Walk By Faith, Not By Sight! Upvote & Comment To Win $$$

in #life8 years ago (edited)


What is faith?

I'd like to get my definitions straight from the Bible. In Romans 4:5, faith is defined as trusting God who justifies the ungodly. In Hebrews 11:1, faith is defined as confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Trusting God who justifies the ungodly...

This is about God's grace that was achieved and accomplished on the Calvary about 2000 years ago. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God and we are all aware of this because our God-given conscience bears witness when we do something wrong. But the good news is that God is rich in mercy and offer His grace to everyone through faith. We need His grace in order to be able to live a guilt-free life.

Confidence in what we hope for...

If we trust God, then we will be confident in what we hope for and we will have assurance about what we do not see. Why? Because we know that God is in control. The seas might be raging now, but He will speak and tame them. Have faith!

Upvote and comment to win some cash...

I plan to give 20% of my rewards for each post to one curator who has both upvoted and commented on my post so don't forget to upvote and comment! You don't have to resteem but I would be extremely thankful if you do; so much so that I will probably be more likely to pick you! 😇😇

Jeremy Camp - Walk By Faith


It is really good news is that God is rich in mercy and offers His grace to everyone through faith!

Faith is such a simple concept 'you need help to get confused', as they say. Yet many struggle with the concept of faith, as if it was some elusive virtue they can't ever quite attain or have enough of. Faith is nothing to do with us and everything to do with God. He is the one who is faithful---faithful to keep all of His Word and all of His Promises. Our part is to trust in Him, which is of course easier said than done because the world can look like a very scary place, yet our eyes can be easily deceived.
A dictionary definition of faith is;
--Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
--Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
--Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance
Your post is important because faith is foundational to Christianity ---as Jesus said, 'Do not be afraid any longer, only believe' -Mark 5;36 So, let us 'hold fast the confession of our faith/hope without wavering because He Who promised is faithful.' Hebrews 10;23
Helpful scriptures; Romans 4;19, Hebrews 11;1, Isaiah55;11, 1Kings 8;56, Mark 11;23-24, 2Corinthians 5;7, Hebrews 11;33-34 and that's only a few...
Thanks for an excellent post. Upvoted.

Faith is easier to talk about than to put into practice but there is no more fulfilling thing in life than to fully rely on God to lead us and TRUST He knows best even when we don't understand what He is doing.

As one who is going thru a raging storm right now faith is the only thing keeping me going thru the day.. Tnx for posting and God bless..

Congratulations! You won the prize for this post. Thank you for upvoting and commenting. I have transferred 20% of my own rewards to your account. Hope you have a wonderful day! xoxo

Praise God, tnx bro.