You would make a farmers wife proud with your culinary skills. Always wondered how bagels get crispy as you boil them in water right? Do you put them in the oven afterwards to brown up? Looks good as the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
You would make a farmers wife proud with your culinary skills. Always wondered how bagels get crispy as you boil them in water right? Do you put them in the oven afterwards to brown up? Looks good as the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Haha, a farmers wife proud is my aim. Yes indeed!!
The boiling in water bit was the key. I was amazed at the difference it made! Then in the oven for 15 to brown and finish!
Well if everything goes belly up you can open Booms Bagel Bar known as the 3 B's. I will give this a try as a fresh bagel is worth the effort. I used to drive into London to Brick Lane as there was a great Bagel Bakery there.
The missus is always actually trying to get me to chuck my job and open a cafe with fresh baked stuff. Much was I all tempted I am also far too scared to try that malarkey!
Is it the fiscal risk, or the danger of that woman with fearsome claws?
The fiscal! I am terrified of losing my bacon and being out on the street!
If you raise pigs, you will always bring home the bacon.
Then maybe I should start buying pigs!