Why I Drink Water From a Copper Vessel!

in #life8 years ago

I have been drinking copper water for some time, thought it would be nice to share some research and results.

I thought it would be best to open with the hard science of how hospitals are now covering high touch areas with copper to prevent the spread of disease.

Source Article

It would be amazing if hospitals already had this in place but it is a good start. Copper has some serious antimicrobial properties without a doubt. I would not go as far as drinking swamp water out of it, but it would be better than nothing.

My motivation to start drinking copper water was from the video below by Sadhguru. He makes a really good point about the composition of the human body and how it is comprised mostly of water. So by logic if you could take care of the water you drank the majority of your health will be taken care of. I started by installing a reverse osmosis system in my house. I would strongly suggest this for your drinking water, if you have kept up with recent news our water systems are under attack. After 6 months I changed the first stage filter and it was essentially the color of rust.

If you are not hip to Sadhguru he has helped me a great deal with various aspects of life. There are very few people for me that make complete sense with everything they say, Sadhguru is one of those. He is also hilarious a lot of the time, very much in a far side comic strip way.

The results for me personally have not been tremendous but my girlfriend was helped a great deal with some of the issues she was having. Anytime I start feeling unwell the first thing I do is get out the vessel and fill it. Seems to always help with whatever ailment I am having. I would say that cleaning can be a hassle if you want it to always be shiny. I also strongly advise getting one that you can fit your hand easily inside. I use pitambari powder and a scotch bright pad, seems to be the best combo from experience.

Hopefully this post will inspire you to look into how to better prepare and consume your water more consciously.




Copper water helped bring back my energy levels after falling anemic. I guess it was the cure for me. I'm a firm believer in copper vessels for this reason! Great post!

Thank you, glad it helped you get better. We could all use a little ancient wisdom and healing in our modern lives.

who knew wow

Ancient civilizations apparently

Reverse osmosis gives you a clean water but it can lack of minerals, We get our water from a reverse osmosis source, and we have cooper cups, so I will definitely try to use those more, when drinking water.
Thanks for sharing

Thanks for the comment, love to hear when other people are hip to clean water. Yes RO does clear out the minerals in the water. I should have mentioned that in the post. We add the below to our water from the RO system to return the needed minerals. It is indeed a lot of work and a lot to remember but in the end worth it.


I think RO also lowers the pH... by more than you would want.

Indeed, what I need is a team of scientists and engineers to perfect each glass for me. To be honest though I would rather have low pH and no pharmaceuticals than regular pH and the drugs.


Water holds all sorts of energy.

Water saves energy within it. So people should choose where they store that energy.

Yes, it is good to be conscious about water.

Thanks for this tip. New to me. I think copper deficiency is one of the causes of gray hair? Know anything about that?

I am still turning grey but it is probably due to the stressful job and two kids lol. I am not aware of that fact though, it may motivate me to start using my vessel more though jk. My grey hair has been accepted by me, I turned 30 a couple years ago and have just excepted it along with ear hair.

p.s. How did you get such a clean composite of black-and-white and color in the same image??

I just did it by hand using a free open source program called "GIMP" linked below.

I copied the original.

de-saturated it

pasted the original over the b&w one in a new layer

then erased everything but the vessel


It is a wonderful program and I use it all the time, on Windows and Linux. Preferred over photoshop for more basic stuff.

SILVER is still more effective as an antibacterial and anti-viral surface, including when it is plated on a surface. The problem is that both copper and silver oxidise easily reducing their effectiveness. I keep a small silver decanter topped up with rum, the theory being that nano particles of silver pass into the body of the rum and these pass into the body on drinking. I have no scientific evidence that it is effective, but it seems to work.

ColdMonkey mines Gridcoin through BOINC computations for science...

So does oxidization make the copper or silver drinking cup pointless then?

BTW, there are band-aids that have silver in them for the anti-microbial properties.

As I understand it the oxidised forms of silver and copper have a greatly diminished effect. Silver in various forms was widely used for its antibiotic properties prior to the discovery of the more modern, and much more effective antibiotics. There is a Wikipedia article on the Medical Uses of Silver that will provide you with more information.

Not sure any scientific evidence is needed, the cool factor sounds off the charts!

I did some Gridcoin a while back, how are payouts? I did not seem to profit much.

Profits on Gridcoin are relatively low. It was designed to have slow payouts over time, in order to give every miner equality of access. Payout does not decline in the way other cryptocurrency do, it is always at a rate of 5% of the previous year's total ownership. It more nearly approximates the needs of a currency, than Bitcoin. Bitcoin approximates the behaviour of a limited asset, such as gold. Gridcoin is a long term project.

This sounds great I should do this right after I start drinking water. I need a good filtration system.

The one I linked is really good, install is not that bad.


I had a glass out of yours been thinking about getting one but dont know how long ill reside in this rental

You can take it with you, the only thing done in install that cannot be undone is the hole in the sink drain for the drainage of the system. That can be easily covered when you move out.

A similar case can be made for replacing cash notes with coins. Paper cash carries copious filth, sometimes very dangerous viruses like eboli. Coins are much less suitable for viruses (recently reported in "Scientific American"). It was a shame to see the $1 coin fail in the US.

That is very interesting, I recall a story of bank tellers failing drug tests because of dirty money.