beeyou, once again you excel at finding important details that have been overlooked!
Thank you @beeyou for highlighting these people for me! Brian and I are so thankful to @yabapmatt, @abh12345, @apolymask, @danielsaori and @carlgnash for your generous donation, as well as your kind and caring spirits. You've shown us the true power of this platform, and for that we are eternally grateful. I am still in shock that @davemccoy did all of this, and equally awed by the outpouring of love and support from so many people.
I've spent the better part of the last few hours yo-yo-ing between tears and smiles, and I feel that I can't possible put into words adequately enough to show just how much this means to us and how truly grateful we are for it all. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts; we will never forget this!
There are so many more Lynn. I don't want to leave anyone behind. You can always check Dave's wallet and the individuals that upvoted for a full list. It's not my place to highlight everyone. :)
I know Matt (yabapmatt) has always shown support to our members and community, and wanted to thank him as well as Asher (abh12345) and all others I know who support the communities on here.
Thanks @beeyou, we have checked his wallet and I'm still shaking my head over it all. I'd forgotten to see the upvoting list (duh!) so thanks for that too ;)
Omgosh... I did just check my wallet and was stunned... I love this part of the community, it is so heartwarming to see the kindness and generosity!
Stop upvoting me and the rest of us Dave. Your VP is drained. We appreciate the gesture but helicopter mom has to say stop sometime. That’s what @pretty.dorky calls me now. We roll like that! Even @doomsdaychassis know what it means. I just found out. I like cheerleader more so than HM but all terms of endearment are accepted and appreciated. 💫
Very sweet of PD with her SBD donation too. I swear, our members have the biggest hearts. I see a lot of familiar names in your wallet and so many are small fishes with big hearts. ❤️
Yes I know about the names of our friends and their big hearts... I just looked closely at my wallet and was floored at the level of generosity and compassion! And big fish and small, they have all really made my day for what they have done to help out 2 truly deserving people!
And as far as my VP goes... I am ok with it going down a bit... I can't think of a better group of people to upvote with the few nickels I have left. I am very proud of the response by everyone and rewarding this group of people with my small vote is my way of showing my utmost respect!
Tomorrow I will cool off and go back to helping @danielsaori and @steemcommunity get more witness votes... But today was Lynn and Brian's day to feel really special and I am so happy to see the support from the community to make that happen!
So last upvote for you for the night, deal?
Deal! You did a good thing Dave. I try not to be involved in personal stories on here because there is only so much heart and compassion to give before it takes a piece of you away too. Plus, I don’t like to press my own opinion onto others and that’s what we all do when we resteem. Brian and Lynn needs our support and I’m happy we all can help with what we can, big or small.
sure you can do that.... I give you full permission lol... :D
Ha! Tough luck with that. You’re on your own buddy.
lol... you sure about that? The job is open! :P
Happy to help. <3 Hope things improve soon for both of you.
I have no words to properly express my feelings when I woke up to see this post of yours Dave. Actually, my first move Sunday morning is to go to @abh12345's Curation League post and he had already resteemed yours; very clever now that I think of it.
Dave, I've always known you were a kind, selfless, and caring person, but this my friend is over the top. I've managed to stop blubbering long enough to come by here and say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Brian and I will never, ever forget this! I've been watching from the sidelines for the last couple of hours, unable to speak, wiping away tears just seeing all the love coming our way.
Thank you again! That doesn't even come close to the way we are feeling right now.
You both deserve the love coming your way. You both have inspired us and been an integral part in our community. It is amazing to meet you both and call you our friends. I know I speak for many that we notice the love that both of you share.
You deserve every bit of this outpouring of affection and I'm happy to be involved in making you see what you both mean to others!
...and I'm crying again <3
This is a beautiful affirmation of how Brian and I have affected others here. I'm so proud to be a part of our community Dave. Thank you. Again. For everything :)
awww... I'm so happy that the community could show you how much you both have meant to us... I know we tease each other a lot, but it has been my honor to get to know you both and experience this phase of your lives. You both deserve all the affirmation because you have affected so many. I'm proud to be a part of any community that you are in Lynn! Thank you for being my friend!
I was too busy crying yesterday to respond to this Dave, but this is so beautiful. And just so you know, this would not be a community if you were not a part of it too. Thank you for being my friend also :)
@davemccoy this story has touched my heart so much. I read the posts on @lynncoyle1 and @briancourteau profiles and sobbed my eyes out. I was able to post a comment on @lynncoyle1 post but unable to on @briancourteau. Im a stranger and I just don't know what to say.
What you are doing here is what steemit is all about, steemians helping each other. I just wish there were more people like you and people stopped with the greed and took time to take a little perspective.
Oh @paulag, your words touched my heart and Brian's, and truthfully, you are no longer a "stranger" but an integral part of our story now. We want to thank you for your generous donation, and of course for your caring and support. What @davemccoy is doing here, and the overwhelming support of everyone like yourself, really does show the true spirit and power of steemit. I'm sorry that it takes a tragedy like ours to show, but I'm hoping those selfish users take notice of the beautiful possibilities here.
Thank you again @paulag; Brian and I will never forget this!
I agree with you @paulag... I'm not one to cry to easily, but this love story has brought water to my eyes several times. I think it is amazing that they are "living" their life together one step at a time. It took courage on both of their parts to pick up and do that. A true love story in my eyes.
I appreciate your sentiment about what steemit is all about, I share your vision of what this place could be. Today the way people have responded, should show anyone participating the power of the platform. I love how people freely give to others and my heart feels warmed knowing there are so many that care!
Thank you @paulag for caring and I'm sure both Brian and Lynn both appreciate it very much too!
You are not a stranger, You are all like family to me......I am forever grateful
gulp.....hi @briancourteau. I don't know what to say except my thoughts are with you and @lynncoyle1 . Steemit is an awesome place, because without it, I would not have been touched by your story and your strength.
Sent you 5 STEEM towards this and thank you so much for stepping up here. <3
Oh Carl, Brian and I are so thankful for your kindness and generosity! We are both so overwhelmed by the outpouring of support...this is the true power of steemit. Thank you again, we will never forget it! :)
Thank you very much @carlgnash! It is very generous and also very much appreciated by all of us to see you care!
Lizelle from South AfricaHello guys. I just wanted to say thank you for what you did @davemccoy. I've gone through and upvoted all the comments and posts of both Brian and Linda. I hope you guys are encouraged by the community's response and that you will be able to have the ending that you wish for. My heart goes out to you. Peace to you and your families in this very difficult time.
I wrote a post sharing your article, hopefully you get a bit more traction https://steemit.com/community/@moderndragon/community-support-how-to-help-a-steemian-in-need-by-upvoting-their-comments
I did finally find it! :P ... Thank you again, it is unexpected and truly awesome!
Hey @moderndragon, I just saw that you linked your post here! Thank you so much again for including Brian and I in it. I'm still blown away by it all :)
Hi Lizelle! I think you are amazing too! I saw your post and all of your upvotes. That is so sweet and kind of you. I was so excited to finally find it, there were some many comments I almost missed it! I'm glad I didn't... I know Brian and Lynn have been seriously shocked at the outpouring of love they've received and it is things like you have done that make me so happy to be in the same community as you! :)
I'm glad to be able to help :)
I’ve sent you a small donation, because what you say is true: this is the real world, these are real problems, so we need to take real actions.
Hey guys, don’t be too mad at @davemccoy for putting this up. You know he can’t help it ;0)A very noble thing you’re trying to achieve here, @davemccoy. I’ve also resteemed your post, hoping your message will reach even more people, and that we can make a difference in the lives of @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1
As always @simplymike, you get it.. thank you so much for being there. I know both Brian and Lynn will be happy to know you are there for them. Thank you for the contribution, the resteem, and for the words of encouragement... It is the real world and I'm happy we could help in a small way today!
ps... lol on the last sentence!
I have no words to express the gratitude that Brian and I feel here @simplymike! For your love and support, for Dave's "noble" gesture, for the outpouring from the community...for all of it. I have been a crying heap for hours just watching this post and Dave's wallet for the last few hours. Brian and I are completely and utterly overwhelmed and shocked by it all. It really goes to show you the power of steemit, even though it takes a tragic story such as ours to show it, I hope people who think this platform is purely as self-money-making-machine, stand up and take notice of the beautiful possibilities that await those who selflessly care to see them. Thank you again for everything...it's something I will never ever forget!
It’s a shame it takes a tragedy, but Personally, I’m grateful for finally seeing that the community is not only here for the ‘make-believe’ here on SteemIt, but that it is a community that crosses the borders of the platform and is more than prepared to help.There is no need to express the gratitude, @lynncoyle1. Simply enjoy the fact that both of you have made an impact here, and that are a lot of people like you guys so much that they want to help.
I’m so happy for you guys.
you are utterly and completely overwhelmed... sounds like a perfect excuse to drink a (virgin) umbrella drink of a beer and give yourselves a clap on the back. Because this is happening because both of you have been REAL here from the start.
I have such a deep respect for both of you.
*Make sure you pass this on to @briancourteau !!8
I've been reading all of these out loud to Brian and we both sit and shake our head, grin or start crying...again... with each new comment ;)
I have a drink beside me right now, and it's not a virgin one lol
Brian and I are cut from the same cloth; we are real and seem to strike up conversations and make new friends where ever we happen to be. I feel so thankful that steemit is one of those places! I will continue to express my gratitude for years to come @simplymike, so that's something you'll just have to get used to hearing :)
Happy to hear you finally got a drink. Not virgin, but I do hope it’s got a little umbrella?? 😜I will never get tired of that, @lynncyle1.
Now that’s exactly why this initiative is a success. No way in the world I can imagine how tough life has been for you guys. It was about time that you had the chance to be uplifted again and spend some time on your own pink fluffly cloud 😉
No umbrella, but it is hitting the spot :)
Today it really does feel like there's been everyone here carrying this load with me and it feels nice to be on my own "pink fluffy cloud" :)
@davemccoy our mutual friend @simplymike shared this story on SteemThat. If you need to publish another post there where you can embed a paypal donation button I'm perfectly fine with that if it would help some. Additionally we do not have alot but I will be sending you some SBD in just a minute. Please get it to them. Thank you
Thank you so very much @blinkley! Any friend of @simplymike is an automatic friend of mine :)
Brian and I appreciate your generosity and your kindness; your recommendation for Dave to post there with the paypay embed button is a very thoughtful gesture too! Thank you again. This is something neither Brian nor I will ever forget.
I said the same thing... see great minds do think alike!
Dave, we really do think alike so many times :)
Very kind of you, @binkley. I knew I could count on you! :0)
You are amazing... we should change your name to @simplyamazing ;)
No thanks, i don’t want to start all
over a 3rd time :0)
On top of that it would create expectations, and i don’t want to be amazing all the time - lol. Some times a girl needs a break :0)
lol.. you better be careful about those expectations... they have crept up very high already! ;)
Thanks @simplymike, or as Dave suggests, simplyamazing :)
see @lynncoyle1, it fits @simplymike doesn't it? @simplyamazing :P
ps... she can keep her other account and say "fork" too if she wants!
hahaha sshhhh we don't say "fork" out here :)
It is a pretty fitting name for her though!!
wow that is fantastic @binkley! I will be happy to either edit this post or do a new one... I don't know how to embed a paypal donation button, but if you tell me how I will be happy to learn!
And I appreciate anything that you send, frankly you just stopping by and offering your support is amazing... So thank you so much in advance, I'm sure that Brian and Lynn are also very grateful!
Just let me know on the paypal button and I will follow your lead! :)
ps... and any friend of @simplymike's is always a friend of mine... She is wonderful!
It is actually very difficult to find now but is still doable. If you visit your paypal account and login you often have to click through ads a few times so annoying. You should finally get to this screen.
Once there you can click Tools and a drop down window appears. Here is where they get super sneaky. It used to be prominent and easy to use paypal but now it is so frustrating that I rarely use it but for this it is perfect.
Click Business Setup...Most would never look here as they are looking to make a donate button. Trust me the next screen looks like this: and you will find the button you seek.
It takes like 5 minutes to do it but 30 to explain it. I think you will be able to handle it.
Fill out the basic information there are 3 sections to create the button. When you click create it will generate a script like this.
If you are completely freaked out by all of that code and what to do with it no worries.
You can copy and paste it into your Post on SteemThat.com. IF you make a post in visual that works great. Then at the end of the post switch to text and paste in the script they gave you. Then save or publish and once it gets published it should have the paypal donate button.
Super Easy Method No Coding or Hacking Involved. Click the email button next to website on the code generator. Now you have an easy link to hotlink or make an image clickable on Steemit and SteemThat.com or twitter, facebook, etc. Got questions you can message me on SteemThat.com
That is very very cool for you to spend the time to write all this up... @simplymike (aka @simplyamazing) has volunteered to put up a post about this and get a new fresh view... And she said she will post on steemthat... :)
Btw I have signed up for steemthat... I haven't gone there much, but now that I know you I will figure out how to incorporate it! :)
I wish I could do more than just provide a vote. If it would be possible for you to gather some more support, I will delegate 1 steem to his account so he can still work on the platform without reducing his VP, This will allow him to continue and still provide some curation rewards for his vote to others,
Jan23com! Thank you very much... Your upvote is awesome... You did donate on top of it... and the offer of delegating steem is another great idea... On top of that you resteemed and told many others... I say thank you from the bottom of my heart! :)
I have gained in some part from many places. Oh I had not Resteemed, But I will do that now. I would not have had it to return if it had not being for the help guidance and assistance of others and the groups they provide.
You awesome @jan23com! Thank you so much again for getting the word out!
Would delegating sp to or both their accounts be helpful?Hey @davemccoy
Hey @simplymike... I think they both have enough in SP to make sure they don't have any bandwidth issues, but if they need to draw down their SP then yes they would. Right now I think the plan is to take his 50 sbd's in savings... Plus they will get quite a bit from the donations here today and the post too... I think the answer would be in what are their needs... And for that I don't know... I do think that if they need more than we can provide and they have to liquidate SP, then we all should do our best to help them with delegations to make sure they can continue to post and reply. So that is a long winded way of saying, I'm not sure... :P
I rely on your judgement, Dave.
Pretty sure that you will know when it will be necessary.
So I’ll already put in my volunteer application form, just in case 😉LOL - I as just telling @lynncoyle1 that I sucked at technicalities and dynamics. She understands, because it is the same for her.
lol.. noted :P
You are so darn cute :)
I'm not going to touch mine, especially because I've been delegated by 4 different people, so it doesn't feel right, and truthfully, this 'thing' of Dave's has surpassed all of our expectations! Brian says he's not concerned about his so much, but I see @bashadow delegated a bit to him with the same concern as you. Stay tuned, because if miracles happen, and Brian sticks around for a long time (fingers crossed), I will accept your generous offer! :)
I’m so glad for you guys that dave’s initiative was successful (I still din’t know how successful, but from what I’ve seen it was more than expected.
The offer will stay valid, for as long as needed (and I truly hope that will be long)
Thank you so very much for your kindness @jan23com! Anything you do goes above and beyond what Brian and I ever imagined anyone doing for us here. Thank you!!
The pleasure is all mine here, and I am just about selfish enough to keep all that pleasure to myself. I hope things work to your benefit with this.
It looks as though it is surpassing Dave's expectations I think. I'm still shaking my head with it all!
Yes it blew away my thoughts... I knew you both were admired.. I didn't know this many would join in!
waking up and seeing this type of support makes me very emoyional. I am at a loss for words this very moment but to say I love you my friends and @davemccoy you are forever in my heart and I will try and check in on you when my time comes. you are a very very loyal gentleman and a friend and I wish someday if possible to have a cold SOL beer with you. I know probably dreaming but dreams make life....
Well baby, look at what's happened here today!! Dreams do come true :)
I think we should plan a Steemit Summit in Playa Del Carmen!! Everyone is welcome to attend. And really it will just be an opportunity to meet everyone face to face, have some drinks, relax and enjoy life :)
What do you say @davemccoy? You in? :)
Yes Lynn, they do... And I think that is a wonderful idea... It would be awesome to sit back and have a few beers and enjoy awesome friends and beautiful scenery! So yes I will find a way to get there!
This makes me smile!! I'm going to hold you to it buddy :)
I am very excited for you too... I love to see you respected and cared for... And that would be great... I would love to share a cold beer with you anytime my friend! And yes, dreams do come true and they make life worth living! Enjoy the rest of your evening and I hope you have a terrific day tomorrow! :)
Hi Dave
To 'cash out' you need either:
With the 2nd option, the STEEM or SBD would need to go via www.blocktrades.us who converts STEEM/SBD, into the currency your wallet will hold, e.g. Litecoin. There is, i think, a 10% charge for going this way.
The easiest method, if someone is willing, is to bank transfer him the $, and for people to send you/someone the STEEM/SBD. If you are willing to do this, I will transfer you some SBD as help/a gift for them both.
Thank you for raising the awareness for them, that is very kind of you.
Thank you Asher for pulling out the analytics and trying to figure this stuff out!! I love to see you put that big brain of yours to work :)
We also saw your very kind and generous donation in Dave's wallet and saying thank you somehow doesn't adequately cover how full our hearts are at this moment, but thank you is all we have...well that, and a big internet hug :)
It's my pleasure to help. I've been quite vocal recently with the support I've received and I consider my gift to be from these kind souls.
Wishing you and Brian the best x
That's a really lovely thought, and one I'm going to "borrow" in the future :) I am a firm believer in a pay it forward attitude, and this will show it's face in my actions for many years to come!
Hey Asher, thank you very much for both the explanations of how to transfer and the offer of help directly! I am essentially going to do the "easiest method" for now since I don't want him to wait and send it to him via paypal. But I do think it is good for him in the future if he has access to his funds and doesn't have to wait to set everything up!
I appreciate your resteem too... Every potential eyeball is helpful! :)
I'm sure that both Brian and Lynn are very happy to see such an outpouring of support!
It is my pleasure to help. I've been very lucky here over recent months, and this is such a clear chance to pay-it-forward.
Best wishes both, and well done you.
Knowing someone direct who wants to buy is possibly even preferable, although I haven't compared fees.
The only reason not to buy/sell with strangers would be for the chargeback risk, which is when you have to go through the loop of steem -> litecoin -> litecoin market -> usd.
Hope Brian gets his meds.
I agree... I will do what I can to convert and @beeyou is going to do some too... Plus I want to set them up for the future withdrawals too! So they have no worries!
have to believe that things are going to work out just fine :)Thank you so much @schrosct! With this kind of support, I
@davemccoy I've been watching the "outpouring of love" for a few hours now and we are quite simply overwhelmed by it all. I knew this was a beautiful community here, but to be on the receiving end of it is really unreal. I keep switching between smiling, crying and shaking my head because it's all so unbelievable...and it's all thanks to you!
Upvoted. Resteemed
Very kind of you. I will make a donation of course.
Cmon Steemers lets make a difference. We can do it!!
thank you very much @sweetjoy! You are awesome! I love your heart! :D
Ditto....remember that? Lol
Means I feel the same about you. ;)
I do... and ditto to you back ;)
good !!!Thank you so very much @sweetjoy from me and Brian. Your name really does sum you up I think...you are so kind and sweet and caring and we appreciate your donation so very much. This whole thing just leaves us feeling so unbelievable
Please contact me on discord anytime.
My pleasure to help.
Thank you for your offer...if and when I ever need it, I'll be there ;)
Use Steem or SBD buy an account through Blocktrades then give him all the private keys. Just like that he has an instant account.
God bless
Sending a few SBD’s right now.
thank you for the advice and thank you also for the very generous donation @jlsplatts! I'm sure @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1 are also very happy to see your support and kindness!
Aww @jlsplatts! Thank you so very much for the advice and of course your donation. I've been watching this for a few hours in awe; I've finally managed to stop crying long enough to reply to everyone. The outpouring of affection is simply overwhelming and Brian and I can't thank you enough.
You are truly welcome. I’m not looking for a pat on the back just trying to live my life on the principle of
“If you have, you should give to those who don’t or who are in need”
God Bless
I live my life the same and totally understand where you're coming from! It's a great way to be my friend ;)
@davemccoy I don't know how to do the money here. Should I transfer steem or sbd? Which is better?
hey @leighleigh... You can do either or... they are both about the same in price, so whichever one you want to do is up to you... Do you know how to do a transfer? If not, I can walk you through it... just let me know and I will be happy to help you... The main thing is to make sure you put For Brian in the memo section so that I don't get it confused or missed.
Thank you very much @leighleigh!
Thanks Dave I've transferred to SBI before so I think I'll manage. Will shout if I mess up. Thanks for helping @lynncoyle1 and Brian in their time of need, it's a wonderful gesture.
And thank you too @leighleigh! I am so happy to see the outpouring of help from this community! It makes me smile knowing how great people can be! (from all over the world) ;)
Thank you very much @leighleigh from me and Brian! I will never forget your kindness and generosity :) I've been watching this post for a few hours now and am completely overwhelmed by it all. There is so much beauty here! Thank you again!!
Upvoted, Resteemed and Donated. Thank you for this Dave.God bless you.
Thank you very much @gracefavour! You are an amazing person in every way... I know I don't even have to say it, but my God bless you always too! (I'm pretty sure God has you covered already) ;)
I know Brian and Lynn will be thankful too!
Awww! thank you so much Dave. You are so kind.Amen to your prayer :)
Ahh @gracefavour, saying thank you just doesn't seem to cover how truly blessed Brian and I are feeling at this very moment. You are such a kind and caring person, and your generosity will never ever be forgotten. Blessings to you as well :)
Thank you so much Lynn, You and Brian's happiness gives me joy and i am sure everyone feels that way too. My regards to Brian.
He sends his regards right back :) Your comment makes me smile!
100% upvote to post, (it's not much, but every little penny helps), and I sent a small donation, (pretty much what I ahd at the time), and I resteemed this post. I hope we are able to help ease his pain and seizures a little bit.
@bashadow, thank you very much for everything you do always! Whatever you do is great as you give more of yourself than pretty much everyone here! Thank you for the upvote, donation, and resteem! All 3 are very helpful and I know Brian and Lynn will appreciate it!
huge. Brian and I will never forget your generosity and caring! I've been watching this post and the comments for a couple of hours now...really just a blubbering mess...but I've pulled myself together now to come and say thank you! You are truly an awesome guy :)Thank you so very much @bashadow. You're absolutely right...every little bit helps and "every little bit" in my eyes is
You and Brain are most welcome, I got lucky, not all of us can. I also learned how to delegate, so I sent him 5SP to help if he does decide to start a transfer, he will still be able to post and comment. Steemworld.org made it easy to do. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.
Thank you, I saw that delegation and was explaining to him what it all meant!! That was a really smart idea :)
What do you mean, "I got lucky" ?
The cancer I had was easily removed, Upper Left lobe of lung. A shortness of breath every now and then, but 1 year 5 months later still free of cancer.
ah yes, I did know that. I'm very thankful that you are still cancer free! It's such an insidious beast, but you managed to beat it :)
I'm not sure anyone beats it, genetics, play a big part, luck an even bigger part. Then you wonder is that a bump, a bruise, a freckle, a wart, what is that? for everything on your body, then all the doctors want to just keep cutting things off of you. It gets tiresome, all the like pieces and parts. It all started with some skin cancer on my forehead, now everything that looks odd, my wife wants me to get checked, and the doctors want to take it off. Such is life, we survive, we struggle and go on the best we can. I'm comfortable with that.
I only have $1.467 left, though will gladly send it now.
Delib that is awesome! Thank you very much and I know Brian and Lynn appreciate it very much! :)
More than welcome, just wish I had a bit more to give, though I sent the 291 sbd I had to jimbobbill to get a camera for our man in Syria today.
That's really cool.... good on that too!
Thank you so very much @deliberator! I read the comment below how you used your sbd to get a camera for your guy in Syria...what a superb thing to do; you really are a caring and giving man, and Brian and I appreciate that more than words can say! We will never forget this! :)
Thank you kindly good lady, I really have no use for crypto currency at the moment, so it makes sense to me to share it with people that can use it, I may try to use it one day, though for now prefer sharing it
That's a good way to be buddy! I too have shared to different causes along the way because as you can see from this post, we have no idea what to do with it either, or how to get it out :)
Hey @briancouteau, though I'm still a newbie at crypto's and stuff but I guess I can help you liquefy the SBD or another help you might need. Feel free to ask "A fellow human to another", and don't hesitate to ask for help, just remember to help others.
Hey @schrodingers-cat that is a great thing to do... It is very nice to offer to help them! Right now I think @pennsif is helping them, but I'm sure that is a great connection to you in the future too! Thank you for do that, it is appreciated!
Hi @schrodingers-cat, I will reach out to you on Discord. Thank you so much :)
i have some to liquify if you are either from Canada or anywhere if you have pay pal. thanks
I have a handful of USD in my PayPal account that I'm happy to sling your way
Hey @sparkesy43, that is awesome! I will give you his paypal email right now so you can send it to him direct! Here it is: fortealley@gmail.com
Thank you very much for your support!
Done. Sorry I'm not in a position to do more
@sparkesy43.... Never any worries with me... I think anyone who gives anything is amazing. Many never bother. You took the time to read and to do what you could do. That makes you aces in my book! :)
Thank you so very much @sparkesy43! Brian and I are so thankful for your generous donation and of course for your caring and loving support!! Saying "thank you" doesn't even come close to expressing our gratitude for yours and everyone's outpouring here!! :)
@davemccoy my 1st action as a minnow is support you in this, I just upvoted and made a simbolic donation.
Aww @pataty69, Brian and I are honored that your first action as a minnow is to support us! Thank you so much for your donation and for your caring and concern. We appreciate it more than my words can say!! :)
Thank you so much @pataty69... that is very cool and I'm very happy to see your support for Brian and Lynn! I also want to say congratulations for becoming a minnow! Welcome to the club :D... You are awesome for helping, thanks again!
Guys. There is a simpler way for those of us unfamiliar with the wallets here...Paypal @Davemccoy has a Paypal address that can be used if that would be of benefit to anyone here.
You guys are coming together in a spectacular show of caring for 2 beautiful members of our community. I'm sure Dave won't want to post the PP address directly here so if you are in Discord send him a private message, I am aware that this probably creates a tonne of extra work for Dave, but if you can give that way it would be massively apreciated :)
Take great care, the very best wishes to you all :)
Thank you so very much for your love, support and donation @stevenwood! Brian and I are in awe of the way this community has come together to show their support to us...it is simply unbelievable and truly beautiful. I've been a blubbering mess for hours just watching it unfold. It's something we will never ever forget..you are someone we won't forget either!
Lord and Lady be with the both of you. May you reach your goal quickly; looks like you're nearly there; I haven't enough steem in my account yet to be useful.
I agree with @lynncoyle1... the comment is perfect... Everyone can give what they are able to and the fact that you gave a comment is terrific! :)
Thank you @cambridgeport90 !! Your lovely comment is plenty :)
Thanks. Peace to you, and may the higher powers be with you in this difficult time and always.
You are very right @stevenwood! I would be happy to have the money sent directly to Brian directly via paypal! I did already share the info here though as Brian gave it to me already out here on the comments. The good thing about paypal is the email is all you need to receive money...
I love the fact that you are backing up the message of helping Brian here, and going the extra mile to encourage others to join in! That is very very cool @stevenwood!
You take care and way to be a leader! It is definitely appreciated!
@tipU upvote this post with 0.1 SBD
Thank you @sames! What a good idea to use @tipU :)
Sames thank you so much for the upvotes through both of the bots! That is very cool and I appreciate it very much! I know both Brian and Lynn are also very appreciative. It is very cool to see you spend your time an money to support them in this way! :)
No problem :)
My dad's mom died bc of cancer leaving him without a mom so their a special place in my heart for people with cancer
I'm sorry that you have 'experience' with it, but we appreciate very much you keeping us in the "special place in your heart" !
Thank you again @sames! I know how rough I would have it if my Mom was gone, especially at an early age. I appreciate your efforts to try and help Brian and Lynn!
Sending so much love, light, prayers, peace,And comfort. I know the struggle to be able to afford medicine. : ( It shouldn't be a thing people have to worry about, ever. It seems that many people are coming together to help here, and I am grateful to be able to help a little bit. Thank you for sharing. Much love and peace to Brian and Lynn. ♥-serena
Hey Serena! This is awesome to see you here and helping! I am very thankful and I know Lynn and Brian are too! This is what community is all about and I'm glad we could share a helping hand to our friends! Thank you so much :)
Hi Serena! Thank you so very much for your love and support! It is something that Brian and I appreciate more than words can say. That goes for the community support as well; it's simply amazing!!
I've been following this in bits and pieces; all I can offer is my modest upvote, resteeming and prayers. I empathize; cancer has touched our family a few times.
Thank you so much @denmarkguy! Your offer of kindness and support and prayers weighs greatly with Brian and I. I am so sorry that you are in a position to empathize; cancer seems to know no boundaries. Thank you again!
Thank you for your support of Brian and Lynn... All ways of support are important and even just your thoughts mean something! So thank you very much @denmarkguy! :)
you have my sympathy but I dont have yet to donate so I all I can do is to vote. sorry. Hope you will reach the amount you wanted.
Thanks for your support dear brother. These are good people you are helping. And I'm sure when Mr. Davemccoy gets to your comment he'll let you know that your vote is more then enough. It's your thoughtfulness that matters. I am truly glad to see you here though.
Sorry for cutting in on your post Mr. McCoy. But I recently met this gentleman and wanted to encourage his good deed.
I appreciate your comment @johndoer123 and left this fine gentlemen the same sentiment; his support is worth more than money :) I'm sure Dave won't mind one little bit!!
you are right on that one for sure @johndoer123! And for the record, you can chime in on ANY of my posts anytime! I welcome it actually... Sometimes I have so many things going it is hard to get to everyone, so always chime in and help! :)
thank you for accepting my vote. It might not enough and also I'll just wish to have what you wanted.@davemccoy
Please don't be sorry! We appreciate what you are doing and especially the support and caring that you are showing :) Thank you from Brian and I !!
Hey @mrnightmare89... Just making a comment is fine enough... We all understand and happy to see you here giving your sympathies and well wishes! :)
As of the moment, my sincere help will be just upvote and reesteem. I'll be sharing this to others. Go fight!! :)
Thank you so very much @truthsfinder! Your sincere kindness means more to us than any upvote or resteem ever would, although we of course appreciate that too! Thank you for also wishing us to continue fighting...all the support here is so very helpful, thank you!
No worries @lynncoyle1. Hope everything gets better soon! :)
thank you so much for the upvote and resteem, but more importantly for the comment! It is nice to hear words of encouragement... I know Brian and Lynn will be happy to hear it! :)
Yeah @davemccoy. Who else will be helping here? We are in a community. :) I hope everything will be better soon! :)
ohhh there are many... over 250 upvotes on this post and I just put out all the donations... Over US$1000 so far, this community is great! :)
Yeah! You are right! Goodluck! :-)
upvoted and i will wee what i can do. I think i remember on paypal if you use the friends and family part it cuts off the fees, or it use to anyways. I have not used paypal in quite some time. I am not really sure what to say to Brian and Lynn other than I hope that in these trying times everything goes as good as can be expected. You guys seem to have a love that many of us only dream of. You are in good hands with Dave helping, he is a hell of a guy. You guys just go take a load off for a bit, go snuggle up under a blanket and stare at the stars for a while and let us do some work.
You are a helluva guy yourself DDC! Thank you for supporting Lynn and Brian even though you have recently just met them. I love how you step in and get things done... It is rare to see these days, and I very much appreciate it! :) (they will appreciate it too!)
I just love how they love each other unconditionally. They don't deserve this. I just wish I could take all the bad in the world and take it away from everyone and just put it on me. I have just had so much bad in my life I am kinda numb to the world and then I see what they have and it is like a little light in my heart comes back and i want with all my being for them to continue on till they grow old and grey together. The world just sucks ya know.
I bet you were the captain on any teams you were on... That's exactly how you lead! ;)
Thanks for the vote of confidence but people don't like it when I am in charge. I am a real slave driver from what I am told. lol
I think I am too late, but here goes my 100% vote to provide my support. Appreciate whatever you are doing @davemccoy.
hey @coolguy123... you are never late my friend.. I have Asher's post to respond to and planned on letting you know that I noticed the great job at curation this week! So we will make contact again later tonight or tomorrow for sure!
As far as being late, not at all... We needed to get Brian his meds which was accomplished last night and he got them today... But so many have contributed that they will be able to buy in advance too. So your upvote will certainly count and contribute to what they get at the post payout! SO it is very welcome and appreciated by not just me but by Brian and Lynn too!
Also I haven't forgotten about getting with you and working a plan on the witnesses... I had the contest last week and now this post to keep me a little busier than normal... But I do want to see if we can really help the "community building" witnesses like @steemcommunity (@abh12345 and @paulag), @danielsaori, @curie, and @qurator) and even a few more that we can also look through like @patrice @yabapmatt and @jackmiller for instance.
Anyways, its great to see you here and supporting Brian and Lynn... I know it means a lot to them and everyone always like to see your presence! :) Talk to you later tonight or tomorrow! ;)
That's nice to know and happy I could lend a little support to this cause.
Yeah, I feel happy to be back in top 10 of curation league 1 as I mentioned last week and I am happy for you as well for being in top 10 of second league, although you are always there continuously.
I am always ready to work with you on the witnesses part and to confirm, I have on most of the people you mentioned (except @danielsaori, @patrice I think) and I have few more votes left and definitely the remaining 2 will have my votes. I have had few discussions with @patrice in early stage of my Steemit journey and she was of great help to me to correct myself on my posts and her work as part of @steemcleaners is always appreciated, so she is definitely a worthy person to be a witness.
@danielsaori, I have been in touch with him since I got in touch with @newbieresteemday and happy to push his candidature for a witness as well.
You have my words on these and looking forward to them (along with others mentioned in your post) being on board soon.
awesome @coolguy123... Yes lets keep working together and sharing ideas on these witnesses... I think it takes many to spread the word if we are going to ever have our voice heard. I know it doesn't have to be the top of our list every day, but if we keep working together then we share each of our experiences and give each other the extra pair of eyes. I'm glad you have a good experience with @patrice, I have heard a lot of good things about her and you just validated it for me! :)
Talk to you a little later in the week, until then I hope you have a wonderful day!
Great!! agree with what you have heard about @patrice and no problem in supporting her.
I had little time to spend on Steemit for last 2-3 days, I am back today and hopefully will reply to all the comments I have received.
Have a great day.
@qurator wasn't there and that has been voted now and I have been recently accepted by @qurator as it's member and my vote is very much on for that.
Awesome on being with @qurator... I think they do a good job of supporting the people like us on a daily basis! I know @goldendawne is big with them, she writes and edits for them! I'm excited to work with you on this project... I am still catching up with that post about Brian and Lynn, but will be engaging you more as the week unfolds for sure!
Thanks @davemccoy for the mention and for tagging us. Read this post and my am happy you tagged us. We are all for support and the lengths you are going to help support Brian is really something we can appreciate.
You have our 100% vote. Make sure it all goes to Brian.
Also, not sure if this will help but you can contact @scrooger on Discord, he will gladly buy crypto using his paypal account. =)
good here...I can totally wear blinders and ignore all the rest :)On behalf of Brian and myself, I cannot thank you enough @qurator for your support! I keep saying this, but we are really in awe of the overwhelming love and support that this community has shown to us. I'm still shaking my head as I type this :) And it just solidifies my belief in the overall sense of
Thank you again! Your generosity will not be forgotten !
Awesome @qurator that you stopped by and noticed this and helped out Brian... And absolutely 100% of all the donations, all the SBD post payout, even the SP from the post that I earn (I will substitute with regular steem and turn it over to Brian to sell).. We have already sent him over $500 and 90 sbds and that is just from donations. It is an honor to be hit with a full upvote, so thank you very much!
I also appreciate the point you made about @scrooger buying the sbd... That is something we may need him to do... We have handled what we have so far with @pennsif and @thedarkhorse, but I think we are starting to tap a few people out :P ... I will reach out to @scrooger if we can't handle, thank you so much for the tip and the offer!
Again, thank you again for noticing and I know you are going to give Brian and Lynn another nice surprise when they see this!
To Brian and Lynn
Here's another wonderful show of support @briancourteau, I just want you and @lynncoyle1 to know how much others are thinking of you! :)
Thank you for mentioning me here Dave; what another wonderful surprise!!!
Definitely, I am happy to be a member of the @qurator team and participate in the activities they carry out. Yes, I have seen @goldendawne being part of their quality qurator team.
Thank you very much @coolguy123, Brian and I both appreciate it very much! And what Dave is doing here is really beautiful!
You both are welcome @lynncoyle1.
Yes, @davemccoy's constant support to others is being noticed and appreciated, the amount of votes and the SBD value generated shows that.
Good day :), looking forward to hear an update on Brian's status.
Blessings and love sweet friends 🙏
I am so touched by all the good that is here.
I love when you show @yogajill :) ... You always are bright and cheerful (at least in steemville) :P
I saw your donation and what a wonderful and generous gift to Brian and Lynn! I thank you very much for doing it and I am touched too by the compassion and community that I have witnessed here! Thank you so much and always happy to see you 💋
I love when you show @yogajill :) ... You always are bright and cheerful (at least in steemville) :P
I saw your donation and what a wonderful and generous gift to Brian and Lynn! I thank you very much for doing it and I am touched too by the compassion and community that I have witnessed here! Thank you so much and always happy to see you
I have no idea how to sell off SBD or STEEM into USD @davemccoy. Only how to buy steem. I’ve never sold any crypocurrency into usd either.
My only solution of helping is if Brian would like to send me the 50 SBD, you tell me the worth in USD and I can send you that money via PayPal. I’ll have to use my H’s PayPal acct since I don’t have one of my own. I can look into opening one myself later if it’s not difficult.
Let me know. You know how to reach me.
Thank you so very much @beeyou for your thoughts here...I love that you're letting the other guys do the math haha
Dave's post was the first thing I saw here this morning and I've been a blubbering mess ever since! I gasped and Brian thought something was wrong...I said, "you have to see what Dave's done now!", and then we sat watchingthat is something Brian and I will never forget. for an hour, unable to react. In between crying and smiling, we felt simply in awe of the overwhelming support and caring coming from here. You... sweet, lazy, loving @beeyou are, of course, in the thick of it, and
It's a good thing I didn't put mascara on this morning or I'd be looking like a messy old raccoon by now :) Thank you again for everything @beeyou!!
Dave does know how to pull us all together on here. It’s part of his charm. 😉
easy way as much as I can. Love how you added lazy, yep, that is me in a nutshell! I will graciously accept the other terms of endearment too. 🙂My part is small @lynncoyle1. I like taking the
Thank goodness on the no mascara. That mess is hard to clean! I try to avoid when I can. You know we all love you two and only want you both to enjoy every moment together. We can’t help with some things but can surely help with Brian getting the meds he need.
Thank you again for your part in this then! I've hit the crying stage once more, and am at a loss for words...
<3 <3
Tears of happiness only Lynn. That’s the only thing allowed if you must!
No more upvoting for me today. Stayed away for days and drained my VP in one day. 😩
Yes, tears of happiness!
I saved up my VP to upvote everyone on my 'big' post...I'v tapped out too haha
Hi @beeyou
That's very kind of you :)
Can I ask how you buy STEEM? (We should then be able to work out how to do the opposite if you ever need to)
An option to view the live prices are here: https://www.worldcoinindex.com
And at the MSP Disord in the 'playing with bots' room:
I buy one of the cryptos using coinbase, then use that to buy steem either directly with Steemit or using binance.
Thanks for the numbers @abh12345. Now, if @davemccoy can give me the final figure, I’d be happy to help if we go my route. Lol, I really do hate doing the math!
Edit, I know I can sell it back with coinbase (they have all my info anyways) just never learned how!
a couple of us have just sent SBD directly to dave, so it can be collected up and then one user can send all
I plan on doing that too once I’m home and on my laptop. That’s very kind of everyone @jan23com. We are a community and it’s the chance for us to all help out if we can help. Even giving an upvote is a thoughtful gesture and well received!
Ahh ok :D
The route would be STEEM to binance - STEEM to LiteCoin - Litecoin to Coinbase - Sell Litecoin to USD Wallet - Withdraw.
Depending on binance exchange prices, I believe this is the cheapest method.
(Coinbase do like to take an annoying sum and so if there is a registration of card details on binance this could save a few steps and be cheaper)
At current prices, 50 SBD is $160.61032 (50 x $3.2122064)
Gotcha! Yes, I can do that @abh12345 but it would mean going through coinbase for me with the withdrawal. That means converting SBD to STEEM internally first?
I don’t have my info on binance...I know I should trust them but it’s an international company so I’m reluctant to give my info and bank info.
As for coinbase, they forced my hand to adding my info. I signed up when it wasn’t a requirement to give out all my info for buying. A month or so back, I tried logging on to see what I had in there and they wouldn’t even let me log on without giving them everything. That’s fine since I have nothing to hide but I drew the line when the employer field was also required. So I told them personal and that bypassed the hard stop. Giving up personal info for transparency is one thing, but you really don’t need to know where I work to give me access to my funds!
This depends if Binance have both, or just STEEM on the exchange. I don't have an account there and do seem to remember reading it's just STEEM at present. And so yes, you would need to exchange on the internal market here, first.
Damn Coinbase, I reluctantly use them too. At least it's been plain sailing for me so far - no issues.
Let’s cross our fingers it stays that way. They might want the name and rights to our first born one day! 😂
Yes, I think Binance has STEEM only. That was recently added too. Internal it is if Dave wants to go my route!
lol... on the math... you are always so funny when your mind starts to wander on that! :P
You know me, why waste brain cells when I have super smart people to do it for me? 😉
lol... well I guess its good you don't waste brain cells on math, you use them in other ways so nicely! No wonder you are so amazing at so many other things!
PS... I might need to take you up on your offer of converting some if the donations keep coming in. I was prepared for $150 (or 50 sbds) but its coming in better than that. We will check with Brian and see what works best for him.
Of course, let me know. Will be happy to help and take screen shots of every transaction to show transparency.
you are awesome @beeyou! Thank you for the generous offer! :) I will handle sending it to Brian as I do have a paypal account too... I know I can always count on you to help in any way you can, so thank you so much for everything you do! And I do know how to reach you :P
Ok, let me know Dave. 🙂 Brian should open a coinbase or binance acct or any others out there if he plans on taking SBD out in the future. For instance, when Lynn’s megapost pays out.
I agree that's what I'm hoping to accomplish... Get him the $150 today... and get set up for the future with getting his own conversion accounts set up! That's perfect.
haha @beeyou. My megapost is another overwhelming thing right now!
Coinbase/binance? Is either one better? worse? easy to deal with? etc?
Both the same to me? I’ve never taken money out so I can’t tell you about the easy factor.
I use Coinbase because it’s based in San Francisco, CA. Funny thing is, when I used a credit card to add funds once, it showed up as an international charge!
As for Binance, it’s an international corp so you decide on that one.
The problem with opening an account with both and probably withdrawing funds, it will take DAYS for the approval process. That’s just to open the account. You will likely have to provide your personal info, SSN, DOB, bank acct info, and send them a copy of your identification.
Again, I’ve never taken money out. Only added funds, and I had to give Coinbase all my info just to give them my money!
This is where the "lazy" hits me! I like pensif's post that Asher shared; maybe he's interested in buying some too ;)
I know @sames and Brian are talking right now, but turns out Coinbase is out...doesn't work for Mexico. I'm hoping as time goes on, this process will become easier, but that's of no use now, is it?
I'll let the guys sort this stuff out...haha I'm sounding like you now :)
Just know if you try other avenues like Binance, it could take days to be “approved” for an account. On top of that, it might take days to transfer the funds to your bank account. So better to start now with the account process.
My coworker told me of people he knows in “real” life using Binance and sharing their info. They trade in the hundreds and thousands, so perhaps it’s safe if they use it. I’ve only used Binance to trade cryptos.
Didn’t know Coinbase is not available in Mexico. Sometimes the lazy way is best. I’ll wait for Dave to let me know if he needs my help. For now, simply be a spectator. Less work. 😁
A 100% vote as my support... Lots of love, blessings and prayers for the lovely couple...
thank you so much for your generosity @jznsamuel... It is always very special when the larger steemians come by and show their support! I know Brian and Lynn are very touched by the outpouring of caring. Thank you for being a part of that and for the well wishes! :)
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thank you very much for your support here and all along @resteemable! :)
Dave I was busy with a show all weekend, but was pointed to this post. Have done my thing directly via paypal and covered a week of meds. If you need any help getting funds sent, SBD or steem converted to fiat, or another round of fundraising starts message me on discord so I can lend a hand.
Awesome of you to do... all of it... Glad to hear you went direct to them and I appreciate the offer on the conversion... We might take you up on it depending on how much is needed to convert... So I will be in touch within the next few days if I need you on that! Thanks again as it is very helpful.
On another round, @charisma777 put out a post yesterday too... Also @simplymike plans on also doing one tomorrow so I'l let the know and send them your way to see if you can coordinate anything!
I appreciate you stepping up and I love how you get things done! So thank you very much for getting involved. I know Brian and Lynn will also thank you directly, but we all appreciate you and your spirit!
I have upvoted, resteemed and sending what I can give! A hero needs the help from the people every now and then. @lynncoyle1, I can feel the power from the people coming together to help out, it's giving me goosebumps. Can you feel it too? :p It's a silly questions, of course you do ^_^ Much love to you all!
Thank you so much @foxyspirit :) I absolutely love that you refer to Brian as a "hero"...he really is mine :) And yes, this is such a great testament to the power of this platform and the kind-hearted souls who are here!! It's been overwhelming to watch this happen today. Thank you again!
Much love to you both!It's amazing! I think we all feel the goosebumps, @davemccoy said so too :p I can understand the feelings without the words to match. I have read some of your comments here and on another post trying to show your gratitude. But in return we have all been grateful for you and Brian, what you both have brought to the platform, how you help people and connect with so many. It is the right thing to do.
If I could reach through my screen @foxyspirit and give you a big fat hug, my night would be complete! <3
Many many big hugs to you as well! <3 and a kiss on the cheek muah! lol
Thank you so much @foxyspirit! It was so awesome of you to do everything you did! I can feel the goose bumps too :P... I know Brian and Lynn can feel it and its people like you that make this place amazing! Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness!
It wasn't much as I have to save for the contest I am doing with @anjkara. But I gave the rest that was there. I am only plankton so it really is minimal. But giving it all towards Brian... I would give more if I could. Thank you for being there for them and doing what you are doing. I hope the goal has been reached and surpassed!
Please don't ever think that because your amount might be smaller in size that it doesn't hold the same value for us, because it does. In fact, it sometimes means more when those with little, give anyway!
The support from the community here has surpassed all expectations I might have ever had (Dave did this without telling us...the stinker ;). Thank you again!
A good thing he did too! Sometimes communities can have their heads so stuck up in their butts that they can't even smell that sweet apple pie. Steemit and good people can bring out the best of people and come together from around the world. A world of giving helps beat the heart in it's soul <3
I just read this one. You must have posted it when I went to sleep and I missed it. Sent some.
Thank you so much @leeart! There's no shame in getting some rest :) Brian and I really appreciate your generous support and kindness :) Thank you!
Thank you @leeart! I didn't try to... But I am glad you saw it and happy that you helped too! I knew you would care and I know Brian and Lynn are very happy to see the response and support from everyone! :)
You are a good friend. I don't have much but I will give all I can for her and Brian. They are such great people. It's funny because I just got to her post from the other day that you mentioned above. Then I stumbled across this in my notifications. You are an amazing person for doing this for them I knew from the first time I met you that you were a special person. And you continue to prove it daily. May our creator bless you for all that you do. I love you brother. And thank you for helping those in need.
What a beautiful comment @johndoer123! Brian and I appreciate you generous donation as well as your kind and loving support! I agree with you...Dave is simply amazing and the community support is simply overwhelming...in a good way! Thank you for being you my friend :) This is something we will remember forever and our gratitude is overflowing.
@johndoer123... you are an amazing man yourself... Thank you so much for everything you do and for the way you carry yourself... I could tell what kind of guy were too right from the start and I'm happy to be your teammate here on steemit working together side by side! You made a wonderful contribution and I know that both Brian and Lynn are very happy to know you care!
My our creator bless you as well and lets continue working together to help make this place the best it can be! :)
Thanks for the more than kind words sir. I know you're busy so I won't ramble. 😀 I wish you a great week sir.
I wish you the same as well! Thank you for being awesome! I really do appreciate it and respect you very much!
You redeem my faith in my fellow humans @davemccoy. I was talking to @taskmaster4450 and if you put a post up on Fundition.io can set things up to donate there
Thank you very much @seareader1! Brian and I appreciate your support, and yes, @davemccoy is a one of a kind!! Of course @taskmaster4450 has that information at his fingertips :) Thank you again. The support we have received here has been positively overwhelming and is a true testament to the power of this platform!
Thank you very much for those kind words @seareader1! And I will be happy to do that if you or @taskmaster4450 can show me how to do it. Or I'm sure that Brian and Lynn would be happy to do it direct if the appeal would be greater. I am just happy to see such a tremendous outpouring of compassion and wonderful community respect for 2 solid people among us!
Thank you @johnskotts :)
thank you for the simple but perfect message @johnskotts! It is appreciated!
Hope everything works out! Much love your way. Upvoted :)
Thank you @crystalpacheco! Brian and I appreciate that very much :)
Thank you for your support and words of encouragement @crystalpacheco30... That is very nice of you and I know that Brian and Lynn are happy to see the amazing support! :)
I love Rumi ! Thank you so much for your support; Brian and I appreciate it very much :)
what a nice message @boyerobert... Thank you for stopping by and giving such encouragement!
Thank you for being so giving! @backpackingmonk shared this post during the show and we are glad to be made aware and to help in our little way!
Hi @kubbyelizabeth! Thank you for your support; Brian and I appreciate it very much. We can't thank @davemccoy enough for his beautiful and selfless gesture ;)
I'm curious though, what "show" are you referring to ?
Thank you so much @kubbyelizabeth! I appreciate that you and @backpackingmonk took the time to highlight this story on your show! I really enjoyed listening to it and glad that you all learned a little more about Brian and Lynn... They are amazing! Thank you again for being terrific! :)
Thanks for sharing i clicked on his wifes blog and sent them my aloha and support 🌺
thank you so much @aloha-creations! That is awesome and I know Brian and Lynn appreciate it very much!
Thank you @aloha-creations; I appreciated that too :) All the support from people here often keeps me standing tall!
If I could have contribute more than my lousy upvote, I would have. @davemccoy, people like you are rare. You took the bull by the horns and made things happen.
I love your description of yourself @minnaloushe :) And your words are worth far more than any upvote to Brian and Lynn as the see that you care! And I am honored that you said such nice things about me, so thanks for that too :D Thank you for taking the time out of your day and I hope to see you more and hear the thoughts of a "thinker" :P
I'm with Dave here @minnaloushe! Your comment makes me smile...thank you!
...mostly because I'm imagining @davemccoy as a matador :)
Okay, so the mention of a matador made me laugh out loud. For that you get my upvote and follow. You have a sharp mind, methinks!
This is an amazing fundraiser Dave. You do this with love and with your natural ability to help other people. I'm truly impressed!
I have sent you a 5 SBD donation.
Thank you so much for this @danielsaori! I know you have a lot going on right now, but I'm happy that you stopped by and saw this and showed your support for Brian and @lynncoyle1 :)
good luck with all your moves! :)
Thanks again Dave! If I could right now, I'd reach through this screen and give you a hug :) Maybe one day in Mexico that might actually happen ! :)
Thank you so very much @danielsaori for the donation and also for your kind words about Dave. He really is a wonderful man and a great friend!
A Donate Button can be made through paypal. I think it would be a great Idea to have @briancourteau make one through his Paypal account.
I for one and I am sure many others will be more then happy to donate through it. Just about everyone uses paypal so it will max the donation received.
Thank you for the tip @rentmoney. I will be sure to pass that on to Brian and let him decide. It really is a good idea...simplify the whole process.
Your welcome, allot are unaware of that feature of paypal so I thought I would bring it up. I will keep checking in on this thread to see what he decides.
I am impressed seeing how the community come forward and supported a couple in need.
@davemccoy I've sent you 5 SBD for Brian. I should have sent earlier but somehow I missed this post.
Thank you so much @reazuliqbal! Your generosity is so appreciated by myself and Brian :)
@davemccoy really is a great guy !
Thank you again here @reazuliqbal! I did receive it and will make sure to pass it along for sure! It is awesome that you did this and I know Lynn has already responded, but I'm glad to see you could be a part of brightening their days :)
You got a 76.92% upvote from @lrd courtesy of @sames!
Thank you very much @sames for this gesture and effort! It is an awesome thing to do for Brian and Lynn!
One more vote is coming in from treeplanter....
Awww @sames! You just keep making me smile :) Thank you so much!! And Brian and I love the treeplanter one as well! :)
you're great @sames... thank you so much!