Leaving Islam For Christianity...
Today I wanna share the testimony of one of my favorite Christian apologists of our age. He comes from a Muslim background. He has a very beautiful testimony and has even written a book about it called, "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus." Make sure you get to know him if you don't know him yet, and keep him in your precious prayers as he is going through some difficult times at the moment.
Psalm 96:5
For all the gods of the nations are idols, but Yahweh made the heavens.
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I want to be Jewish
You, as a disciple of Jesus, are grafted in to the Jewish olive tree, @arkadiy
Yes, @dailygiveaway.Praying for his complete healing in His name.
Yes that is what I meant! Thank you for this!! :)
I do not believe that Nabeel Qureishi's work is yet done with us here on earth.
I've seen too many faceless ones & brand name men & women of God taken out well before their time because we have been AWOL in supporting them in prayer.You're welcome. @dailygiveaway
Not anymore.
Not on our watch.
Not without a fight.
Amen :)
I know him and I like him very much! As someone who was also raised Muslim, I appreciate his work a lot. His work helped me leave Islam for Christianity! He's going through some really difficult times however as you said and we all need to lift him up in our prayers! RESTEEMED :]
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OMG! Thank you soooo much! :]
Thank you! :)
Yes, all the gods of the nations are idols! Yahweh is the One and only true God!
Amen :)
i love hearing peoples testimonies about finding Jesus, people are losing their faith so easily these days it's nice to see the opposite happen :)
Excellent testimony. The terror of realizing that you are left outside in the outer darkness. Strive to enter the narrow door. @ironshield
Amen! The path is narrow not because of its difficulties but because of its simplicity! Believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ, and you will be saved! Acts 16:31 :)
he was not muslim before ... :(
Real Christians follow the example of Jesus.
We must ask, WWJD (What Would Jesus Do)?
As a Jewish Rabbi, who MUST obey Torah, He would NOT eat pork. In fact, He "likes" pork so much He cast evil spirits in pigs.
If Jesus ate pork, He would be a sinner (according to God's law), and NOT a savior.
WAKE UP, Christian, and follow the example you are supposed to follow. DO NOT eat pork.
Science is also Against Your POrK :)
It is not zakir Naik ... Who you call a Fake DebatorDr David Jockers explains some of the downsides of eating pork and why he does not recommend it to his clients. This clip was part of a much longer interview that you can find in 'The Way" documentary on Biblical Health. The Way documentary is out now at: www.thewaydoc.com/buy
This is a new genre for me... When Muslim scholars take to youtube to dissect an apostate's testimony. There are videos that go with my above-mentioned ex-muslim.... They also came to the conclusion that he wasn't really a good muslim.
So i mention you to Quran.com Would be going there ? Sorry i dont think .. but you ll Ignore it totally.
Pardon? I have a copy already. Is there something in particular you'd like me to check out? I will if you ask me to.
It is website where you ll read Quran in your language + listen to audio in your language. and there is search bar where you can search inside Quran .There are other websites liked to it you can access too.
Thanks. I do sometimes find myself having to find a quote from the Koran, but I don't read it for pleasure or edification.
As angelic revelation, I find it to be demonic, and as literature I find it be sub-par.
I did not Get Your Point . ... But you may be looking for
https://www.facebook.com/QuranVerseOfTheDay https://www.facebook.com/HadithoftheDay/
Well thats nearly the same experience i made i asked the lord to show me the truth AND HE DID !
Yeshua Christ is Lord and it is grace given by the Holy Father to choose His first born Son to be freed from the bondage of Sins from our sins our forfathers sin so that we can enter Eternity nobody is free of sin thats what the word of God says but if we accept the Blood of Christ as our redemption and ask for Forgiveness of our sins we are allowed to enter the Holy of Holy where the Living and the Giver of Life the HOLY GOD Resides through our Holy Lord and King Christ the Master of the Visible and Invisible Universe this is why Christ says nobody can come to the Father except through me I AM the Only way The Truth and Everlasting Life ! and not as some false teachings that want you to make believe in yourself or self awakening theories THATS ALL DEMONIC BULLSHIT ! but everyone has being giving a free will to choose for Christ and His Love offering or against Him those who Choose not to will not enter the everlasting kingdom that is about to come Visible into this World or Dimension.
Peace in Christ be with you and us :) Gloria in excelsis Deum
Thanks for the comment! :)
Watched it.. but I don't follow any religions.
But anyway. Upvoted and resteemed.
Keep these coming. Always interesting.
Thanks! It depends on your definition of religion. If you mean organized religion, that makes two of us! I personally hate religion and resent it!! Jesus > religion :)
Well consider me an atheist
Have a look, @manishmikeThank you for sharing this testimony
No worries :)
No religion here. I find it full of flaws. Way too much violence in the history of religion for it to be a good thing. Is there a creator? I believe so but it doesn't resemble man's version in any way IMO. Just walk outside and look around for confirmation. There's so much we don't know versus what we're led to believe................
Thanks for the comment. I agree that there is so much that we don't know about which is exactly why I believe we're in no place to judge the so-called "violent" side of any religion. I think such objections would only show signs of personal, anecdotal and emotional reactions without having the full picture by our own admission! At the end of the day, such objections won't have any bearing on the truth of something! If you want to criticize or debunk a religion, you're going to need better arguments! :)
No arguments here my friend just an asked for reply. The story was heart warming but one has to consider the man's upbringing. At the end of the day, you don't know any more than I. It's all individual perception in this reality. I wish you well on your journey.
"At the end of the day, you don't know any more than I."
I disagree. Knowledge can be acquired by those who seek it. At the end of the day, there will be a difference between those who sought the truth and those who have sought comfort! As C.S. Lewis said, "If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair." I wish you well on your journey as well and thanks for the comment! :)
I've heard his story before, very inspiring thanks for sharing
Glad you liked it and no worries! :)
Awesome video. Love to hear stories like this. Allah is false and Jesus is not a prophet like Islam believes. The end of the age is now my friends. Young men will have visions and old men will dream dreams. There is a rise in Evil and an outpouring of the spirit which is what we are witnessing now. Look around and see. People that already have evil in their hearts will get worse and people with love and the holy spirit dwelling in them will become more holy. This is going to cause more division and persicution of Christians. We see the division everyday now as we watch this all unfold. There will be a great delusion according to the Bible. So much happening. Keep the faith and keep looking up. Jesus is coming. He is the way, the truth and the life. No one will get to the Father except through him. Pray for others and witness to all for time is short. The harvest is ready but the workers are few. God Bless all of you and I pray if you don't know Jesus that you find him. Ask the holy Spirit into your heart. We all are sinners and have fallen short of the Glory of God. There was only one perfect and that was Jesus who sacrificed himself as the sacrificial Lamb. AMEN>>> God Bless!
Amen and thank you for the comment! :)
slight correction: Jesus is a prophet, but he is also High Priest and King. :)
I understand what you are saying but my wording was to the affect that in Islam he was just considered a prophet and nothing else. Yes you are right. He is many things in reality. :) I may have worded it incorrectly.
I was splitting hairs. I knew you knew that :)
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Another conversion video.... Indian Imam converts to Chrisitanityhttps://steemit.com/life/@thomasaquinasftw/indian-imam-converts-to-christianity#@drakos/re-thomasaquinasftw-indian-imam-converts-to-christianity-20170619t041703321z
Thanks! :)
lovely testimony
Indeed! :)
Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thanks for reading/watching! :)
Amazing testimony. Thanks for sharing it. A few years ago I volunteered with Christians who were former muslims and learned how important dreams are in their culture. It's amazing to me that God chooses to reveal himself in dreams to them, because He knows they will accept them as truth! God works in mysterious ways. 😊