I haven't eaten in 6 days...
By choice :) I am in Koh Phangan right now, where I come every year to fast for seven days. This annual detox retreat is my investment in my health (90% of our diseases come from our stomach/colon, so it's good to properly cleanse it every now and then). I've hardly been to see a doctor in the 9 years I've been doing this now.

Quite a change of pace from Chiang Mai
In Chiang Mai I had such a busy social life (seriously, if your life is boring, go to Chiang Mai for a while...) that I got absolutely nothing done for my business (only for Dash).
Ideas started to form in my head, and I got a lot of input and connected with loads of people, but I didn't implement what I had on my to-do list (website stuff...). While I was enjoying my life there, I also felt a bit bad about not doing what I had planned to do.
But then I met a fellow digital nomad, who turned me on to Freeup.com - woah! Now I can't wait to outsource some of those tasks that I'm just not getting around to doing.
It's funny how sometimes you just don't connect the dots. I used to be a person people would outsource stuff to. I know this exists. I've been managing other people's online operations for years. And of course I've read Tim Ferriss' 4 Hour Workweek (almost 10 years ago...) But now, when it comes to my own business, it simply didn't occur to me to start doing the same on a small scale, and for little money.
Now on my island, I have been spending most of my days in a hammock, doing absolutely nothing.
Detoxing is about letting go. Of pretty much everything - whether it's junk in our guts ;) or old emotions, or old thinking patterns, and often you get epiphanies or really important new insights or clarity on things. I brought a book, but when you detox you're not really able to add information to your system, so even reading is too much.
So I've spent the past 6 days mostly with either a cat or a baby (of my friend's family) on my lap.
This too shall pass
Also - big news - I'm not working with Dash Force anymore. Back in Berlin I might have been more upset or sad about this, especially since I was just gaining momentum and had my best month in February, but this bay here has some magical healing qualities and makes everything better fast.
If you want to get over a break-up, job-loss, big-life-transition-of-any-kind, come here! You'll get over it much faster :)
Everything seems less bad here and it always comes attached with a positive edge: If you lose something, it will make space for something better!
Maybe it's not good for my business to be attached to just one cryptocurrency? Who knows.
End of rainy season
The weather has been mixed and we even had quite some thunderstorms in the past few days - The Sanctuary got flooded and they had to shovel away some beach sand so the water could flow into the sea. I missed all of that of course (the flood, not the rain), because I was peacefully lying in my hammock further inland. Which has a roof :)
Shifting back to work mode
Tomorrow I'll start eating again, and I've noticed I'm slowly getting back into work mode. I made a new friend here from Sydney, who feels the same, so we have been co-working today in a pretty place in the jungle. Well, everything is pretty and in the jungle here, but I didn't know this place yet.
So this is our view from the office today:
Who knows, this may mean that you will see more Steemit posts again from me, too, in the coming days :)
Have sunny day, wherever you are!
!steemitworldmap 9.6944451 lat 100.070477,16 long Had Thian Bay, The Sanctuary in Koh Phangan, Thailand D3SCR!
Hey Anja, I love the cat ;-)
Came here through your book and just wanted to touch base.
Am getting the hang here now, but still need to learn a lot. Have a look into my stuff if you like. Also Crypto Adict. Take care and enjoy your trip.
Ah, by the way. Greetings from my tigers as well... ;-)
Heyyy thanks for stopping by and saying Hi!
You'll get the hang of it! :)
Beautiful kitties!!
So stoked for you friend- fasting and hanging with animals and relaxing where the weather is warm!? You’ve certainly set yourself up for some super healing!
Did you know cats purrs increase our bone density!!?
Been missing ur posts but knowing you’re doing such good for yourself makes it kind of forgivable ;) 💕
Ha ha, thank you :)
Wow, my bones must be pretty dense now after the past few days. Is that true??
its so true! cats are mystical healers!
Wow! That's good to know! :)
doesn't hurt right? hehe
Hi anja...glad you are having a "lovely" time...no food for some many days...crazy lady lol...
So im here on steemit..thankyou for encouragement. Have no idea what I am doing but slowly slowly will learn. If you can advise me on something i'd be so grateful....i chose to follow because you educate women in crypto and girl i need educating...but also as a fellow female traveller we have plenty in common. A random #steemit question...obviously i am replying in a post you have written but is it possible to just begin a conversation with you...like on facebook...kind of post on your wall...as so far i can't see a way of doing that through your profile......yet!! Anyway so glad we connected in the villaaaàage of chiang mai....remember its okay to tox as well lol..
Hey Mrs. Strong! :)
I just realized my answer never went through...
There is no way (yet) to message privately on Steemit, but there is the Steemit.chat to do that. It requires a separate login, though, and not everyone may be there. There are a lot of channels that you could join to chat, connect and learn, though. I am @followyourjoy there, but don't really hang out there a lot.
Following you now and looking forward to updates from your travels! :)
Oh man, now I'm wishing I had gone !
Oh, come on!! I begged you!
Well, I have some quite convincing travel plans to discuss with you on Sunday... ;)
My interest is piqued 🤣