Hi Friends!
I'm a birthday person. I'm a total freak about birthday's. I love doing crazy, fun things for my friends and I love having fun celebrating my own. I've been doing fun things all week with friends and am heading to a fun party at my friends lake house later today!
I wanted to do something fun here on my channel today as well. Below are some random questions about me. Whoever guesses the most correct answers will win 5 steem! I'm not totally sure how long I'll keep this contest open, but it may only be for a day or two - so don't put off dropping your guesses.
Trivia Time
- How old do you think I am?
- Where was I born?
- How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have?
- What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele?
- I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift?
- Have I ever been arrested?
- Do I have any tattoos?
- If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be?
I can't wait to see all of your responses and for you guys to get to know me a little better! I'll post a video response answering all of these and announcing the winner when the contest ends.
Love you Guys!
I hope you all have an awesome weekend too. I gotta go start making some of the appy's/side dishes I signed up to bring to the party today. Ciao!

More of my Steemy Adventures
Check out the Latest Steem Sister Show Episode | |
![]() | Steem Monsters Fan Fiction Show with @littlescribe and @coruscate |
Watch My Talk at the Steem Creators Conference |
![]() | Follow The Muse Project - Empowering Women on the Blockchain - with @ogc and @coruscate |
Learn More About Mene 24k Gold Investment Jewelry |
▶️ DTube
Greetings, linda Coruscate
What is your name?
I knew your blog today and I intend to stay forever. You're charming and very nice. How nice that today is your birthday. Tomorrow is my hehehe.
I will try to answer the questions about you, even having met you today. I use the "strength of mind" to answer hehehe.
1-24 years
2-Any country in Europe
4-be happy
6-I hope not. Only your heart holds the other.
7-yes. 2
I hope that I have hit some. Wish a happy birthday to you.
Good celebrations!!
And fish is a dish:)
Happy late birthday @julisavio
thank you, Nomadic :D
At least 1 named Luke
Somewhere over the rainbow?
BONUS answer:
You love la Croix
Your bf is @raised2be ( I hope my answers got in before he entered)
You worked at a coffee shop
You enjoy long jogs, singing Gold related songs at sunsets, and wearing Mene 24k
I think I have strong contenders here, but I will surprise you. Haha!
You sound like you like Sushi:)
You are so sweet!!! Thank you for the birthday wishes!
We must be both catching up on Steemit right now! hehe Fun's gotta end though - time for me to leave for work. I hope you have an awesome day! It was fun chatting with you this morning! (well... morning for me!)
I know your a year older than last year, (and a gentleman never asks or guesses a lady's age)
I think you were born in a hospital (haha)
I don't think you have any brothers
The first song you learned was (the firestarter, by prodigy)
Your free mene managed to buy you your coffee :D
I think you have been arrested, but for something daft like jaywalking
I think you have a hidden tattoo that you got in jail while serving your time for jaywalking
And I think the one dish you would eat everyday would be something spicy, because your already sweet enough as it is.Happy Birthday @coruscate.
I hope this comment made you smile for you birthday as this is the only gift I can give you.
Love and peace
Happy birthday and yeah sorry I don't have any answer of your questions. I'm new here. I'm just scrolling my feed have seen your account, it's really good. I like your work.
I just imagined the wind blow against your skin so delicate
It's your day, can i take you on a date?
I would gladly wait all day at your beautiful gate
That's because i don't ever like being late
An adorable soul like you deserve all love and no hate
Happy birthday to you beautiful soul. I wish you many more to come.Happy birthday to you @coruscate
To answer just a few questions:
*You don't have any tattoo.
*You have never been arrested.
*You are all girls, so you have no brother.
*How old do i think you are? Well, since it is what i think, i guess this is a bonus point? Hahaha. Your hair looks 15, your smile 13, let me go with 28 in general.
You like waffles, right?
Happy birthday to you @coruscate I wish you long life and more prosperity with your bf. A great adventure lover of Violin, piano and UKulere model...
happy birthday :) sorry it's late.
,happy birthday to you, wishing you a long life and prosperity
Happy Birthday to you. Wish you the Best.
Enjoy your day
Happy Birthday girl! Have an AWESOME day!! 🎂🎉🎶🎈
Happy birthday.
We are alive and here.
How old do you think I am? 23
Where was I born? Indonesia
What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele? Home
I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift? $15
Have I ever been arrested? Yes
Do I have any tattoos? No
If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be? Lasagna How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have? 3
You should be in your late 20
You look too descent to have a tattoo, so I guess you don't have any
You have never been arrested
$100 gift
This is the best I can guess
Happy birthday to you. Many many happy returns of the day. May the almighty shower you with all the happiness. You're the cutest steamian and i watch every post of you. God bless you.
Looking sexy on ur birthday. U r absolute beauty. Keep smiling. Happy birthday!.👍👍
Happy B Day Lady @coruscate. Yay! Get it on!
hold my beer
Happy Bday!
How old do you think I am? 31
Where was I born? Canada
What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele? You are my Sunshine
I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift? $100.00
Have I ever been arrested? Yes
Do I have any tattoos? No
If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be? Sushi How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have?
Lols, you like Sushi too?😂
I wish you a Happy Birthday :D
Hey, happy birthday! May all your wishes come true.
... so you wish to get some answers. Wow, those are some awkward questions. Nevertheless, I can't resist.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday 🎂 I don't know the answer to the questions but I hope you have a great day anyways :P
Hahaha, brilliant!
*Not a day over 21 ;). Real answer, 29.
*1 brother
*Earth. North America. USA. Washington. In a Hospital.
Happy birthday!
Don't really know you enough for the trivia yet though hah.
22 years
Zero XD
Is this love of bob marley
2 times
Happy b-day, Lea! Hope it’s a blessed one 😊
Posted using Partiko iOS
Happy Birthday!!!
Cool contest
Firstly, Happy birthday to you
How old do you think I am?
Where was I born?
Madrid, Spain
2How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have?
What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele?
To be honest, no idea I guess "We are the world"
I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift?
Have I ever been arrested?
Do I have any tattoos?
If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be?
Bread meal with vegetable
27 años.
son dos hermanas.
si, en una oportunidad te arrestaron-
si tienes tatuaje.
comería panqueques.
How old do you think I am?
Where was I born?
North carolina
3How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have?
What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele?
Somewhere over the rainbow
I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift?
Have I ever been arrested?
Do I have any tattoos?
Yes... I'm gonna guess you at least have a butterfly if not near your pelvic region than on your foot.
If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be?
Happy Birthday@coruscate
Happy Birthday, Lea! :D
I'm Yours
Would it be cheating if I played? 😆
Oooh do it!!!! ❤️

Alright... let's see if I've been paying attention...
1.) 27
2.) In the desert I think? Arizona?
3.) 3 brothers... 5 kids all up.
4.) I'm going to guess something gospel or hymny... maybe Little
DrummerUkulele Boy.5.) Hmm, I'm guessing they'd give everyone $15 on their birthday... but for you.. maybe $50.
7.) No. Tattoos are too permanent for the slightly-indecisive.
8.) Sushi 100% - totes magoats. 6.) I'd say not. Even though you're super fun, I think you're amazing at following the rules. @maryjaney on the other hand...
Hope you're having an amazing Saturday full of all the funness!
Did you know that your birthday is also @dtube's birthday ⁉️
Happy birthday @coruscate and @dtube!
Happy Birthday@coruscate
2 brothers
Mercy said no
Happy birthday and many more fruitful years ahead.
Happy birthday to you
I started following you a couple of months ago and given that you are one of my favorite steemians, I know so little about you that its a bit embarrassing to admit . Nevertheless I am gonna give it a try for fun:
There is a chance that I might have answered none of them correctly ................ that'd be a little embarrassing but hey its your birthday and in that spirit, I am willing to take the risk :-)
How old do you think I am?- 28
Where was I born? America
What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele? Pearly Shells
I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift?$50.00
Have I ever been arrested?no
Do I have any tattoos?none
If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be?salad How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have?
Thats awesome @coruscate ! Happy Birthday , and cheers to many more years to come my friend! I really hope you had a great Birthday party at your friends lake house tonight , it looks like a few people have all ready answered your questions, I just wanted to send best wishes and say wow you got some awesome gifts there , ENJOY! upped and resteemed 😀💕✌🎂🎁🎈🎉🎂🎁
Happy Birthday Sweety! I wont try for the giveaway.. I just wanted to wish you a wonderful birthday! <3 Sending you love and well wishes from Toronto Canada!