I think that I read a thing, one time, that said memories don't log the same when you make them online.
Such a shame about the pool-pissing. Sounds like some ass-kissing...is in order.
Ok well I tried to respond in rhyme, ok? I tried.
Started here with nothing and didn't know anyone. And when I say nothing, I mean nothing.
You mean you just wandered into town butt-nekked?
Winters have been my creative hunker-down time since I moved to a place that has them. I hope you find a gratifying way to winter.
I used to be so afraid of saying "no" because I was afraid of hurting feelings, and afraid of the consequences of said feelings being hurt. Took decades of learning experiences and a lot of therapy, travel, and crows, to learn that "no" was my strongest boundary. Such a tiny little word, too.
Thanks for sharing your words.
Yeah I was totally nude. Grabbed a loin cloth, got downvoted, then things kind of picked up from there.
I was rebuilding my life, wanted to try something different, something everyone told me I wouldn't be able to do.
Saying no is important. For instance you can't just let a shoplifter steal because you're afraid to say no. The world has never functioned like that. Ever. I bet it's one of the first words ever and evolved from clubbing someone over the head. So it's actually come a long way.
Some people have not kept up with the pace though and still feel like they're being clubbed over the head.
Not being able to accept it is the root of many of the people problems I've seen here over the years. And I think because it's social media and so many are putting on a show, they feel like it's a permanent blemish on their perfection record that can never be erased. So they lose it and think it's the end of the world. It's not though. Plenty to learn from it and an opportunity to improve.
Oh, man. Am I ever glad that no evolved from its early days of head-clubbing. I'm not a violent person and I certainly don't want to wear a helmet all day.
Those birds of yours would be playing drums if you did.
They'd have thumbs, too.