How to naturally keep the warmth in a small room?

in #life8 years ago

Hey SteemIt Community,
I am new here and so excited to start my journey here. I am starting it with a question that I badly need to find the answer to :P


I live in a very tiny room that I renting to stay. It is rainy season at my place and this room is too cold to sleep and work.
I do some data entry job online. So I work most of the time inside this room.

Even, though I like it being cold, it is cold to handle here. I would like to take some suggestion from you life hackers around here.

This is the whole structure of the place, it may help to crack this cold.

Roof is covered by these seats, they don’t dry up until it’s sunny.


Walls are made from cement bricks, which takes in lot of water and make it freezing too.


This is the floor


And this is the place I work in

Working Place

This room has no windows. It is so humid place to sleep. I can’t use fire since it is too small and so not safe.

Thanks in advance.


having no windows actually makes the humidity worse. you need to let the air flow at least a couple of times a day (leave the door opened a couple of times a day if thats all you have). it makes it dryer.
try also covering the roof with some plastic material but make sure that the water flows out.
then get an electric heater.
good luck, I lived in a humid dump like that for some months when I was at Uni. as soon as you save up some dosh move out. a dry confy place is essential.

Thanks, I will add plastic, it is may be the good fit solution, coz when it is sunny, roof above gets heat and creates another problem in summer days. Plastic may end all these.

Keeping the savings for new place. It will happen soon if everything works according to the plan

Move out!

haha... Ahh it is not possible right now :D

It all depends on the climate you're in. Where do you live?

Important is to apply insulation on the inside of the outside wall, create ventilation (can you drill a hole in the wall?) and add heating (electrical heating is the safest)

You could also consider running a pc with a graphics card that mines cryptocurrency. eg a 200 watt gpu heats your room and could also make you about 75 dollar per month that you can use to pay the heating bill.