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RE: There is no good and evil. There are only normal and deviant behaviors. Use incentives to increase "the good" in an environment.

in #life6 years ago

That's exactly what I was getting at.. Maybe normalization isn't the word we want here for the 'good' but something else?

Anyway, food for thought. Great post.


The problem is I have no ability to determine what good or bad is due to it being a subjective opinion. The only way we know something is good is due to the fact that a lot of people like it. That would make good = popular which is problematic. If good is simply "normal" then it's more because everyone does it then the consequences for doing it will not be negative (because everyone does it) while if very few people do something the consequences can be infinitely harsh.

Jay walking is something everyone does so the consequence usually isn't a long prison sentence. Deviant behavior is something people don't often do so it surprises people. This surprise is what creates the harshest reactions from people at least based on what I can see.

From what I can see, most societies like behavior which is (normal) and seek to enforce behavioral normalization. I don't see any morals behind most societies. I could of course be wrong but this is just what I can and and can't see.

morals in society: that's a longer discussion over beers by a fire pit :D

I took an interesting course on it.. It's like fish in water. do they see the water? Do they go 'hmmm, i don't see any water in society?'

One of my all time favourite courses when I was on a coursear blitz a few years back..

This is an article about the teacher's work..

I'm not religious, but I am fascinated with religion, spirituality, morality and human interactions..

Apologies, I do tend to go on and on about it