I am not someone who posts memes. But this one was too good to let go because I think it hit the nail on the head.
Maybe because I see so many people around me (not my husband, he doesn't even have a smartphone), staring at their phone with no attention to their surroundings.
Even at parties, during dinner, on the street, in the classroom (when pupils have a chance) or for instance in parliament, people are together but really they are alone.
On Dutch television, there was a documentary about China on Sunday evening. It was said that Chinese young people in Beijing choose to talk to their peers on their phones instead of in real life. I think not only in China but also in many many other countries. It's really a pity, but you know I grew up in the sixties and that was a very different time, so maybe I am just getting old!
But this negative approach was not the intention of the original three monkeys.
I think that the three Monkees are widely known. "Horen, zien en zwijgen" we say in Dutch. "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". So originally the three monkeys are meant to give a life lesson. In other words, the wise man is prudent in what he looks at, in what he listens to, and in what he says. He considers the consequences, makes sensible decisions and if he does not know what to do, he asks.
The source that popularized the three monkeys is a 17th-century carving over a door of the famous Tōshō-gū shrine in Nikkō, Japan. The carvings at Toshogu Shrine were carved by Hidari Jingoro, and believed to have incorporated Confucius’s Code of Conduct.
In Chinese, a similar phrase exists in the late Analects of Confucius from 2nd to 4th century B.C.: "Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no movement which is contrary to propriety" (非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿言,非禮勿動).[9] It may be that this phrase was shortened and simplified after it was brought into Japan.
The saying in Japanese is mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru (見ざる, 聞かざる, 言わざる) "see not, hear not, speak not",
Mizaru: U+1F648 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL MONKEY
Kikazaru: U+1F649 🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL MONKEY
In the Western world both the proverb and the image are often used to refer to a lack of moral responsibility on the part of people who refuse to acknowledge impropriety, looking the other way or feigning ignorance.
Source for the information about China and Japan: Wikipedia
Now, on this picture, there is a fourth monkey. There is a monkey with a phone. He doesn't hear doesn't see and doesn't speak but he is immersed in his phone.
This image of the four monkeys is even more appealing in Dutch because of the Whatsapp / Whatsaap. Monkey in Dutch means: 'aap'.
As I said in the beginning of this story. There are so many people who behave like the fourth monkey. Please don't be one of them. Enjoy meeting other people and talk in 'real life' with them instead of only through WhatsApp or even Steemit!!
Have a nice day!
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Dank je!
Just so you realize @clio you are adding depth and culture to steem with your blog posts.
This comment is semi-sarcastic and a compliment just the same.
Great job on the material you produce. I'm impressed!
Thank you @intelliguy. It's a bit difficult to understand how a comment can be semi-sarcastic and a compliment just the same, but I take it as you wrote it. Thanks for the compliment in your last sentence.
Semi-sarcastic, because when you said this:
By identifying the fourth monkey, which is true, but still awful to know there is a 4th monkey which the idea that they are among us reverses the possibility of those types of people adding depth and culture to steem.
However the material you just produced deserves a compliment. You took history and turned into present day. You basically drew the parallel lines in your blog. That to me is really adding depth and culture to steem. :)
I felt conflicted when I read the blog. At first we're pointing out how stupid and ignorant people are... yet on the other hand to do that still manages to elevate the people here.
Maybe that's why comment came out that way. :)
Thank you for the explanation. Now I understand completely what you meant. You see, I was a history teacher once and you never lose that educational trait.
I was surprised that so many people recognized themselves (or someone else) in that fourth monkey! I hope I made something clear to them.
You did. It's an important realization and lesson. Thanks for it.
The sometimes unfortunate invention of the cellphone.
Yes, you are right, but there are obviously also times when cell phones are very useful. It's a question of balance, but that's with almost everything in life don't you think so?
This is so true, Clio. I have been in places where I have witnessed people standing a few feet apart talking to each other on phones. People sit down for dinner together and converse using their phones. Have we lost the art of conversation? Rules in my house are that the phones are put away. Meal times are sitting together and no phones (or TV). It is time to talk together.
In our house, we have the same rule. I don't say it's never been broken, but in general, it is normal that there are no phones during dinner and no TV either. But I am afraid the art of conversation is indeed diminishing
This is the problems of every parents in today life. Who live in a nuclear family, the problems become dangerous for the either partner if one is deeply rooted in the phone rather than reality. So this is becoming a disease of modern society. Thanks for sharing such a valuable lesson with examples.
It is a disease, but what is the cure?
Yes, you touched on the sick topic of our future generation. Instead of playing in the courtyard with your peers in developing games, they are sitting day and night with their phones, and when the battery runs out, they say that they are bored. Of course, parents are guilty of such upbringing, but also from the society in which they are spinning nowhere to go. And what future will they have ...
I also think parents have a big responsibility to teach their children there is more to life than a phone.
You are making this post to the point and said what's going on everywhere nowadayas. You can say we are slave not by a unity or parliament but slave by latest technology, smartphone.
We actually want to get together but not in actual terms which should be. Well, this is reality of current generation.
My parents also complained about me that I'm wasted my time much with phone. We should spend quality time with our parents.
Well, you understand what I am talking about, so you can change your behavior, your parents would be very happy I think!
I guess you are right.. My wife is also complaining about that I spend a lot of time with my phone, especially Steem. 4. monkey is the combination of others..
Well, you are in charge of your phone yourself, so maybe................. Your wife will be happy!
You are right :) we spend more time with her and she also started to Steemit so we have no problem anymore :)
So you see, there is almost always a solution to a problem. (lol)
excellent determination. I totally agree with you. Everybody is alone in real life but they have different life and so many friend in Android/IOS life. People needs to talk each other by using mouth.
Thank your for this wonderful post
Indeed, we have fingers to type, but a mouth to talk!!
You are right, recently with the development of technology, humanity is gradually losing the skills of simple communication laid down by nature. Of course it's very convenient to communicate with smartphones and other means, but I believe that everything should be in moderation and in certain situations. I support your call for greater human communication among themselves with the help of ordinary words! Thank you Clio
You are welcome! I am afraid that moderation is a word not known to many people. Everything has to be now and they cannot wait and leave the phone for an hour or so. It is a pity really.
I agree with you Mam! Your thoughts truly right, we need to throw away our phones and computers instead of using them. Spend your precious time with family and friends, don't waste more and more time with technologies.
We need to be lOnely and see what it is we really feel when we are. If we continue to distract ourselves so we never have to face the realities in front of us, when the time comes and you are faced with something bigger than what your phone, food, or friends can fix, you will be in big trouble.
thank you Mam for yOur motivation :)
To throw away our phones and computers is a little drastic don't you think. But to use them wisely, that's a better solution.
Yeah! Right Mam :)
Hah nice one Clio, I've been known to be the fourth monkey and in this day and age I guess everyone suffers from it a little bit. Though I do try to not take out my phone when I'm with guests / friends.
There's nothing as annoying as visiting someone and they're constantly on their phone 'apping' with someone else.
Today ONE emoji encompasses all of the monkeys and it's one of my favorites.....

I use it to say I don't know, I don't care, I can't hear you, haha....but I don't ever use the phone while in someone presence. It's rude. Plain and simple.
Yes, it is rude, but there are a lot of people who think it is normal behavior.
@clio now days the old people are suffering from this because they want some time they have no interest in whats app Facebook but they need just few minutes which will make them happy need to get rid of this atleast for our elders
I agree @clio? I was at a family wedding recently and my cousin's 13 year daughter was so upset with her father for not letting her check her phone. She said "I might be missing something" she didn't understand she was missing out on interacting with her extended family she only sees a few times a year. Though I have to say facebook has opened up a whole new world for my 88 year old mother. She stay's in contact with family and friends and has even made new facebook friends. Like they say, everything in moderation.
The most tragic is, that I suspect that your cousin's daughter doesn't understand why her behavior is not normal. That is, I think, with a lot of young people. But more tragic (maybe) is that a lot of elder people, the parents of the young ones, do exactly the same.
This is so true 💗 I recently travelled to england and my phone didn't work there. It was so liberating not being constantly contacted! I like to leave my phone in my bag for playdates and dinners so I dont get sucked into virtual contact. It is rude and also highly distracting.
You are quite right. I wish everybody would act like you. That would be so pleasant during dinners or visits.
nice monkey really good post
Beautiful story ! Good luck with the contest!
Good post
wow. thanks for sharing funny post.@clio
your content and photos is awesome.
thanks for sharing
yap ur right this the reality that people are become far anda far beacuse almost everything is artifical and natural things are losing day by day which make people alone.now a days people are sitting in their home and they will chatting to far a person and will ignore their homates!
@clio really this is the thing that hurts or society a lot we just can't do what we love to do really bro according to you whats the solution for this problem @clio??
Hahahhaha great!!!
this one of the great problem of todays life!people are alone and they think that they are together but they dont speak to eavhother they dont saw these things thats why theyr are bad!