The Impact of a Smile

in #life8 years ago (edited)

One of the most important things I have learned in my twenty-one years was not taught in a classroom or on the athletic field; it was found in the moments of everyday life where morals are sometimes least expected. This lesson was the impact a smile can carry. No matter the situation, a genuine grin always finds a way to make people more comfortable and at ease. I attempt to model my life with this understanding by using my cheerful attitude to spread enjoyment to the people I encounter in hopes that they will continue the pattern. Typically I am not someone who conceals my opinions or emotions and, as a result, my mood exhibited a restraint from its true potential. However, as I have matured, I have also grown a stronger appreciation for the little benefits that are located in all the aspects of my life. The support of my family through troubling times, constant reminders that my friends have my back, and the occasional text message that says, “Have a great day!” are all reflected involuntarily in my incessant habit of smiling.

Whenever I see someone smiling, my natural reaction is to mimic their encouraging expression, but I never appreciated the impact my facial gestures have on others until what seemed to be any ordinary school day. A classmate of mine, Alex, approached me one morning before school to ask what was troubling me. Aside from my frustration that I was in school at 7:45 on a Monday morning, I responded with an inquisitive, “What are you talking about?” Alex continued, “Why aren’t you smiling, Connor? You’re always smiling. When I walk to my locker in the morning, I see your smile and know it’s going to be a good day.” I have never told Alex what that moment meant to me but recalling that interaction provides me with the knowledge that I positively impact someone who is not a close friend or family member. This, however, made Alex’s words no less meaningful; in some ways it meant more.

As children, we are repeatedly told, “It is better to smile than frown,” and, “It takes fewer muscles to make a happy face than a sad one.” To me, these statements seemed like nonsense regurgitated by every adult to make their children behave. Until my encounter with Alex, I never appreciated the full impact of this almost effortless gesture. If such a simple task can have a substantial positive effect on even one person, why would I not take the opportunity to smile more? I choose to believe that people are here to make positive impacts on the world and those around us. Each person accomplishes this through their own way; my way is through a simple, caring smile.


Have a great day! :)

Thanks, Lee5! I hope you do too. Always remember to keep on smiling :)

Good job on that one! I love smiling!

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Thanks, kus-knee! I think smiling and laughter go a long way in everything you do. Keep on smiling!

You can take your smiling therapy to the next level with "laughing yoga"... yes it's a real practice. Here is some reasearch and links:

Wow, that's incredible I've never heard of that before. I can totally understand how the voluntary laughing in a group can easily turn into real laughter if you are all in it together. Thanks for sharing this, I am going to continue to look into it and you better believe I'll participate. Keep on smiling!

Smile could give so much meaning, it means hope, it means bliss,it means care and etcetra meaning differs according to each person.Smile could the begining of an anonymous friendship.It could be benign of a relationship.Smile everyday because it makes the world as a beautiful place to live

I couldn't agree with you more, chashma. Keep on smiling!