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Hello, friends of @steemit! A cordial greeting of @Dael28 from Venezuela. I want to share with you my personal history. Based on the friendliness of the people. It is a true story that happened about a year ago.
During the past year in 2019. I lived an experience that I never thought I would have. Where I suffered a lot of pain, anguish, stress, and agony. I thought about, what will happen to me in a few months? After many tests of medics and treatments. I was diagnosed with a disease called uterine ''miomatosis''.

This is the formation of a tumor in the uterine cavity, in my case. My reproductive organ was hurt in a large part of it. Despite my young age and not having had children, doctors did not want me to suffer so much trauma with this, the majority of physicians wanted to save my uterus and the fact that I could be a mother in the future that is why they sent me to meet certain hormonal treatments.
Technically the treating physicians wanted to save my uterus and the fact that I could be a mother in the future. For this reason, I was sent to fulfill certain hormonal treatments. Without receiving a positive response, I was getting worse progressively. I started to have problems at the heart ‘‘tachycardias'', weight loss (43 kg with a height of 1.66 meters), fainting, severe pain in my stomach and bleeding in large quantities, that they could not control. Despite the fact that I received many blood transfusions (lost in the hemorrhages double what I received blood transfusions).

I went to 12 hospitals in search of a doctor who would like to undergo surgery. Although I analyzed my exams and my critical state, I always got a negative response to approve the operation that my body needed. I cried at night; for the whole situation that I was living. Until one night in the Hospital Magallanes de Catia, I heard a conversion of some doctors about my case. They exclaimed, that it would be a miracle if the girl in the bed 6 survive, those words came tumbling me down. I was already without much force.
That is why I knelt down, with a heart full of faith, prayed to God. Like never before had asked for something, I asked for my speedy recovery and that this nightmare will end as fast as it started. I was able to experience the great kindness and nobility that our God has with their children and those who dwell in it. Days after of having made that prayer to God, I was approached by a doctor of surgery named Joseph Days and asked me to explain a little of what was happening to me, I showed him my exams and explain how I felt, and that I was aware that I needed the operation for my recovery. The doctor, once sure of what she was saying, I agree to perform the operation, there I felt that God had given me an answer to my prayers a few days before. The doctor, with the help of other doctors and nurses, helped me to get a space on their agenda. As scheduled to do this, the operation that is known as hysterectomy, gave me a space between hospital rooms and the treatment that was supposed to receive after surgery. That was made on 29/12/2019 at 1 in the afternoon and the procedure lasted 3 hours. (That day there were flashes of lightning, which is very rare; it was a day that I will never forget).
I will always be thankful for the goodness of God and each one of those people who in some way or another helped me to improve myself. Dr. Louwis Pérez, Dr. Naiyivis Gildreth Villazar, Dr. Oropeza, Dr. Jhoana, and nurses. That despite a pittance showed me his kindness and service toward our neighbor.
And that's why I am sharing with you this great experience that I lived in. Only God knows why things happen, and I am grateful for everything over there that happened before the quarantine. I hope you will have the opportunity to experience this kind of kindness. However, not in the same circumstances. I send you many blessings!

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