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RE: Join the French Foreign Legion ; The Beatings WILL Continue until Morale Improves ! ! !

in #life7 years ago

let me tell you some things, firstly I believe you are truly former military and if you in fact truly did whatever your duty required of you by laws of decent countries then I honestly and truly thank you for your courage and service !!!

secondly if you were injured physically or mentally or however by you risking your life and health to keep a lot of worthless sheep safe at home in ignorance then a triply thank you...

now to the heart of the matter there is no doubt a small percentage of bad/ deranged people or substance absers in any large organization and anyone who tries to claim otherwise is in some serious need of professional help...

French foreign legionnaires come from some very deranged societies and risk a very lot for a fresh new start...

would I like to go to a all you can eat buffet with many of these very seriously trained professional military type people, then my answer would be NO FLIckin WAY !!!!

would I like to be able to rely upon them in any sort of crisis event, THEN YeaH I WiLL trust any professionally developed military or paramilitary type person from any major generally respectable country...

EVERY Flicking TiMe !!!

if those I care about are at risk, I will never even care what sort of person some French legionnaire is...

I will simply let the event unfold and be very glad I had the able bodied help of a highly dediciated and trained experienced professional operative...

THEN, if their is any issue AFTER the event I will tRy and get my friends away to safety and hope I can defuse the situation as best as pobbible if this highly trained elite military type person turns out to be a serious risk...

and best of all, personally I do not even care ; if this trained soldier type helped me keep those I truly care about safe !!!

who gives a FLYing squireels ratz arze about what happens to me personally, as long as my friends and those I care about are safely gone . . .

just this one thing, PLz do not let it be LiFe imprisionment in a wheel chair or any similar fate...

/ Hugz ;)
