Should we punish our children?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The issue of punishing children has been a hot topic for years. There are numerous pieces of research into it, but due to the high level of variables the results are correlational.
But leaving psychological research aside, I wanted to discuss this at a more down to earth level.

My personal opinion is that no child is born 'bad'. There are kids with higher needs and more problem-prone personalities, but 'naughtiness' isn't a trait, but a red flag. When they behave badly, they have a reason for it.

Younger children are learning so much about being human, about their emotions and their social environment, that they will naturally go wrong sometimes. Their nervous system is still under-developed and it can be very difficult for them to successfully regulate their emotions and outbursts on their own. They need our understanding and help.

A close friend of mine has just had her second baby and her four year old is struggling to adapt. A few days ago he randomly decided to hit the new baby. His mum knows hitting is wrong, plus it took her ages to settle the baby and barely slept the night before so she got angry - a very normal reaction - and decided to send him to the naughty corner; he also got called 'bad' or 'mean'. Sounds like a very normal reaction for a lot of parents.

Let's picture what happened in this little boy's mind. He felt very jealous of the new baby and became so angry that he couldn't control himself. He was in a lot of emotional pain and needed his parents' help to deal with it. However, his mum left him alone with the horrible feelings. Instead of learning how to manage his strong emotions or react better, he learned that he is a bad person. The one he relied on seemed to be against him, when she should have been his most needed support. So this child is feeling lonely, angry, confused, and still very jealous.


The best thing to do in a situation like this is to calm down. Make sure no one is in danger and take a few deep breaths before you do anything else. It takes a lot of hard work to control your own anger, but it's crucial to your child's development.

The advice I gave my friend was this:

It's important to tell the child that hitting is wrong, but it's even more important to acknowledge his feelings.

Simply saying 'I can see you are very upset/angry/jealous, but we don't hit each other' can make him feel understood. Children are much more likely to learn from you when they think you are on their side.
Instead of isolating him and making him feel like a bad person, get him involved in helping the situation. Maybe ask what he could do to make baby feel better. And later spend some quality time alone with him, make sure he doesn't feel left out.

Try to figure out what's going on with your child and how you can help him. When my son is being a little difficult I start by asking myself: is he hungry? tired? bored? Does he feel ignored or neglected? Is he going through a change or difficult time? Maybe I haven't been spending enough time with him. Almost every time one of these is true. Other times he is just confused about how he should behave and needs a little guidance.

But shouldn't children learn about consequences?

Absolutely! The key is that consequences should always be directly related to the action. If my son was being a pain at the supermarket and I had to leave, the next day I'd I tell him that he can't join me when I go shopping. He might get upset but I explain that there would be other opportunities for him to come with me and behave better.
If your children made a mess and you're taking away their toys, it doesn't make any sense. Instead, make sure they clean the mess themselves. If they refuse to, let them know that you won't have time to read a story at bedtime because you had to clean up after them.

These are called natural consequences.

  • I didn't refuse to take you with me as punishment, but because I need to do the shopping and you prevented me from doing so the day before.
  • I didn't decide to not read a story as punishment, but since I spent my time cleaning, there was no time to read stories - naturally.

This way children get to learn that there are consequences to their actions, but you aren't hurting them purposefully. You get to stay on the same team.


This is a complex subject and I will go into more details about specific situations in later posts. I will be more than happy to respond to any questions.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you found this post useful.



hello @corina excellent publication I have a boy of 4 years and finally he does not want to pay attention, in the school he fights with other children. its behavior is difficult. thanks for the tips. I will implement them.

Certainly a well thought out article and I do agree with a lot of it. Still, as someone who grew up in the 50's, I have a different opinion on physical punishment than you do. My father was known to spank on occasion and I think he was right to do so.
Yes, teaching about consequences for actions is important, but the physical aspect of that is way over simplified. What needs to be conveyed is that "hitting in anger" is wrong and no one should ever strike a child in anger, ever. Still, in rare and measured circumstances, a little physical intervention can be useful and beneficial.
Many years ago, there was a situation where a girlfriend was visiting with her kids. The little boy started eyeing a glass figurine on a table and started reaching for it. I told him "No" and that he would get his hand slapped if he grabbed for it. He did and I did. Then I put my arms around him and told him that I loved him and didn't ever want to have to hurt him. I told him that he knew what would happen and that he had to understand that, if I told him something, I meant it. All in all, he ended up knowing he could trust that I would live up to whatever I said to him, promises as well as consequences. That even extended to his sister who had just been an observer. She had a moment right after this that she glanced at the figurine just to test me. I just looked at her and told her, "don't, you know what will happen". She took a look at me and went to do something else.
Kids need consequences that are unpleasant enough to be deterrents. They need to understand that you love them and that any consequences are directly related to what they did and not your angry reaction to what they did. Whatever you do, they need to see it as being fair and part of your job to teach them about rules and consequences.
If a child understands rules and consequences, as well as that the consequence will be quite unpleasant, they will behave in a way that makes punishment rarely needed. When you give a child a 'punishment' that they think 'isn't all that bad', they may decide that they want the "forbidden thing" more than they don't want the "punishment". It may seem like a good trade-off. It's a complicated situation that's a little bit different for every parent-child situation.

Thank you for your comment. Physical punishment is very effective on the short term. Children stop a behavior because of the fear of receiving painful consequences. On the long term however, this isn't sustainable, as children don't learn to behave a certain way for the right reason, but because of fear.
When we apply a punishment we let the child know that we don't trust that they can learn another way, we don't trust their judgment. Therefore they have no reason to work towards proving themselves.

Children should grow to want to be 'good'. And this should be rooted from the close relationship they have with their parents and the desire to not disappoint them. The more we punish our children, the more this desire diminishes; instead, they grow a will to 'fight back'.

Don't mind if I jump in here between @escapefromoz and @corina.

I can see your point as a parent @corina, and as an adult in social situations @escapefromoz. I think we can take greater notice of the root of the behaviour and yes, there can be natural consequences which they will have the opportunity to learn about.

However I do agree with @escapefromoz to some extent. The sad thing is, in an education setting where there are tasks, targets and activities to be done, a misbehaved child in a group becomes a whole different class of crowd control. I have had the "pleasure" of some young ones with diverse parenting backgrounds. Some were special needs too. No doubt the situation I found myself in with limited time, lots to cover and a range of kids was not the best. But what I personally felt was we needed to set some rules of engagement, boundaries and expactations - and when these aren't met - the consequences are timeouts. Sure - it doesn't resolve the root - but I feel the time to address that should be separate - and it should ideally involve the parent, who can then follow up on the behavioural pattern at home.

If all parents took the time at home to help children figure out how to regulate their emotions and behaviour, half the battle would already be won at school. Sadly, what I personally see here in Kuala Lumpur is a city of exhausted working parents who have very little emotional energy left to parent. Even in my best efforts to create an engaging learning environment - I am constantly having to redirect so much of my time and energy into crowd control, by the end of which sometimes i even lose track of my sentence at mid point. :) LOL

I guess what my personal feel is - there is unfortunately a lot of room created for punishment as the most effective learning experience given a time sensitive action, response or preventive act - for various reasons. I'm not FOR punishment, but I don't think we should altogether view it as a failure as a parent, educator or social interactor. It is a form of learning at the end of the day. Some lessons are kind, some not so much and just as soon as they can interact with the world - the better it is for them to realise there are many types of consequences - not just punishment, but a variety of learning opportunities.

Thank you for your comment. I can see exactly where you're coming from and you are right. Sometimes time-out is necessary to defuse the situation and to help children calm down. With parents, I usually suggest time-in, where the parent helps the child to process the emotions and calm down. Obviously, this isn't always possible as most children are spending a lot of time away from their primary care-givers. Just like you said, action should be taken by the parents as soon as possible.

Yes, exactly. And the parent/caregiver and educator relationship can be a great partnership too. For example if the child is given a time-out in school, the parent can actually then discuss this at home. I don't think there is any point in continuously hand slapping a behaviour without actually addressing the root.

As the saying goes - teamwork makes the dream work. Hope there can be more partnerships - after all, it really does take a village to raise a child.

Nice post, really nice topic to choose.
Even i argue that we should not hit children , rather we should try to understand them. Yes many are naughty true , are yeah we have to correct them in some case have to punish them too but we adults should keep 1 thing in mind that they are really sensitive. So according to their level we should teach them what is bad what is not. But we should always let them enjoy :) until unless they doing something bad .
This post reminded me of my nephew. I just share his picture here :) made my day this post. 9d23063a-c5ea-46f3-a1d6-d703245b8d6f.JPG

Upvote from my side

Your nephew is adorable! Many thanks for your kind comment

thank you so much :)

I remember when I was younger, I used to get the cane from my dad if I don't listen to the elders. After I reached maybe 10, he stopped when he found peace in the church. I think that punishing shouldn't be painful but meaningful and educational. Once lesson learnt, the young ones will remember the incident and will not do it again... That's my way LOL

Good writeup!

Thank you for your comment.

I think children still needs some punishment as long as it's not that much to give them some sense of liability on their own actions. Of course, it not enough just to punish. It's best to explain to the kid why he's being punished and that he must behave accordingly.

I think we can teach children about consequences without punishing them, like I explained in the second part of my post. Many thanks for your comment.

you are r8 .

Our children are P̫̩U̖̳̜̩̰N͚̼̦I̭͇͓̳̣̲͉SH͍͍̞̮E͈͍D͖͖̫̞̼̩̳ merely for being born into this corrupted world ran by a small group of psychopaths with inordinate resources and inordinate influence over our governments.
We must all work together to become the change we wish to see, not try to m͔̪͓͙͔͍͚o̹̬̹̞l̼͇͔d̫̫̯͙̙̘̣͜ our children into that change.

I grew up in the post war generation. My parents and teachers were strict and we knew how far we could push them. We had the utmost respect for all elders and yes, we did get a slap or at school the guys would get walloped with the cane. I never remember my parents lifting their hands to us kids. We grew up in a world of discipline where love and security were evident. We didn't suffer from stress, anxiety depression, Conditions so many youngsters are being treated for today. Life happened and we got on with it. However this attitude does I realize open doors to abuse of children. We also grew up in very different times when drugs were what the doctor prescribed.

Thank you for your comment. I think the most important part is 'love and security were evident'. This is the safe base that gives children confidence and resilience.

A very interesting story! In my opinion, I think it would work a lot if people would (indeed, like you stated) keep calm themselves. You can't calm someone down, if you're stressed out yourself. I don't have any children of my own so I can imagine that 'keeping your cool' is not always an easy thing to do, but still - it's best for young kids.

It's reaaaaly hard sometimes! Sometimes I need to leave the room and take ten minutes before I open my mouth so I don't shout. Thank you for your comment

Why would you be mean to your child. You not my friend. You mean.

thank you for your post. it is really useful and i will try to apply for my children

as rt h8t $1347

Ofc we should. What a stupid question.

I can see that this is a reply to the title and not the actual content which I assume you didn't read. Many thanks for your comment.

Sorry i dont believe in the whole wrapping kids up in cotton wool, i dont have kids as we dont want them - but if i did i would not hesitate to hit them if they were really bad.

I was hit with a slipper over the bare backside if i was really naughty (really naughty not just mischevious) this did not harm me it taught me values, both my parents were completely loving and i have grown up with good morals.

I am glad you are happy with they way you've been raised. I guess it depends on a lot of other things other than the punishment. As I said in the first sentence of the article, it's difficult to measure how kids are affected by this. Many thanks for your comment.

To add up, your parent found a way to express their love probably to the fullest, hence compensating for the use of hitting u with the slipper, youve grown to understand their actions very well. Unlike other kids ,with different environment, they need to be guarded to behave well for the actual reasons,that is to say reason up themselves, because beating them , with time looses its value, if it's all about the beatings, it's possible for them to cultivate the habit of hiding their real selves . They will do wrong in the closets... So beating isn't bad but , communication and understanding goes on to do a great job. @madstacks

If you know the difference between punishing and abusing and don't want to harm your children but discipline them, sure!

I don't know but on my own part there are days that I thank my mom so much for some of the spanking hahahah. It turned me into someone I like when I look in the mirror. I think there are always ways to discipline every child but making sure that they see that you do it out of love and for their own good...
They will thank you for it may be not today but trust me in the near future.
Great post..

I could argue that it wasn't necessarily the spanking that made you who you are, but I don't know the other circumstances in your childhood. Many thanks for your comment.

Exactly @corina, I don't mean to be overcommenting I find topics like this captivating since I love psychology and I care about kids and their upbringing..

@hermansnsol , mom used to beat me anytime I came home late, so when I went out , all I thought of was the canes, it got to a point, when the play gets really fun, I'm tempted to compromise, and i still get home late..Knowing I'll be punished, well, canes made me know if I don't come home early mom will beat me, and it will be painful,

But one day ,I came home late, and when I thought mom will beat me, she told me . She's not gonna beat me. She expects me to act matured, and that I was not an animal to be heeding to instructions only when physical pain will be inflicted.

She went on to tell me, she gets quite disappointed,bcus as her daughter, she needs be to be a lady, and only ladies do the right thing, she said quite some stuff, which became a challenge,

I realised she challenged me to be a lady. Every single day, I wanted to be that lady , her words were genuine, and knowing my mom will take pride in seeing a lady in me, actually did the magic.

I also believe mom said that at a particular age, so for this reason, I'll say the punishments,(spanking,lashes ) when done appropriately are good for certain ages,... Parents should study their kids to know when to do what to do...

Exactly. Good behavior comes from a good relationship with a role-model and a desire to please them. You'd be surprised how much young children understand without being punished at all.

"But leaving psychological research aside, I wanted to discuss this at a more down to earth level". We say: let`s put feet on earth. " When they behave badly, they have a reason for it." I agree with you. We have to ask, which is the cause of that behavior?

Some behaviours, are copied ,thus they see others act that way,
Sometimes, kids realise they only get attention when they put up certain behaviours ,hence for attention sake,they will.
The reasons are a lot, like jealousy, which is not strange, kids aren't matured to control some of these emotions, ...

I hope I'm making sense..😃

Magnificent article. I believe. that you can always find the right words, even in particularly difficult cases. Good luck to you and Love.

This post has received a 29.56 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @corina, @corina.


Rasulullah SAW said: Do not beat your children because they cry in a year. Because in the first four months of his birth He confessed ILAALL ILLALLAH LAAAHA. In the second four months he also went to the Prophet (PBUH) and in the next four months he prayed for his father's two wives. (H.R. Abdullah Ibnu Umar r.a.)

The Prophet SAW explains that the cry of a child in his childhood in the first month is a sign he bertauhid to his Lord and the second four months he also read aloud to his Prophet and four months onwards he begged istighfar for both his mother's father.

Rasulullah SAW said: Children before until he baligh then what is in his do than good then written for him and his father's two mothers.

And what is in his deeds rather than evil is not written for him and nor written for his father's two mothers. When he has baligh, then it is written in it that he is all good or bad deeds. (H.R.Imam Anas bin Malik r.a.)

Subhan Allah....

So beautiful is Islamic law, so whatever is forbidden is a sign of God's love for humans.

Word of the Prophet (s);
"Whoever conveys one science and one reads to practice it will gain a reward even after it is gone." (Muslim)

By @akhyasad

how about the children kill people like gengste?
this children need punishment?

WHAT leads a child to kill. This is what needs to be understood. Punishment is not the answer it just adds to the problem

I think this post deserves to be resteemed.

Thank you!

Punishing a child is effective if done correctly
Some children need consequences to succeed

Yes, but consequences don't have to be punishment. Thank you for your comment

We must educate with love, always thinking about what is best for our children, correct with authority but not with physical violence. Violence makes insecure children and young people grow .. it is my humble opinion .. I love your post. I follow you
I invite you to visit my profile and evaluate me would be a big boost for me ... Thanks.

Love is the key word! Thank you so much for your comment.

This is an Awesone post i have learnt so much good bless you i cannot wait for more detail post. parent in África needs to come see more...

Thank you so much

well it is a matter of perspective. when we were younger and our parents hit us (mine did), i never thought it was unwarranted. I deserved what i got and i learnt from it

Nowadays since the generation has changed, the kids react very differently to being hit. they dont see it as a corrective method. instead they view it as coercive. that is because the kids of today do not seem to want to learn from their elders. they would rather learn from friends and the internet.

i agree with you on one score, the effectiveness of hitting children to punish their mistakes has reduced dramatically. in fact it has become an art form to get a child to listen and not many are good at that.

When they hit you you could see that you were guilty. But in fact, a lot of the times you weren't. You were just a kid learning about the world and its limits and should not have been punished for that. Many thanks for your comment.

greetings and congratulations for your post! I am convinced that the children should not be punished physically (hitting etc) since the possibility is incurred that the child only pay attention or pay attention when hit continuously and the father gets used to that act too, is more feasible to talk to him directly and try to make him understand the negative actions he has incurred, and if the rebellion persists, speak louder and present punishments like taking things he likes, such as TV, video games, sports, etc., so that understand that there are norms and rules of good living that must be met and abided by. if we hit the children we do not know what kind of person we are raising as they are repressing some kind of hatred and resentment, action that could affect their character and emotions that in the long run could prevent them from discarding in society normally!
Thank you

There is a paragraph where I talked about how I think consequences should be related to the action. Taking their things away doesn't actually teach much. Thanks for your nice comment.

You are right here the best way to teach children is modelling your child will copy your behavior. What you do in your depression or anger he will do same..treat them the way we want them to treat others.So we should try to control our behavior first. Some times its difficult for parents to control especially when they have number of kids .But i think they can manage it by practicing ,effective parenting classes and a healthy lifestyle.

Very well said. Managing yourself is the most important step. Many thanks for your comment.

you are welcome Corina

Yeah i also believe that children shouldn't be punished as there are other ways to make things right, proper home training and morals are required to make a child better, it's also trued that no child is born bad yeah it's the current situation or condition that makes a child become bad or deviant.

hopefully the children get full affection
like a post @cerina

No I don't think our children should be punished or hit. That's treating them like laboratory rats that get an electric shock when they do something wrong or given sugar when they do something right. but still teach them right from wrong in a calm and collective manner. Good parenting leads to the child being well disciplined when they are older.

You're right. Being calm is the key. Many thanks for your comment.

I'm glad I saw this! I think in a world of blended families, it's not a good idea to punish a child in any harsh way physically or mentally because when a step-parent sees the bio parent using those forms of punishment, they will go ahead with it and go overboard if they are not totally close enough with them. I have seen it many, many times. It's sad the amount of kids being abused in the world today because of all the blended families with crazy people trying to raise our next president with their selfishness......ohhhhh don't get me started!!!

That makes sense. I guess for a person not emotionally-attached with the child it's hard to know when to stop. Thank you for your comment.

Wonderful concept! I have two 2-year-old sons and I try to act the same way

Congratulations @corina!
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Don't punish your child if there is a problem its not only belong to your child look at yourself firstly !

I will tell you something about my niece and my sister . They have a 1 hour in the sunday .let me explain you . After whole week they make a list their wrong thing.And they talk about it in that 1 hour .And they try to fix their mistake together.

That's a great approach. Talking and fixing problems together is the ideal way to deal with any issue.

No we should not punish our children because they loss their "Self Confidence". We should advice our children in a politely manner.

punishment is a word most parents tend to misunderstand. It is not necessarily the severe pounding and beating of a child, it is meant to be the a process for molding. If you can punish the child but he MUST learn from it. PAIN IS JUST A LESSON LEARNED.

I think the word parents confused is discipline. Children don't need punishment, they need limits, guidance and a strong role model. Many thanks for your comment.

I guess we both saying the same thing but saying it differently.... The line is quite blurry... Punishment and discipline

I know that times have changed, people are doing more talking than when I came along. Also children are different, the bible says the each generation is smarter than the next and I believe that. So different way of discipline is the key, as long as there is some form of it. Learning to respect others is the other factor. Never stop asking the questions and talking about a better ways and share love with children. One thing my mother always told us, if you are going to physically discipline a child use something other than your hands because hands are used for love and that is something that something that you never want to confuse a child with.

I totally agree that each generation is smarter! Discipline is very important, but a lot of people confuse discipline with punishment when they are completely different things. Discipline is about teaching, about showing children the right way, and every single child has the capacity to learn and to grow without punishment. Thank you for your comment.

Excellent question? You must punish the children?
In my opinion i disagree with physical punishment, however within the formation of the human being must correct the mistakes, making understand the child which was its lack,in this regard to enlighten them so that they can do the right thing within the social values and whether the lack deserves a punishment, you must delete something you like, how to play video games, go out to the park, among others, to understanding the value of a punishment. It is important to teach them that can be wrong, but at the same time, you must assume the error, correct it, if that is the case and not go back to it.

Parents must understand that the foundation takes place from crib to the age of seven years, right after we must let our children deal with the consequences of their actions, but obviously children must have the knowledge and guidance before they make their own choices. Parents must refrain from controlling their children, also it is their obligation to teach them moral values at home and good manners as part of their foundation.

@corina, I agree that punishment may be necessary but why do we punish children?

Do we punish to make them feel bad or do we punish to correct them?

Punishment differs from negative reinforcement in that it aims to decrease the likelihood of the response occurring. Punishment is the introduction of an unpleasant stimuli such as a hit or yell, whereas negative reinforcement is taking away the unpleasant stimulus to increase the probability of the response occurring.

Potential punishers are any consequences which might lead to a decrease in the response. Some consequences may be punishers for some people but not others.

Side-effects of punishment include aggression, frustration, avoidance learning, escape learning and learned helplessness. The punishment may not decrease the behaviour at all but teach the child to be aggressive or avoid the punisher. Sometimes the punishment ends up being positive reinforcement or only serves to satisfy the frustration of the punisher.

Effective punishment should address the person's actions and not the person's character. It should be related to the undesirable behaviour and it should consist of penalties or response cost (the removal of a reinforcer) rather than psychological or physical pain.

What is punishment then?

what is punishment to one child may be suffering to the other.
How then do you determine what punishment means to a child?

Thank you for your comment. I think children should learn about consequences rather than punishment. If they break an object they have to fix it, or pay for it to be replaced from their allowance. If they make a mess, clean up. If they hurt their brother, help make them feel better. This way they can see that all actions have consequences, and get involved in repairing their own damage. This is a crucial lesson for the future, since we want our children capable of fixing their problems when they grow up. Punishing, taking away objects, sending them to 'time out' are unrelated to the 'mistake' they made and instead of helping, it makes them upset, angry and more likely to go wrong again. A child who feels 'bad' cannot be 'good'.

Good post, I think that watching Super Nanny UK has helped a lot.
Using naughty chair for when they misbehave, you have to be strict and not give up otherwise it wont work and you will have more trouble when they are older.

Personally I completely disagree with super nanny. Her methods are old and not updated to the latest psychological research

The right balance between authority and love and also a lot of parents just give into their child or give them everything that they want. If you let your child have too much control then the older they get the more problems you will have. What do you think?

Children should have limits and they should always be strict. No giving in. Instead of giving control, we can give children choices. Do you want to wear the blue shoes or the red ones? They think they have control, when actually you chose two sensible pairs of shoes for them to pick.
If we take all control away from children, they grow into adults who struggle to make decisions for themselves.

Yes I guess, its a good idea. Not always so easy though.

Great Article thanks:) Generally it seems we are in the dark ages when it comes to parenting. The norm is so damaging. I find it interesting- If we physically strike an adult we would be seem as abusive but if we 'spank' as child it is somehow ok. PARENTING IS NOT EASY and the more we can become aware of our OWN emotional triggers, and tend to ourselves the better we can empathise with children and not create damage x

Thank you for your comment. Yes, we tend to treat children like they are a different species, so much more inferior than they actually are. Most parents don’t realise what a massive is the impact they have on their childs’ personality.

Should we punish? Better yet, should we teach our children that life is punishing? Life will always come at us. When we can, we can turn things into games, debates, conversations, with sad happy Full House sappy music at the end. We can try, like @Stefan.Molyneux says, to negotiate with kids to give them choices. If we sleep now, we can wake early and we can play a game in the morning for example. If this, then that. Parents are often too busy and tired to help kids learn the art of the deal. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Screenshot at 2018-04-09 21:54:10.png

Thank you for your comment. I think the fact that we're all tired and busy is the biggest problem. We're raising the future generation with leftover energy

Agreed. We got to have as much leftover energy as possible.

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

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Thank you for the constructive comment.


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 6 years ago  Reveal Comment