40 Bags in 40 Days Declutter Challenge // (plus a sneak peak at my new recording studio!)

in #life6 years ago

Hi Friends!

I have a confession to make ... I am usually on the messy side - but lately I have really let my apartment get a little crazy. I just went through a huge walk through cleaning everything up and it feels great! To take it to the next level, I decided to start the 40 bags in 40 days declutter challenge.

The Declutter Challenge

It is super simple! You just pick a small area of your house to go through everyday and get rid of stuff you no longer use or need. I like that it is so stretched out - because that makes it feel more approachable. For example, instead of tackling all of your clothing in one day - you could do a day for shoes, jewelry, outerwear etc.

Another example would be going through just the spices and teas one day - instead of trying to tackle the entire kitchen. Now that my apartment is picked up and tidy again, i'm excited to start sorting through and letting go of items so that I can keep it organized moving forward.

Sneak Peak at my New Recording Space!

Part of what inspired this home clean-up, is that I wanted to create a specific recording room. Right now, I film in my living room - which means my main living area feels more like a recording studio than a home. There is a small office room in my apartment, and so I bought some soundproofing panels, new lights, blackout curtains and really sit it up to be an optimal filming setup.

I am still fine tuning things, and have a few more purchases to make - but once the room is finished, I'll do a full room tour and show you each piece of the design!

Let's Get Decluttering... Who's With Me?

I would love it if some of you felt like joining me on this challenge! It would be awesome to have some accountability and share some of the stories with someone else. Maybe we can even get inspiration from each other on what areas to pick up.

Let me know if you decide to give this a try!

Thanks for Watching!

I hope you guys enjoyed getting this little update on what's happening around my apartment. I can't wait to do a full walk-through of my new recording space and show you all how I set it up.

Love you guys and I look forward to chatting with you below!

XO, Lea


▶️ DTube

Haha weird, I just spent the last day cleaning too. I have also been thinking about decluttering, now I def will do it, because of this 40 day challenge.

Woah that is weird! There was some series declutter energy in the universe today I guess!

Awesome that you are going to do the challenge with me! What area will you start with? I think i'm going to go through my dry food or "pantry" items first. I know i've got some old stuff that needs to get sorted through and tossed.

Well, I only have a room. Mine will most like be a 10 day Challenge. I have a lot in the closet to take out (old collectibles n things) then clothes.

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ahh gotcha. Well good luck with first day! hehe

Great Idea Lea! Im afraid if I would do this for 40 days I’ll end up with an empty apartment ;p I should think about doing a mini version though! When are you starting this challenge? Also, have you thought about what to do with the stuff you want to get rid of? I mean some stuff will be useful still to others so maybe donating could be a nice thing to do. A win win lets say :) Anyways... great idea!

Only just now watched the video, whoops... I’m really curious about the backdrop with the coloringbook art! Did you make the “old” backdrop yourself? Seems like a LOT of cutting :)

hahah I wish I was that talented! It is actually made of tyvek - so it won't break and can be wiped down if it gets dirty. It was actually cut with a laser - so no one had to hand cut the entire thing. I met the designer who put the art together though! Cool design concept. :)

haha well you must already be fairly decluttered if you think 40 days would be too long - so that's awesome! I'm just going to cut it into tiny little sections at a time - so that no one day feels too overwhelming. :)

You bring up a great point about what to do with the stuff. I should have talked about that in my video! I'll plan to donate anything that is usable (food, househould items) If the item has some value I may try to sell it first. One thing i've found though, is if the item sits around too long trying to sell - i'll just put it away again. haha Sometimes it's just better to donate it and get it out of the house. :)

Yeah, I guess that will work against the whole idea! Last year I had to clear out a house of a family member that passed away. We ended up putting everything in front of the house with a sign "free to take". I was surprised at what people took. Something that has no value to one person means the world to someone else :)

After thinking about it for a day (I mean the 40-day clutter challenge), I'm actually realizing I would be able to do this for 40 days! I'm considering following your example :)

Sadly, what gets in the way of my recording is trying to find a clean corner to do it in! Lol! With a toddler and a very inquisitive 5 yr old, I can't leave equipment setup anywhere either, so there's always the set up & tear down to contend with as well. BUT, I am definitely more free to record and even take food photos when the place is picked up. I just recently did a 7 day declutter with @steemitmamas, but I find once I start letting go of things it becomes easier and easier, almost like I'm gaining momentum! So, yes, I'll try to do this one with you. 😉

haha i can totally relate to that! (minus the toddler part). The apartment behind the camera was always a huge mess. haha

So cool that you just did a declutter challenge and are ready to take on another one! :) I really liked the fact that it was such a long challenge - because then if I have a really busy day, I can pick a super quick/easy spot and not feel bad about it.

What area are you going to start with?? Time is pretty tight for me today, so I think i'm gong to just go through my teas and spices. :)

Love this (and your new recording space looks beautiful)! A few years ago I read 'The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up' by Marie Kondo and it literally changed my life! But our kitchen and bathroom could definitely use some love, thanks for inspiring me! 💗

oooh I LOVE her philosophy! Funny enough, I haven't actually read the book - but i've read quite a few articles on her approach. I've definitely used it as i'm starting to declutter.

I'm glad this post gave you a little push to give your kitchen and bathroom some love! hehe

Started working on decluttering about two weeks back but I stopped due to time constraints. Great you're bring this up now, cos I really need it. Wanted to introduce some broll into my videos from my space. Now I'm pumped to getting it done. Thanks for sharing.

That's awesome to hear!! Maybe we can keep each other accountable. haha Sometimes it just takes a little push from someone else to get excited about something like this.

Best of luck in your decluttering adventures today! What area do you think you will start with? I don't have much time today - so i'm just going to go through my teas and spices. :)

It's a wonderful time to be doing this, @coruscate! The theme of this time is how to heal the healer. The catharsis of creative expression which you're b(earth)ing into is coming into a new form. Purrrfect for the cosmic weather, if you ask me!

ooooh I love that! Glad to hear the timing of this feels so aligned! Maybe that is why I finally seem to have energy for it. :)

Cool post and cool video :)
This painting on the wall is very good, pleasant and light color.
And Good morning here is just morning when I look this post :) And I have strong coffee.

oooh strong coffee. :) I had a good cup this morning too.

Thanks for the feedback on the recording space and the painting! I am still getting a few more shadows on my face than I want - but I'll tweak some of the lighting and play around with different things. :)

you are welcome :)


Good idea...I need to declutter my place too and I got discouraged thinking I needed to tackle all at once.

I'm glad you found this encouraging @hanamana! I get overwhelmed and discouraged like that too - so I'm really excited to take baby steps over the next 40 days. I hope this challenge helps you out too!

Decluttering? Oh no, no thanks! The last time we did that, my wife got out a book from the local Library about decluttering, then made me pack everything in our house into boxes and send them into storage while the floors were resurfaced, etc. Then, when her library book about decluttering was due,...

🙚 "Err, sorry dear, I think it is still in a box somewhere in the storage unit." 🙘

Took me a while to live that one down. 😈

hahha that's such a funny story! Putting everything into boxes sounds like a LOT of work to me. haha That's why I think I like this challenge - picking one tiny area at a time doesnt seem too intrusive. :)

i have become sorta a mininalist and have gotten rid of a lot of stuff i do not use anymore

That's awesome. I feel like I hardly ever buy things - but somehow wonder why my apartment still feels full. haha I'm hoping this challenge will help!

ever since i started investing in silver in 2011 i see everything in how much silver i could buy with that or now how much crypto. It you invest first you will spend much less on stuff you dont really need

That's awesome.. 40 bags in 40 days it's really cool.
Keep it up and best of luck :-)
Thank you for sharing with us :)

Thanks @amar15!! I'm pretty excited to get going on the challenge. :)

really having lot of fun

@coruscate very difficult challenge but i will tried

That's awesome!! Best of luck on your first day! What area do you think you will start with?

buena idea seria una sol seguridad orden y liempieza le hace falta a mi habitacion gracias por motivarme a traves de tu post