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RE: Questions About Self Reliance, a rebuttal to @Chelsea88

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I really loved reading this Tabz. I'm really glad to understand this side of you. Certainly there are exceptions to every "rule." Yes I get the caretaker feeling. It is exhausting. You don't want others having to do for you. I'm sorry you went through such a hard time with your ankle. Wish I could've been around to "Physical therapy" you. Though you might not like me so much if I was lol. Haha. Anyway, i bet that must have been disappointing to have an older sister you couldn't really look up to. What is the age gap between you two? Theres 4 years between myself and brother 1, 6 between myself and brother 2, 9 years between myself and my sister. My parents were always harping on the whole "you must be a good example" almost to the point that if i WASN'T that it would be my fault if they didn't "turn out well. " way to give me a guilt complex. I guesss i must've done a good job they are all doing well. Youngest brother getting MARRIED tomorrow. So we 'll be making a run to Georgia. Lol.
I'm glad you posted this because it does show a different set of circumstances when it comes to birth order.
Also, don't you just love it when doctors try to say you're having "normal" depression but it is so much deeper than actual real normal depression following an injury or like seasonal affective disorder that's "normal depression "


(I'm putting my comment under Chelsea's because I want to address this to both of you) Tabz, I just read this right after reading Chelsea's post. So many great insights! Thanks for sharing :) Now to both of you: I think this Point/Counterpoint concept has a lot of value and merit on Steemit... not only does it bring in multiple perspectives, but the posts lend visibility to each other. I could see someone starting a series on it (I like series apparently, haha). I just wanted to throw the concept out there...

I agree with you. That's why I'm really glad she made a counter post. The series concept does have some merit and could see spin off posts happening. I think if you have a related topic that sort of illuminates the other's post then by all means go for it. =)
Wouldn't mind seeing more of this type of thing. Unfortunately, not everyone reads entire posts if you know what i mean

Thank you for taking the time to read my wall o'text. I would love to see more of this kind of thing here. I think it would open up space for real conversations instead of two sentence sound bites. We live in a world where real communication is disappearing and I think it is to humanity's detriment. Growth comes with understanding. You can't always get your point across in a single sentence, at least I can't. LOL