Is Your Life Predestined & Why You Should Live a Less Scripted Life

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I once heard of this religious concept called predestination. It was basically saying our life was completely planned out 100% by "God" prior to being born. There's so many things wrong with this theory especially if one considers actual science that suggests the serious possibility of parallel universes and a bunch of them at that.

I bring this up after a recent discussion with my friend & fellow dreamian @edouard. He was talking about how it's okay for us to not have a clear cut plan for how we wish to proceed with Steemit Dreamit. We are definitely keeping it around but at this point it could just be something that is more of a brand or concept we follow.

Anyway, it got me to thinking on a deeper level about how I conduct my everyday life. Often, I make NO plans at all. The best plan is no plan. That means you've just made yourself open to a lot of interesting opportunities.

Don't take this out of context though...

I do live off some kind of plan. I do "adhere" to important things like embracing my career in physical therapy, even though I'm often marching to the beat of my own drum as I don't like the predefined molds the US healthcare system tries to force practitioners into.

I adhere to tenants of physical fitness, I love running! I try to do things that are good for my mental and physical health.

Yadda yadda yadda.

My point is it doesn't matter what kinds of plans you think you have. You need to be flexible. It's okay if you don't necessarily have a plan. Be open. Things can change VERY quickly.

March to the beat of your own drum even if it's not the popular one. Stick with your tribe no matter the size. Don't dismiss the "low voices" & leave no stone unturned.

So that's in a nutshell why I think one shouldn't lead a scripted life. You're unique and one of a kind. Show it & shine...
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I always thought it was so sad that people actually believe in predestination... Every thought, action, and experience... Decided for you?? How do you live your life, thinking your thoughts, and being your unique self and not feel that freedom? Baffling.

Right!? It's such a ridiculous concept. I guess our brains don't do anything. And to imagine we don't even fully understand our brains yet...

I agree that flexibility is important. I can't stand people who need to do things exactly or their day is shattered. At the same time I think planning things that you want to do gives you a greater amount of freedom. Without planning it can often be difficult to execute plans that you desire. Like most things, balance is the best.

Yea, right exactly! We can't just be loose cannons some planning is needed, & balance

I do believe that our fate was written in the stars since the day we were born since time is an illusion of the brain. Everything exists in simultaneity, the fourth dimension: time, is a wobbly one and the fact we don’t know our destiny makes it so the result is the same as being free to create our own.
It’s there, we simply have no way of tapping into it.

Tell me if you agree, but we don’t need to pledge our commitment to Steemit Dreamit, our actions should speak for themselves.

Very good point about not making plans. This way one can avoid rigid thinking and let the current take them where it may, come what may.

Say a crash was to happen, letting the body limp gives you the best chance of minimizing injury as opposed to fighting the violent event.

A lot of people have a lot of control over their blog which makes it great and reliable. Hopefully our approach will win people’s heart by being relatable.

"the fact we don’t know our destiny makes it so the result is the same as being free to create our own. It's there, we simply have no way of tapping into it"
A bit of some contradiction? Our fate was written in the stars but since we can't access the 4th dimension we can't tap into it? Maybe i'm misunderstanding you. Also there are people who are "unlocked" enough to access it.

There is no contract with Steemit Dreamit, SD exists and is one with our actions on the blockchain. Myriade is proof of that.

I feel like these unlocked people receive filaments of information which are fundamentally lacking a larger context, let alone the big picture. That is why if they are too forthcoming with that insight in a sleeper social context, they end up doing more harm than good.

Myriade is proof but she is also shrouded in mystery ;)

Well one could argue, there is no big picture!

There’s always a big picture.

I suppose there is if you want there to be. In a world where things are constantly changing imagining a big, fluid picture can seem pointless at times. On the other hand, not acknowledging you should look at an overall "bigger picture" could be catastrophic

I've recently been introduced to being scripted by society (through the book Unscripted). Being scripted by "God" before birth is kind of the same I guess, but perhaps taking even less responsibility for your life, and very far from my philosophy.

I certainly agree society can script us big time. How is living our lives unscripted "taking less responsibility" though? I'm not following you.

Ah sorry. i meant that by saying "it's meant to be" you take less responsibility. Blame it on God's will or whatever.

Oh okay thanks for clarifying :)