I present to you one of my pets. Her name is Bess, she is 5 years old and she is a mestizo bitch. His name is due to his rescuer Ursula, who told us that she chose him after seeing the colors of his coat and see the resemblance to a type of Swiss cow.

I met her on Sunday, March 5, 2014, when my boyfriend (now my husband) took me by surprise to my home, along with my friend @erikatassoni: a cute one-year-old dog, very shy and very scared. Manuel had adopted it through the Canine Support Network (RAC) and that's how I got the surprise! I remember it was love at first sight!

I had lost my dog three months before. Pinky had lived many experiences with me over seventeen years, so I was very sad and that was what led my boyfriend to seek to adopt a new member.

I remember that her arrival was a surprise and I was worried that after five days, I would not have heard her bark, because I was so shy that I did not leave a corner. This is how, through his rescuer, we were able to contact an excellent trainer, Brenda Razzeto, who guided us at her canine obedience school ABC Canino to work obedience and agility, which helped us a lot.

Having pets is very important to me, especially if they are dogs. I think they make us happy the days, they help us to make the problems more bearable and they always leave us a little hair on our clothes so that we remember that at home we are waiting for a wet little leaf with lots of love.