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RE: The Science Behind Success and The Power of Manifestation!

in #life6 years ago

I've been attempting to manifest my life since 2012, at first unknowing if anything would result. After a while of hard work, directed at personal growth, I realised that I could have more control over the direction of who I was and where my life was going, and once I started believing in myself and my results, the universe started giving back to me. At first basic things, like happiness and emotional stability, but later it brought my partner and daughter. I then began manifesting my career. I had always been an artist, but never thought it was a possible career, being told you need an education or connections... But now I had began actively directing my life, I knew it was in the realms of possibility. Now I am fully living my dream, creating art freely and displaying at festivals... completely unable to separate my vision from my reality, sure I'm not getting paid what I require, yet (Gah, money!) but I'm on the right path, loving life and have faith that all will work out. My aim is to spread my art and philosophy across the world, activating these abilities within others and empowering/enlightening everyone. I dream of one day discussing my work and philosophies with great minds like Max Igan, Graham Hancock, Dennis McKenna & Joe Rogan... and I know, with endless amount of hard work, determination and belief, I will achieve my goals... and I hope all of you reading this will too! And please remember, whats wu-wu to one person, is just the science of magic to others, so don't close off these possibilities. Embrace them!

Anyways, back to work, thanks infocentral for the share,
Love n light everyone x