Sam's full name is Sammie Allie Bammie. She's a Chihuahua/Yorkie mix and will be 6 years old on March 9, 2018!
Here she is striking a pose. Say "Hello"!
Of course, she is curious about the camera too!
Do you think she has enough toys? Here she is, waiting for more!
She was so small back then! Only a couple months or so old in this picture, when I first got her in April 2012, she fit in the palm of my hand!
Here she is visiting the neighbor's cat. The cat is named Goldie.
I love this photo of Sam sleeping, created with the Deep Dream Generator.
Another favorite! This one looks like a painting!
Sam (left) with her BFF, Moxie.
This was Sam's Halloween portrait! I even made a t-shirt using this image!
It's not easy getting Sam to sit still long enough to take a photo. Do you like this one? I do!
This one looks posed but actually I walked into the living room to see her sleeping with her sock monkey and pig friend. So cute!
I think she's watching Marley & Me! Sometimes she will watch a whole movie this way..
Sam wants to know if you like to see more photos of her? Don't forget to upvote!
The famous nickname, "man’s best friend," is used in many other languages as well as English.