Yep, even lawless guerrilla spraycan jockeys know.
At the same time, this anti-vandalism vandal has a point:
What wisdom have you gleaned from guerrillamessages?
(Photos from my cellphone camera, Desert Center, CA, 10/2017)
Yep, even lawless guerrilla spraycan jockeys know.
At the same time, this anti-vandalism vandal has a point:
What wisdom have you gleaned from guerrillamessages?
(Photos from my cellphone camera, Desert Center, CA, 10/2017)
these are the best. I cant say I have seen many recently..
But yo check out my graffiti video from Taiwan.
One person had written "Pay me Gino" which I thought to be rather deep in its roots. A country fighting for sovereignty.. Fighting for its right to stand on the world stage infront of its big brother China. .
I tried to view your video this afternoon but my internet was on the fritz, i will try again tomorrow. Thank you!
i love graffiti i used to think of it as raw art, pure emotions. it all depends if you toy or not though...
stay up!!
I agree, art in the raw for sure. When I still had cable tv, used to watch " Street Art Throwdown" on the Game Show Network. But i have to admit, I have scribed a a few illicit surfaces in my time, and looked up to other advanced art anarckists