Love is Progress if you can Make it Last

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Feelings, emotions, stresses. Happiness. Sadness.

All part of this phenomena called love.

What it is?

It is progress.

You just have to make it last.


There is two sides in this world: evil and good. And no matter the choice you have to make in life both of those life forces will be present.

Will your presence be a present?


Or will it be a grenade?


A present of life, happiness, and gratitude.

Or a grenade of hate, despair, and drama.

The best part.

You get to choose.

How to react to what happens in your life.

How to frame this game we call life.

How to act.

How to feel.

And how to love.


We get to choose all of this because of free will.

Free will to love.

Free will to hate.

Free will to inspire real, positive change.

Or not.

Or hate.

Hate yourself and everyone who is trying to achieve their dreams.

So what do you do?

Like an infant, you latch out.


It's human nature.

It's how you got attention as a baby.

You cried.

And cried.

And cried.

Until someone paid attention to you.

This is too frequent in this game we call life.

Me, me, me, me.

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Pay attention to me.

My life.

My problems.

My sorrow.

The sorrow that you aren't where you want to be.

Where you think you should be.

Even worse, where you think you deserve to be.

But you have to realize:

The Universe doesn't owe you shit.

It already blessed you with life and tool to accomplish your life purpose.

And what do you do?



And the wild thing, you are on the right path but just beginning the journey.

This me, me, me attitude is love just in a different form.

It is jealousy.

What is jealous?

Love in a different form.

Or hate.

Hate is just how a human with lowered vibrations reacts to someone or a movement with higher vibrations.

You know why?

####Because they are scared.


Scared of being left behind.

Scared of missing their shot.

But really they are just Scared of themselves.

Scared they won't be able to achieve what they are supposed to achieve.

And that's why they hate.

Hate and make no progress.

They stay stuck in the nicely constructed maze they and others helped create for themselves.

But one day these mazes will all come down.

And what will do when its gone?

You will react.

React negatively.

Or react positively.

And this all depends on how much love and hate you have in your heart.


Love is a hard thing to do.

It takes time, effort, and resources to figure out how to properly do it.

You live and you learn.

You love and you learn.

Or you can hate and not.

It's completely up to you.

You just have to figure out do you want to be around for the long-term?

Or will you just be one of the masses YOLOing their lives right now because they know in every ounce in their body something huge is about to happen.

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That will change the entire course of humanity.

And they choose to hate to deal with this.

And that is their choice, they are humans after all.

But to truly live.

Truly become the best version of yourself.

You need to love.

And you need to love a lot.

And love through all the hate.

The hate that will come from all sides.

Friends, family, people you never have heard of people.

They swarm.

That's what hate does when it sense love.

It swarms.

But the best part about love.

It just has to be there to prevail.

Just the smallest bit of love can be enough to overcome all the hate in this world.

You know why?

Love is power.


The ultimate power source of the Universe.

And the true warriors real, positive change know this.

That's why we love.


No matter how many times we get screwed over.

How many times we get abused.

How many souls we have lost.

Nothing will extinguish our flame of love.


And that's the best part.

You all with hate in your heart have no chance.

No chance for success.

No chance to achieve your life purposes.

No chance to win.

So keep on hating and leave this world to the ones who love.

Love because we care.

Love because that is what humans are supposed to do.

Love because we realize if you want to do anything of long-term generational substance you have to:


A lot.

So all you have to do to get through all the bullshit, threats, hate, despair, sacrifice and achieve your life purpose is:

Make it Last.


Thank you as always for your time and attention. It means the world to me :)

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I'm flattered you would write a post to me like this, but the hypocrisy is legendary.

This post received a 1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @themarkymark! For more information, click here!

Thank you for proving the point of my post :)

The fact that you think this is about you should tell you something about your ego my friend.

Jesus loves you :)


I figured I would respond since you flooded my discord with threats then put on a suit and post this garbage. I have all the screenshots and recordings if you want to continue this.

That is what we call projection buddy.

And the value of content is relative I have learned.

Some people might think this is the best post about love and hate they have ever read.

Or some might think it is "garbage" as you say. And that is fine.

That is the awesome part about Steemit buddy is that anyone and everyone can express their thoughts freely.

How anyone responds is up to that particular person.

Wish you the best.


Love is power im sure about that.

Amen my friend amennnn.

Thanks for caring :)


Very motivational post. Keep it posted!!

Thank you so much :)

Hey bro, I don't like hitting you up on one of your posts asking for help but...
I just posted this and could really use your help getting the word out.


No worries my friend.

On it roger that.

Thank you for letting me know.

Namaste :)