in #life7 years ago

Having just fully recovered from the Love experience of the month of February, which is generally known as month of Love. i feel better to share my experience so that others can learn from it, contribute to it to make me a better individual and also change some perception about the word love.
February for me is an interesting month that is look forward to with hope and confidence because one way or the other, i get to show love and love been reciprocated to me, but of particular focus are the activities that transpire in the month of February every year most especially on the 14th day of month which is world acclaimed lover's day.
The red roses, the White clothing with touch of red, the gifts, the outing, the dinner, marriage proposal and the relationships that started and also those the ended that day are all intriguing.

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These led me to ask myself an all importance question of WHAT is LOVE, that so much activities is attached to it. I read various definitions, answers and meanings attached to the word love and seem not to be satisfied until i came across one that got my attention and fits into the situation i was into and that is what i want to share today.
According to the definition, it states that LOVE: is decision to place a value on someone or something, either the person or thing is worth that value or not. This definition really got me thinking and i felt to understand it better i have to elaborate on key terms in the definition.
I kept asking myself what decision and value means and in my interaction with a friend he told that decision is a carefully thought process of analyzing situations from different contexts to understand the possibilities of acceptance, rejection, failure, success, delay, hindrance and taking conscious responsibility to deal with whatever the outcome may be.
He also said value means looking for the best way possible to contribute to the growth, development, advancement and progress of an individual without gain or favor from such person.
From the illumination i got in the above definition, i realize that love is an all benefiting entity in which there can never be a victim or a victor like the popular saying that no victor, no vanquish.
St. Valentino that died for love seem to be a victim of love but today the world is celebrating the sacrifice of his legacy, his is now a victor.
Steemit as a platform seek to ready people for the ingenuity of the brain ability, with no per-requisite or prejudice from the creator of the platform, that seems to giving people your all for nothing in return (situation perceived as a victim) but imagine the number of people that have able to start up various project from the reward pool ( now a victor).
From this experience i came out stronger, better equipped with knowledge and perception of how to deal with things and i conclude by saying that no matter the context either a perceived victim or a conceived victor LOVE ALWAY WINS.

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