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RE: The Thing About Depression...

in #life8 years ago (edited)

It must be hard to be a muslim there (Sarawak I guess).
But then most muslim in our country are not that helpful or good enough to help us. I was lucky cause I found one, well he isnt that alim or religious anyway. But then, he said what I want to know/hear which I find quite comforting.

I was on drug for 4 months 24/7 after I broke up. It was hell. I dont even know wth I was doing back then and not too mention how broken my iman back then.

My advises are (From my exp of course) :
1- You are not alone , I tried to kill myself few times and failed (belum ajal, thanks God !).
2- Seek help. Just go with someone you comfortable with. Anyone
3- Bout the religion thing, there is always time to taubat as long you have the thought of doing it and do improve yourself (like stopping something doing such drug slowly or anything bad).
4- They are no better than you. F them really.

I am not going to spout something you can google by yourself and you can ignore my previous advises . My only advice here is, you can do it !

cause why not (kenak sik) kan


Being a muslim here is easy. Just the mentality of people who think that depression is a matter that can be brushed off easily kedak makan nasik cuci jak tangan. I think that applies to all idiots in the world not just muslims. I got ticked off easily when the so called orthodox muslim pdh org munoh dirik sebab depression ya sikda iman lah apa lah. It's not about religion but it's more about a person's psychological condition.

The reason I mentioned it's not easy because people here are so judgemental . I'd the remain silence instead of jaga kain orang. Im sure you feel the same too, cos they are not even being helpful at the first place.

'depression is a matter that can be brushed off', this is a proof that they are lack of empathy at the first place.

Btw, how are you doing now ?

I'm at a better place now Alhamdulillah ☺️ much much better

Glad to hear that . Dont ever stop , it is okay to slow down a lil bit

Congrats bro :D