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RE: My Thoughts on What’s Behind All The Mass Killings in America

in #life7 years ago

Just stumbled upon your post here and really got me thinking deep about some of your questions that you raised...

I think It will take a second civil war before the truth is revealed about what exactly is causing this issue with men. I'm not sure if you are familiar with project mk ultra, but I would say that the techniques learned during that experimentation have a great deal to do with the motive of the people we see on the news committing these crimes.

These massacres started happening very abruptly and have escalated in frequency while following a very specific pattern. Something like a school shooting happens and there is immediate widespread news coverage, not just on the incident and the relevant facts concerning it, but also unfostered speculation regarding something that both furthers someone's political agenda and further divides our country.

This time the speculation concerned the AR 15. If that gun became illegal to own that would take at least three million rifles out of our publics hands, would be a pretty good start at lowering the intensity of fire power available to our public, while acclamating us to the idea of handing over our guns. And the very idea that this could possibly happen is fueling the sleeping giant that will be our next civil war.

Last time it was the bump stock, something the majority of our population had no clue existed is suddenly a threat so severe that it is now illegal to own one. And it just so happens that a bump stock would prove extremely helpful if there was a group of armed men coming to forcefully steal your freedoms.

I hoped we would have had more time to prepare but I believe that there will be more of these very soon and a stronger push to take away some guns. When that happens the days will be numbered because the revolt will begin during the collection of said guns as it is our right and duty to revolt against the theft of the freedoms we hold dear. It will be in our best interest to embrace the revolt or die fighting for our rights because as soon as there is an excuse to enact martial law we will all start to see what the elite have really been trying to do this whole time.

Regards from