Share your thoughts! Life experiment legacy

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hellos steemians,

Thank you for all your great comments, i am glad to be part of the adventure.


Thank you artwatch , you are not alone, for years now i have this idea to find a way to give us the possibility to share our life story, experiment, knowledge as legacy if we desire to.

Initially i was thinking about creating a website when anybody could write up what we desire to transmit to futur generation as legacy then came the question of immutability.

How to be sure the data will be never lost? I am sure they is some expensive solution with multiple data storage online and offline.
Before i knew blockchain technology, i imagined a website where we could filter our navigation by theme / date / countries...

Each days approximately 160 000 persons die , 2 dead per second, each individual had a singular experience of life, unique set up of knowledge, living from other era.

It is a complete waste of knowledge not finding a way to store and learn from the past to give us the chance to not constantly repeat the same mistakes.

The amount of know how lost forever is absurd.

We love to study history whereas we don't bother to store today's experiences for future generation.
I would love to be able to navigate from life story to legacy experiment, advices, food receipes, all kind of ancient artistic or home made know how...

I sure your childhood memory is already very different from what new born child will ever experiment.

From each death we lost a part of our civilization with the risk to loose our culture, identity and roots forever.
I am not aware of such website if you do please post a link.

From my immutable communication post we know steemit give us the opportunity to communicate to futur generation:

Post your Life experience legacy simply by commenting this post.

Write whatever you want, whenever you want to transmit your legacy, send your bottle in the sea!

There are 3 pages

My mom used to tell me there was a time when I was little I ate expired drugs and then I slept and slept and slept. They (my parents) were scared to the core. They had to rush me down to tge hospital to flush out the drugs from my system but in the end I came out fine. I still wish they had mobile phones to take pictures of me then and also pictures of them selves being happy because I was their only child then and I can only imagine the joy on their faces when I recovered.
I also wish there were pictures of me, my siblings and my friends when we were all growing up. Now all i have of those memories are flashbacks anytime i see little children play around.

Your mom must loved you so much. Memories are such thing that I'm willing to spend my money to get it back. Haha it's complicated for me.

In eastern Nigeria, the custom was that when you lose a parent, you will be forced to go to the mortuary to retrieve their corpse alone by yourself no matter how old you are, if you are a first son

I was only 17 when I lost my father, and despite the fact that he had brothers I was forced take his body to the morgue alone, and to retrieve his body during burial, imagine the trauma for a seventeen year old, I was really demoralized and nearly lost my mind, they said it was culture, but believe me, till today that experience still haunts me

Growing up in a middle class home in Denmark with a good income, I've never known poverty or lack of material goods in any ways and can't really claim to have lived a tough life in such ways. My world shattered though when my parents went their separate ways when I was 5 because my mother had found us a new stepdad, and here almost 30 years after I'm still picking up pieces.
My stepdad was a narcissist with many psychopathic tendencies and through a combination of mental and physical fear he ruled our little family. In many years I had a hard time communicating with anyone without it being horribly awkward until I started playing World of Warcraft in 2010. The sensation of having a friendly online platform, in the shape of my guild, where I could communicate indirect with people, getting my point across without stumbling halfway through and actually feel relevant, was amazing.
I'm now a relatively normal functioning socially human being (though I'll never learn to small talk) but still very much appreciate platforms like steemit. The way steemit and similar platforms allow us to communicate freely, no matter who we are, how anonymous we'd like to be and what we have to offer is, at worst, still awesome and at the best a possible lifeline for individuals like past me.

The prospect of being able to safely store all these testimonies, legacies, stories and thoughts uttered each day here I hope will be of great value to the coming generations, both so they can learn more about us but also so they can learn from us.

My mother died after she gave birth. I don’t even know what she looks like anymore. I wish this kind of platform existed before 😂 I lost the last pics of her they gave me when I was still in elementary ☹️

This might the first generation of comments to do this so heres my take:

To you wholl read this in the future let it be known im so happy i found steemit, learned crypto and other cool tech advancement but the best part is always the people in it. Dont forget to connect to another person cos this is the age of no boundaries! ☺

A year ago, I've found a website where you can send a future letter to yourself. And that I did! It was so awesome, because I completely forgot about it and when I received it 6 months later, I felt like reading someone's else letter. So many memories came back to me when I was reading the letter.
The point is, it feels so great to read everyone's life experiences, even if it's your own experience that you have forgotten about.
It makes me wonder, how would future generations react to all the past life experiences people saved on the blockchain? Would they like us? Would they hate us? I guess there's no way to find out...

our life is like a bank account: we don’t want to spend everything but we don’t want to be a miser and save every penny. we’re only young once, but, with any luck, we’ll also be old at some point. Plan on a career, but don’t let it overcome the rest of your life. Take care of yourself, but don’t make it an obsession. Save enough money so that we have enough for the future and for emergencies, but spend enough now to avoid looking back with regret.

@damarth, In this part of the world where i come from (Nigeria), every parents thinks what ever they say are always right and should be obey by their kids, not bad but i really don't think its meant to be so because everyone has his/her right to make decisions and should be ready for the end point.

The reason why my parents still thinks that what ever they say for me, i should obey no matter what. It was a cool evening when my dad called me that i should follow him to one of his buildings to see how far the bricklayers have gone, although i had the plan to go and see a friend that evening so i told my dad that i can't, so my dad left angrily and that moment i felt i had the right to make decisions myself. I went ahead to see the friend but when i got there, i was told he when to the junction to buy something. So i decided to go and meet him there since i could locate the place, so i went to meet him there but getting there, they where two of them( I mean my friend and my friend's friend), after getting the stuff they came to buy,we all decided to go back to my friend's house and less i forget my friend had a motorcycle which they took to the junction, i was told to sit at the middle with the other guy behind me.
Having a sweet ride home but when we got to a point on a hill road, we add an accident and because i was at the middle, i couldn't jump off the motorcycle and that's how i broke my right leg. when my dad came back from the site that same day,meeting me at that condition trust me he was seriously mad at me and since then what so ever he tells me to do or says, he always want me to do it not minding my own decision and this is really not right for me. Despite the previous incident, that doesn't mean when ever i choose not to follow his own decision something bad will happen and that's the point i have been trying to make my dad see.

When everyone else would give up on me
Mama would sit by my side and sing
Telling the world how I'm wonderful and sweet
Mama who made me
Who's the bane of my dreams
Mama who'd sit by me when I was sick
I'm growing up, so I'll show my love
Give you everything you gave me and more.
Thank you for your prayers, your love and your songs.

I have been so downcast by life experience, that I got to the point I thought life had nothing else to offer, until I came across steemit which changed my life for ever..... I am really grateful.

Thanks @damarth for giving this plan to share my story.
My story is similar to that of every Nigerian child you will see in the streets. I was born in a period of difficulty and as a child I was very sick and my birth caused my mother great illness. We both survived and today I am what I am because of her and whatever I will become will be as a result of her relentless efforts to always provide even when it seemed impossible. Growing up as a child was fun even though we didn't have the mobile phones and all sorts of gadgets then, the absence of these enabled us to spend quality time with our pals and I grew up in a house filled with kids. There you'll see the amazing artists, the good footballers and the braniacs and we all bonded well.
At a point in my life I got involved in street trading(hawking), I was about ten years old then and it was a life changing experience. There was this joy I felt when someone will purchase just 1 sachet of water from me and it was just amazing that I could feel so happy for something so little. These days I sometimes patronise street hawkers just to give them a taste of that joy I felt. I didn't do it for long though because my mother didn't support the idea of me hawking in the street.
Thank God now that things are better and my younger ones won't have to do that. Times have really changed but to conclude I'll say experience is the best teacher

Growing up as a child for me wasn't easy at all. One memory am very fond of is an accident that happened to me in the kitchen when I was little. I suffered severe burns on my left elbow spreading to my left wrist. I remember this incident each day when I see the very big scar on my left hand, especially when it itches. The funny thing is that less than a year later I broke the same hand. I went through pains as a child and am happy today that I was able to still meet up in school despite my predicament then. Thanks to my mother who was very supportive and helpful throughout those times. Thanks to steemit and @damarth for giving me an opportunity to share this memorable experience.

It is not enough to think sometimes, maybe most of the time!

No one calls me a bad thinker. Der? Of course not.

Maybe a bit bold now, maybe a bit pretentious, but I really never think bad for anyone, I can not think.

I'm afraid, because what I think might be my belief. An anda can be reflected in all movements. But I'm not afraid of it. Because I can not think of the thoughts of knowing Allah.

I really think for everyone, goodness for everyone around. I think of good even for the people who touch me. I want them to live their best. Am I an idiot? Yeah. Am I pure? Yeah! Does not that come from what is already happening? Yeah! @damarth

@darmarth thank you for this platform. I wish I was born with silver spoon in my mouth. It was tough growing up, I wished my parent were rich and I could live and buy whatever I wanted. I struggled hard still I was determined and last year my mother left us and it was so painful. How can you just leave us, you could have waited and enjoy your children. Am so determined to make it through life and make my father happy once again. I love you daddy. Steemit has filled lot of gaps financially. Thankyou

@darmath you made me remember growing up. Thanks again. I remembered when my father go to sing at parties just to make end meet and my mother a business woman. They did the best they could do, but we were always looking at the other kids. I remembered my mum said always appreciate what I give you, if we had enough, we would give more. When we got to a stage we needed a telephone, we cried hard but we wouldnt get any as cheap as it could be. I started helping her to sell her things and run a lot of errandsto gather money, today, I thank God with steemit I got a better phone and assisted them in the little I can. I will preach the steemit to everyone till the world is aware. Thanks @darmarth

When I was young, my dad was addicted to gambling. The whole situation got worst when he went to the loanshark. At the early years, he had so much winning that he bought a house and a bookshop but luck may not always be there forever. He tried to gain back his loss but more gamble resulting in heavy debt. In the end, he did manage to get out of his debt by selling our house and his bookshop. It was a terrible childhood where my parents argued over this with relatives asking my mum to divorce my dad. He managed to change in the end. I must remind myself of his mistake that I must not be greedy and gamble in cryptocurrency. It must be an investment with research or investigation. I must learn to hold and let go as well. I am glad to find steemit and I do have debts to clear as well. I hope that I can earn through steemit by posting and supporting this community positively.

Growing up has been fun and challenging. We Nigerians live in an economy where the strong prey on the weak and the rich keeps getting richer through corruption, you need more than just your dreams and ambition to survive. Power and influence are the order of the day, like all Nigerian youths, i have dreams, i have goals. Goals which seemed impossible until i started steeming, i always wanted to own a poultry: go into egg production. I recently purchased 12 birds with money gotten from the reward pool, it may be small but its a first step in the right direction,i plan on expanding the poultry to one thousand birds before the end of the 1st quarter of the year.
Believe in yourself and follow ur dream. With steemit, your dreams may just be a reality.
Thanks @damarth for this amazing idea.

Thanks for this platform to share my life experience @damarth. I grew up being a shy boy and subject to bullying. Was a pushover to my colleagues back then and it built fear and hopelessness in me. I lived with that trauma for years, sometimes letting it take over me in forms of fainting, failing public speeches and low self-esteem. It was a terrible ordeal i must say, Living the life of a pushover. But then, I decided to face my fears and learn from very courageous friends that are proud of who they are and don’t listen to what people say about them. These guys were truly a big inspiration to me. And I learned to face my struggles and stare at these bullies to their faces. I understood I had a right too and no one was above that. And now I am where I am today with these bullies having zero control. I want to lend my voice out there to the people who are mocked for what they are, their scars, their height and other factors. Face your fears and turn a deaf ear to them cause they aren’t worth listening to. You don’t need their words to make yourself happy. You are the key to your happiness.

Thanks @damarth, you have given me a very meaningful knowledge, knowledge that I have not been able to before, I hope you can understand what I will say, I am from aceh Indonesia, I am the son of a farmer, I am new to know some steemit Last month I was very ambitious about starting steemit, I still have a lot to learn to understand, I really hope to be able to surf in this steemit account, like the very successful people in this steemit, it may be very hard for me to realize things like you, because I feel my own courage even though here is connected between countries and even the world, there is nothing I can do but I still try to give the best in this steemit media even though I still crawled like a newborn, I believe this steemit will realizing it, I desperately need the support of someone who is already big in steemit, my hope is sem ua steemit user can help fellow because we have become one family in this steemit ,,, I like steemit .. and i need support. please me to make it .. @damarth

Thanks @damarth for this opportunity to express our life story .
Growing up was a thug of war in my life.
When I was being convinced,my father left my mom to holland.And probably I guess my mom must have been having that plans of abortion and getting another man.
But life being a mirror of luxury and blood being thicker than water, my spirit was strong enough.
And secondly, after escaping that one, I came to this world without a father and just a managing mother .
Few months after the family of my dad came from nowhere and burst into our crib to pack all the properties away.
You can imagine such tragedy.
But remember I never stopped growing. When I was 4,sickness came. And guess what... it was the general sickness Nigerians call (UDEH) gosh . I stopped walking and I got admitted for 1 year, then after I became better.
It's time to become a student, where's the money. Mum was running up and down trying to sell different things just to start a business before I can leave to school .
To cut the long story short ....
Here am I with two other siblings and guess what?
Dad is back home. And am proud to have both parents still alive. And life has taught me a lot . And I believe prayers also play a great role in my life .
Thanks for reading this

A letter to future generations.
Young ones, keep believing yourself no matter how challenging and hopeless life may seem Dont Ever Give Up. Follow your heart, fall in love, be adventurous and live life.
Don't Exist, Live.
Enjoy every moment, Do not regret whatever decision you make regardless of the outcome, take advice and learn from experience. Keep learning and remember no dream is unattainable.

A quick question before i drop my pen:
Did man ever make it to the sun
Have we discovered life in other galaxies

Yours sincerely

I want to pass on my knowledge to the next generation of young girls. As I share some feminist views, I appeal specifically to women. So it is accepted in my country to put men on a higher level. And from childhood the girl inspire, how nice and flexible it should be. Otherwise, she wouldn't have a fiance. But is happiness is only to have a pair? Of course, love is a wonderful feeling. But this is not the only way to a happy and harmonious life for women. And I want to say to the future female generations: do not build your life to please men. Live as you want. Don't focus on finding a couple. Just do what you love. Enjoy your freedom, your choice. Engage in self-development. Fill yourself with knowledge. Go wherever you your heart. You don't owe anyone anything. Don't let anyone make the choice of your life path. Each of us has the right to decide what to do with their lives.

Here we can share life with fellow human beings commented,
And with this we can know other cultural circumstances, and can ask all the needs we want.

Steemit is a place to advance life online, and we can preach all personal life with the desired person.
With #steemit present in this world, all human finance can add.

I am very grateful to get to know steemit, because all the words of my life are almost solved.
I can pay the debt and I can also ease the burden on my parents life.

Now that steemit is a world, I am very proud to include people who have long known steemit.

#steemit continue to grow for the future of our children and grandchildren the world later.

Thank you for your @damarth who has encouraged us in steemit.

By the way you make this event we are all very excited.
because you @damarth are our supporters who are still learning this.

My friend has made a post about promo-steem in Indonesia, because I want to advance steemit in all corners of the world,
if you can visit my post and support my post about promo-steemit in Indonesia.

This is for my lovely and carring mother that has always been ther for me, in both good and hard and times, When everyone else would give up on me
Mama would sit by my side and sing Telling the world how I'm wonderful and sweet Mama who made me Who's the bane of my dreams Mama who'd sit by me
when I was sick I'm growing up, so I'll show my love
Give you everything you gave me and more. Thank you for your prayers, your love and your songs.i will always love you mama

Before I came to steemit I have been so downcast by life experience, everything was not going as planned, I have failed so many times that I got to the point I thought life had nothing else to offer, until I came across steemit which changed my life for ever..... I am really grateful.

If I have learnt anything about life..It is that life will knock you down continuously .But that doesnt mean u sit down. Its your ability to stand up that counts because in the end, no one would remember those that never got back up

As a first son in Africa, you to live upto expectations as pressure will be on you to carry on the family's name and legacy and make life better for your immediate and extended family.

I was given so little and was expected to deliver more. The highest level of education I received from my father was the junior secondary school and my father expected me to become a millionaire based on that. I started menial jobs of different kinds just to make ends meet and fund my education. I had to work from 5pm till 12pm at a Bar after school to pay for my fees in secondary school. Life to me is a matter of chance and I don't try to question it, all I do is let it move me to wherever.

After secondary school, I had a fling and had a baby. I wanted to quit education and end plans of going into the University but I pushed further because I wanted a better life for my daughter. Am in my final year in the University and I hope to graduate an alleviate my family's situation.

17 november 2017 which was even 9 years old I have a very memorable memories in my life.
November 15, 2008, when I was in the 10th grade of high school. Exactly Saturday I received a love letter from someone I just met. I am confused how to reply to his letter. Sunday night I designed two pieces of mail, received or not. On Monday 17th of November 2008, I asked for my opinion from my friends. They ordered to receive it. So we invented. The day went by until the day of graduation at school in 2011. My boyfriend chose to continue in University outside the region. A year he was there he cheated and we split up. 15 months after that we continue the relationship until 2016. Then, in October 2016 we split up for the second time. because of a misunderstanding of him. After that, January 2017 we continue the relationship and march we got engaged until now. Hopefully in 2018 we will get married.
amin amin amin
We live long distance relationship, due to our different activities. I am now a kindergarten teacher in my area. while my fiance worked as an employee at PT. ADIRA FINANCE outside our area.
that's the experience of my love story steemit friends.
thank you for your @damarth who has given us a chance to share life experiences here. steemit is my second family, steemit is where I share the joys and sorrows in my life.
once again thank you very much @damarth and my steemit friends who have been willing to vote you in every post I have.
thanks @damarth.
we are all amazed at you.


My, unforgettable experience dated back when I was merely 12 years old when I had a motorcycle accident. I was merely 12, but I could still remember the God saving fracture I had on the leg, just slightly below my right knee. Yes, my leg broke into two, with my flesh keeping it from falling off. The pain was so immense that I instantly fainted at the moment of the incident. The injury was too delicate that a general hospitaL had to refer me to a specialist orthopedic hospital.

I could remember as young as I was, I felt more pain when I heard the motorcyclist fled at the instant of the incident. The question which kept appearing to my mind was how cruel was the man. It was a very sad experience that every silent moments of my life, I will always wish any of my family or friends will never experience it.

"In fact, the most beautiful moment of life; when you think you are someone who connects you to life when you give up everything."It is important to find someone.I hope everyone finds that one and lives a happy, peaceful and healthy life...
Thanks for sharing..
Thanks to everyone who comments :)

Try to make at least one person happy every day, and after that in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty people upbeat, or lit up a residential community by your commitment to the store of general pleasure.

Everything was going pretty smoothly in my life.
My personal life or other aspects of it were good enough for others to be jealous. And it seems when you feel too much happiness in life some unexpected event may happen.

Three months ago my pet was diagnosed with incurable cancer and started to cough with pain and blood. Even though his eyes were telling me that everything will be okay, don't worry about me. Like he was comforting me.
But it was clear that he suffered and... after a while I decided to put him to sleep.
It's the most painful experience in my life. Holding him in my hands when his last light of life vanished.

Sorry @damarth for sad experience.

thanks @damarth. I used steemit first until now. my life is very different from both in terms of knowledge and economically.
I did not know what steemit was. but i google open to find out about steemit in google. and I learned and understood. I used to run steemit first. I am like a lost person who does not know where to go.
and in terms of my current economy is very different. first I got to know steemit. i have no money to buy internet package. and ever money to buy internet package from sweat i work in workshop. my income in a day work in the workshop is only 35 rp. and the money I use to buy internet package. I was very sad because I do not know what it is the pleasure of steemit. day by day in steemit. month after month I am in steemit. but I just now know what pleasure in the world of steemit. and now I have so many other people who sudsh I invite into the world steemit. and now know what steemit is. day I now spend in the world of steemit.
I am very grateful that I can still enjoy steemit. and I will continue to promote steemit around me. thanks @damarth.
warm greetings from my steemit ....

From each death we lost a part of our civilization with the risk to loose our culture, identity and roots forever.
This reminds me that we all have something to offer in respective of what time of history we are from, in respective of our cultural, ethnic, racial background. We all are a piece of irreplaceable knowledge. A unique piece of a puzzle, a puzzle called life.
However, I would love to share my story, but mine is just another sad and boring experience of life's prosaic ability to cause pain. I wouldn't want to bore you Sir @damarth.

Asa J.

A death of a loved one is something I haven't experienced, until a few months ago. My grandma died after being in a coma for 2 weeks. Even though I know it was going to happen sooner or later, when it actually happened, it hit me hard. When I came home from school and saw my mom crying it broke my heart. You can never be prepared for those kind of things and I wish that to no-one. After my grandma's death I realized life is too short to worry about stupid things. Do what makes you happy and don't let people bring you down.

This is a very interesting and important topic my dear brother @damarth .
Each human being has an incalculable value due to his acquired knowledge product of his different experiences lived throughout his existence.
Parents pass on to their children what they have learned as a result of their mistakes so that this experience serves them.
In addition to "unconscious" all that learning that each of us has acquired is intertwined with the knowledge of other human beings and in turn is gradually improving that knowledge acquired progressively and that is why we observe an obvious evolution or progress in the humanity, that is to say that each human being contributes with his contribution according to his degree of progress

That's such great idea. I wish my elder sister left behind some instruction for that i can follow all my life. She was so creative and always have a cute smile on her. I miss her so much 😢😢. Now I am writing to you but my tears still missing her. Thank you for such a nice opinion to write for our new generation.

Hi@damarth, I agree with you , thanks for your this post. Thanks to steemit platform for us to established the opportunity to communicate with each other. Here, I can publish my delicious food, my opinion, my experience, and my travel experience. Since this platform, everything is so beautiful. It is also very happy that at this platform can meet you and can communicate with you in all aspects. wish you a good day.

just read your post which make tears in my eyes because in this world on the mother which truly feel a person. only the mom which make you perfect person in frnd of a person is only lovely mother... i just say about mother that...
Peace is the splendor of life. it is sunshine. it's far the smile of a child, the affection of a mom, the pleasure of a father, the togetherness of a circle of relatives. it's miles the development of man, the victory of a simply cause, the triumph of truth.
study greater....

just followed you for more good stuff like that..

First off, I'm grateful to you that you have given me a chance to explain my life experience with all of you.

I faced many tragedies in my whole life, I completed my education in a very bad ill condition. My stomach was not healthy, I vomited whenever I eat something that means my stomach are always empty. I ate many medicines but all in vain. I'm still in the same condition. Well afterwords, Now I'm fine and cured this disease. Thanks to GOD Almighty!!
One day I was going to collage on bike with my little bro where we got a serious accident. I injured badly and all wounds spots are still remembering me that condition.
I was very thankful and I'm happy GOD always with me and protect my life.I am enjoying every moment of my life What I spend my time with my parents and others.

Now I'm living my life happily with my parents.

As far as concerned my life experience, I faced numerous problems and difficulties throughout my childhood. My grand parents were unhappy with my birth, they don't want me to come in this world because they want a boy who earned something for them and lift them up from poverty. But all goes wrong when I came in their life.

I don't know why people want just a baby boy instead of a girl. I saw girls are more generous to them rather than a boys. Well, the problems for my parents growing up as I grown up day by day. I completed my master degree in this situation, every time I faced hateful comments about me until I start earned something for them.

Now I'm again jobless, I quit my job for freelancing but now I'm in trouble I couldn't find a way of earning. Few days ago, one of the persons told me about #steemit. So, I start to write here for earning something. That's all from here. I'm still happy with my life :)

When i was younger, i was diagnosed of a joint disorder. I didnt understand it but i knew there where times when my knee and ankle joints would inflame and i would cry because of the goddamn pain but now I have really learnt that that that cannot kill thee would only make thou stronger. Thanks for this medium @damarth

My mum is the best and will continue to be the best she used to tell me that she was just a caretaker that God is my everything, i didn't actually grew up with her and she didn't have much time to talk to me more about life, i missed the little moment had we played and she always want to talk to me about her life and things skip her time not on a cool evening i got a call that she was gone, to rest among the stars to watch over me, i was speechless. I couldn't cry my heart was heavy and imagine life without her .

Its another day damarth gave a post and i really imaging the amount of information gone with her, she wasn't able to tell me about her parents and how she grew up just a picture left for me smiling, i know her smile means so much of fulfilment, ...

That also remember me of my cousin who was studying medicine and surgery a computer wizard who left without sharing any of is gifted ideas with anyone.
So much information are in the grave only if we can extract this beautiful information to make the world a better place.

When life is good and you are happy don't forget your roots from where you grow always keep your head down and succeed in every field of life whether it's career ,family or anything you love just have faith on yourself. Remember up's and down is part of life don't get upset just work hard don't look back create your present in a beautiful way that you will be proud of yourself in future.. Live Love and eat healthy

I got my early schooling from traditional roofless and ghost schools of rural area but dared to pass the most competitive exam of accountancy from Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants (PIPFA) in one go. I belonged to a family where literacy level was lower than that of Pakistan (I being the first person to graduate)!! I’m truly self-fabricated (not just self-made)! Since matriculation I funded my entire education myself!

This is how this brand evolved. It’s a journey from nowhere to now here, from frustration to fulfillment. It’s journey from mere survival to stability, from stability to success and from success to significance. Is bend of the road an end of the road? Certainly not!

This vibrant young brand (yes, I’m BRAND) subscribes to the views of Andrew Carnegie that anything worth having is worth working for.

A year back, I've discovered a site where you can send a future letter to yourself. Furthermore, that I did! It was so wonderful, in light of the fact that I totally disregarded it and when I got it a half year later, I had a craving for perusing another person's letter. Such a significant number of recollections returned to me when I was perusing the letter.

The fact is, it feels so awesome to peruse everybody's beneficial encounters, regardless of whether it's your own experience that you have disregarded.

It influences me to ponder, how might future ages respond to all the past life encounters individuals saved money on the blockchain? Would they like us? Would they despise us? I figure there's no real way to discover

I remembered a time when i wanted to give up on life, i was constantly depressed and the i will constantly lash on my husband and kids. My first daughter(who was five at the time) will always come and hug me when i was calmer and told me how much she loves me and how she wants me to be happy and she will always say "you are the best mum ever". I had to take a decision to be happy not just for myself but for them because they deserve better. If there is anything i will want to pass on to my children, is that you owe it to yourself to be happy no matter what.

The tide of death has swept off the feets of the ones we love off the shores of life leaving us with only memories.

The death of a close one last year December shocked us deeply. She had hosted the couples fellowship in her resort on a Saturday and on the Tuesday she had made a comment on our WhatsApp group in the morning and before noon we were told she had died. A member of the group thinking along the line of immortalizing her, came up with this website

This is a great idea @damarth. Such a site will help relief one of the burden of losing a love one and also preserve the memory of that person.

Sometimes when i visit the website, i doubt that she had died.

My life experience is a story of tears and bitterness... I share it with pains and tears
I was born into a poor home where we barely eat once a day, my dad was a bike rider while my mom was just a trader. We struggle with all strength and anyway we can my brother missed the age of going to school but I never stop to pray... God in his infinite mercy helped us my dad was able to learn some jobs while my mom opened a restaurant... Now am an undergraduate in a university
All times be to God almighty

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