It seems to be the never ending debate between the religious and scientific communities; have humans evolved into being from some lesser life form? Or, were we created with a fixed DNA that cannot be significantly altered? Scientifically speaking, there is very little evidence that supports the claims of evolution, that the human species actually did evolve from a different species. Yes, there are similarities in DNA sequences and common patterns in all created things, but that does not allow us to infer a mathematically impossible scenario of origins, especially given the glaring lack of evidence of interspecies transformations. Yes, all species have some room for adaptation and certain mutations can cause abnormalities but these have yet to be shown to produce a different or new species. So then why is evolution taught in every elementary school science class as if it is settled science, when in reality there is no solid evidence it is even true? Naturally speaking, the evidence is that man is actually devolving over time into less ideal physical characteristics, with increased disease and birth defects etc. So why all the fuss over a "theory" that by all objective measures appears to not be accurate at all? It causes us to ponder a deeper question, can humans change or evolve into a "better" species?
One side says no, which is really an excuse not to change and improve as a species. We would rather blame God or our DNA for all the world's problems than to change and seek a solution by working together. The other side says, we can change, but it takes millions and millions of years, effectively making the point irrelevant to even discuss. The outcome of both positions is, don't worry about evolving or changing because it's either not possible or it takes eons. What if the TRUTH is that we CAN change and evolve, but it is an inward or spiritual change? Not one that takes millions of years, but one that can take place instantly when we open our hearts and open our minds. Maybe that is true enlightenment.
It's easy for man, the physically stronger sex, to talk about survival of the fittest and natural selection to justify millennia of domination over woman. Or to create a theology that God's divine nature is exclusively masculine and therefore man is forever the CEO of all Creation. The idea that women are meant only to serve through bearing children and taking care of the home can be derived from the worldview of either the evolutionist or the creationist. Both suppose that man is somehow inherently superior than woman and therefore justified in his violent domination of the entire globe. What if man is NOT justified in his assumptions? What if the most optimal path of EVOLution for man was to LOVE woman more than himself? What if that path has YET to be taken and therefore the true, full potential of man has YET to be achieved?
I believe the theory of evolution is true, IF we apply it inwardly to our spirit or soul. When we are children we act like monkeys, we have an immature view of others and the world and tend to be more selfish. As we grow and learn how to relate to others in loving relationships, we start to see the benefits of cooperation and teamwork for building a peaceful and productive society. We evolve and seek unity with others in the pursuit of improving ourselves and this life we live. That unity is based on certain philosophies about the optimal framework for a productive and efficient world. The underlying foundation of nearly all such philosophies throughout history have included some sort of male superiority. Even in the most "enlightened" societies, women have struggled to get anywhere near the same status as men. It was only 100 years ago they were even allowed to vote. In that regard, we can look at the evolution of man in terms of the rights he has granted her to participate in the system he created. And there have been great improvements around the world in the last few years to allow greater participation of women in business, politics, and religion. But what if we went back to the beginning of our evolutionary path and this time let woman lead the way? Not granting them a token membership to the men's club, but starting over to let them have a chance to create a better world.
I really like the movie Wonder Woman, as it portrays accurately what I believe is the current state of the world. Men are entrenched in a world-wide war with each other for dominance of money and power. This is fueled by greed, pride, and a refusal to evolve or change on the inside. Our hearts are darkened with the superficial desires of personal gain and we fail to see the potential of humanity as a whole if we love one another and work together in peace and unity. We are so possessed by this false ideology that the spirit that drives us is literally the god of war. Man has tried to overcome this demon for all HIStory and yet we have centuries of unending wars and poverty. I believe the root of all of it is the false assumption of the superiority of man over woman. Today, women are rising up, despite the objection of nearly every man alive, to manifest their true potential to overcome the god of war and lead humanity down an alternate path of EVOLution. As the movie shows, men ARE still needed to help women believe in LOVE which is actually the only thing that enables Wonder Woman to save the world. Let us all EVOLve. Let Adam LOVE Eve and enable her to evolve and become the truly wonderful woman she was always destined to be!
Thanks for sharing this as well! I hope you don't mind me sharing my perspective. Regarding evolution, there is very much evidence in favor of evolution. In fact, there is very much evidence in favor of anything that provides a counter perspective based purely in random happenstance to a spiritual viewpoint in general. This is no accident; the universe is created so as to support free will as much as possible. It is by design that evolution has a very elaborate and extensive amount of evidence in its favor. However, there is only one truth. And the counter-parts to any truth always have several anomalies that are critically flawed. If one wants to choose to ignore these anomalies, then they can maintain their perspective of reality. This is how evolution is, and why it has propagated and become so close to accepted as fact even though it is still recognized as a theory. Because it is a non-reality, but given so much supportive evidence that people have yet to see it as such because it is their free will to choose that matters most.