How prepared are you for your future?

in #life7 years ago

City Lights 014.jpg

I used to be bombarded by questions from my supervisor.. "What's your 5 year plan"? "What's your 10 year goal target?"..

After a while, I get kinda of jaded after being retrenched and knowing that there is no such thing as job security, it led to me to think of other alternative sources of income.

I would love to hear from you guys on your current project and alternative sources of income. Is investing your time and money on bitcoin the way to go?

Hear from you soon..!


Investing in Hand tools, Fishing nets, ammunition, and cryptos..5 yr plan, is to be self sufficient in the wilderness of northern Canada. My wife posts a lot of good content along this mindset, if interested @leemlaframboise

thanks @medic8553, following your wife and you..

unfortunately, there is no ammunition content over at this part of the world for me.. :D

I used to obsessed with being successful and making that million. As I got older, I've come to believe that making the most of your life does not always look like success. I've come to believe this because I haven't made a million or become a captain of industry. So now I entertain myself by taking online courses and fixing the cars and doing repairs on the house. BTW online courses are great, I use coursera and edx. They're free and very educational.

i guess contentment is the key to happy living.. :)

It seems to work for me.

daniel tan I know nothing of investments but I do know about putting your mind to other things. Number one, if you're on here to make money you have to do it the right way. you must put up good content, you must encourage others, you must upvote. This, in time will make you money. However, you must learn how to do it. Be honest, work hard at it and you will get results. I am the happiest bunny because people, just a few, follow me and I am very grateful. It's the easiest thing to use and although the why's and wherefores are puzzling to a newcomer, you are surrounded by like minded people. It's fun, rewarding and something to build for. Good luck JV

@jvalentine thanks for the words of advise. It's true that one must learn to put your mind to something and completing it. And only after you have tried and done your best, you can say "I've tried" and failed.. but all is not lost.. the experience, the tenancity gained through it all.. invaluable..